Latest version.
  • The statutory references listed below refer the Code user to state statutes applicable to Massachusetts cities and towns. They are up to date through Chapter 140 of the 2017 first annual session.

    General Provisions

    Powers and duties of cities and towns generally
      ALM GL c. 40

    City charters
      ALM GL c. 43

    Boundaries of cities and towns
      ALM GL c. 42

    Ordinances, by-laws and regulations
      ALM GL c. 40 § 21 et seq.

      ALM GL c. 40 § 34 et seq.

      ALM GL c. 40 § 47

      ALM GL cs. 50—57

    Administration and Personnel

    City government generally
      ALM GL c. 39

    Plan A—Government by mayor and city council elected at large
      ALM GL c. 43 § 46 et seq.

    Plan D—Government by mayor, city council, and city manager
      ALM GL c. 43 § 79 et seq.

    Plan F—Government by mayor and council elected by wards and at large, and nominated at party primaries
      ALM GL c. 43 § 117 et seq.

    Standard form of representative town meeting government
      ALM GL c. 43A

    Home rule procedures
      ALM GL c. 43B

    Town meetings
      ALM GL c. 39 § 9 et seq.

    Taking, purchasing and abandonment of land
      ALM GL c. 40 § 14 et seq.

    Records and reports
      ALM GL c. 40 § 48 et seq.

    Public records
      ALM GL c. 66

    Election of town officers
      ALM GL c. 41

    Disclosure of campaign expenditures and contributions
      ALM GL c. 55

      ALM GL c. 41 § 12 et seq.

      ALM GL c. 41 § 20 et seq.

      ALM GL c. 41 § 24 et seq.

    Treasurer and collector
      ALM GL c. 41 § 35 et seq.

    Sinking fund commissioners
      ALM GL c. 41 § 44

    Commissioners of trust funds
      ALM GL c. 41 § 45 et seq.

      ALM GL c. 41 § 48 et seq.

      ALM GL c. 41 § 55 et seq.

    Temporary officers
      ALM GL c. 41 § 61A

    Officers in charge of roads, sewers and waterworks
      ALM GL c. 41 § 62 et seq.

    Fires, fire departments and fire districts
      ALM GL c. 48

    Board of public. works
      ALM GL c. 41 § 69C et seq.

    Planning board and planning
      ALM GL c. 41 § 70 et seq.

    Board of survey
      ALM GL c. 41 § 73 et seq.

    Art commission
      ALM GL c. 41 § 82 et seq.

    Weighers, measurers and surveyors of commodities
      ALM GL c. 41 § 85 et seq.

      ALM GL c. 41 § 91 et seq.

    Police officers
      ALM GL c. 41 § 96 et seq.

      ALM GL c. 41 § 99B et seq.

    Indemnification of officers and employees
      ALM GL c. 41 §§ 100 and 100H

    Inspector of health
      ALM GL c. 41 § 102 et seq.

    Purchasing agent
      ALM GL c. 41 §§ 103 and 104

    Tree warden
      ALM GL c. 41 § 106

    Town physician
      ALM GL c. 41 § 106A

    Terms of office and compensation of town officers
      ALM GL c. 41 § 107 et seq.

    Municipal personnel systems
      ALM GL c. 31A

    Retirement systems and pensions
      ALM GL c. 32

    Holidays and vacations
      ALM GL c. 41 § 110 et seq.

    Employment of veterans
      ALM GL c. 41 § 112 et seq.

    Tenure for certain appointive officers
      ALM GL c. 41 § 126 et seq.

    Temporary housing assistance plans
      ALM GL c. 41 § 125

    Revenue and Finance

    Municipal finance generally
      ALM GL c. 44

    Assessment and collection of local taxes
      ALM GL c. 59 and c. 60

    Excise tax on registered motor vehicles in lieu of local taxes
      ALM GL c. 60A

    Excise tax on boats, ships and vessels in lieu of property tax
      ALM GL c. 60B

    Municipal charges and bills
      ALM GL c. 40 § 21E

    Purposes for which towns may appropriate money
      ALM GL c. 40 § 5 et seq.

    Public beach districts
      ALM GL c. 40 § 12B et seq.

    Taking, purchase and abandonment of land
      ALM GL c. 40 § 14 et seq.

    Oaths of claimants demanding payment
      ALM GL c. 40 § 46

    Illegal appropriations
      ALM GL c. 40 § 53

    Annuities for hospital employees
      ALM GL c. 40 § 55

    Property taxation
      ALM GL c. 40 § 56

    Governmental units pooled insurance
      ALM GL c. 40M

    Municipal indebtedness
      ALM GL c. 44 § 2 et seq.

    Liability for debts
      ALM GL c. 44 § 14 et seq.

    Bonds, notes and certificates of indebtedness
      ALM GL c. 44 § 16 et seq.

    Form and certification of town and district notes
      ALM GL c. 44 § 23 et seq.

    Report of borrowing
      ALM GL c. 44 § 28

    Department appropriations
      ALM GL c. 44 § 30 et seq.

    Budget in cities
      ALM GL c. 44 § 32 et seq.

      ALM GL c. 44 § 35 et seq.

    Sinking funds
      ALM GL c. 44 § 47 et seq.

    Business Licenses and Regulations

    Licenses generally
      ALM c. 40 §§ 22F and 57; c. 140

    Regulation of carriages, taxicabs, etc.
      ALM GL c. 40 § 22

    Alcoholic liquors
      ALM GL c. 138

    Rent control prohibition
      ALM GL c. 40P


    Pounds and impounding of cattle
      ALM GL c. 49 § 22 et seq.

    Health and Safety

    Vital statistics
      ALM GL c. 46

      ALM GL c. 47

    Fires, fire departments and fire districts
      ALM GL c. 48

    Recycling programs
      ALM GL c. 40 § 8H

    Public. Peace, Morals and Welfare

    Crimes and punishments generally
      ALM GL c. 263 et seq.

      ALM GL c. 40 § 37A

    Vehicles and Traffic

    Law of the road
      ALM GL c. 89

    Parking and parking meters
      ALM GL c. 40 § 22A et seq.

    Procedures for traffic offenses
      ALM GL c. 90C

    Streets, Sidewalks and Public Places

    Public parks, playgrounds and the public domain
      ALM GL c. 45

    Improvement districts
      ALM GL c. 40 § 44

    Snow and ice removal in towns
      ALM GL c. 40 § 7

    Public Services

    Public water supply
      ALM GL c. 40 § 38 et seq.

    Collection of water rates
      ALM GL c. 40 § 42A et seq.

    Improvement districts
      ALM GL c. 40 § 44

    Regional refuse disposal districts
      ALM GL c. 40 § 44A et seq.

    Buildings and Construction

    Building permits
      ALM GL c. 40 §§ 54 and 54A


    Subdivision control
      ALM GL c. 41 § 81K et seq.

    Planning and Zoning

    Zoning generally
      ALM GL c. 40A

    Zoning board of appeals
      ALM GL c. 40A §§ 12, 14

    Regional planning
      ALM GL c. 40B

    Historic districts
      ALM GL c. 40C

    Industrial development of cities and towns
      ALM GL c. 40D

    Improved method of municipal planning
      ALM GL c. 41 § 81A et seq.