Division 2 of Table II - GENERAL LAWS ACCEPTED  

General Laws accepted by the towns of Chelsea, North Chelsea, town of Revere and the city of Revere.

G.L. Ch. 31, § 47. Placing official and labor services of municipal departments under civil service. Accepted April 29, 1918.

G.L. Ch. 31, § 48. Placing police or fire forces under civil service. Accepted, police, March 4, 1901; fire, June 3, 1901.

G.L. Ch. 31, § 49A. Placing one or more specific local offices, to be named in ballot question, under civil service and continuing incumbents at time therein. (See Division I for specific offices.)

G.L. Ch. 31, §§ 61A and 61B. Resulting in the removal of a maximum age for eligibility for appointment for police officer or firefighter. Accepted October 29, 1990.

G.L. Ch. 32. Exemption authorizing early retirement incentive program. Accepted June 12, 2002 (Chapter 116 Acts of 2002.)

G.L. Ch. 32. Exemption authorizing early retirement incentive program. Accepted October 29, 2003 (Chapter 46 Acts of 2003.)

G.L. Ch. 32, § 1, as amended by Ch. 71 of the Acts of 1996. Authorizing certain public employees creditable retirement service time for active service in the armed forces. Accepted August 19, 1996.

G.L. Ch. 32, §§ 1—28. Placing municipal employees under retirement law. Accepted at state election, November 3, 1936.

G.L. Ch. 32, § 5, Clause 17D. Real estate tax exemption (Chapter 73 Acts of 1986). Accepted January 04, 2002 (Chapter 73 Acts of 1986). Accepted October 20, 2003.

G.L. Ch. 32, § 6(1). Relative to ten-year eligibility for ordinary disability pension. Accepted February 6, 1989.

G.L. Ch. 32, § 7, subdivision (2) (Section 1 of Chapter 157 of Acts of 2005). Relative to disability retirement benefits for veterans. Accepted January 9, 2006.

G.L. Ch. 32, § 7, subdivision (2) (Section 2 of Chapter 157 of Acts of 2005). Relative to disability retirement benefits for veterans. Accepted June 5, 2006.

G.L. Ch. 32 § 9D1/2. Relative to providing that the surviving spouse of retired employees shall pay the same amount for health insurance as the retiree paid. November 01, 1994.

G.L. Ch. 32, § 20 (C1/2, F1/2). Raising the salaries of city auditor and treasurer for services to retirement board. Accepted June 28, 1982.

G.L. Ch. 32, § 20(6). Compensation of retirement board members. Accepted June 13, 1996.

G.L. Ch. 32, § 20A. Relative to the indemnification of a retirement board member for defense expenses incurred in the defense of any civil action brought against a retirement board member. Accepted May 24, 2010.

G.L. Ch. 32, § 21(3), as amended by § 1 of Ch. 17 of the Acts of 1997. Relative to the annual cost of living adjustments for retirees. Accepted June 9, 1998.

G.L. Ch. 32, § 22P. Pertaining to retirement system funding schedule establishment annual pension funding. Accepted December 17, 1990.

G.L. Ch. 32, § 44. Relative to pensions for incapacitated school janitors hired prior to June 30, 1937. Accepted March 4, 1935.

G.L. Ch. 32, §§ 45A, 45B. Relative to pensions of janitors subject to G.L. Ch. 32, § 44. Accepted April 24, 1950.

G.L. Ch. 32, § 45C. Relative to improved pension schedule for janitors subject to G.L. Ch. 32, § 44. Accepted August 1, 1960.

G.L. Ch. 32, §§ 56 to 60. Relative to pensions for veterans. Accepted February 6, 1940.

G.L. Ch. 32, § 77. Relative to pensions for incapacitated municipal laborers, foremen, inspectors, mechanics, etc. Accepted November 5, 1912; May 20, 1931; June 6, 1938.

G.L. Ch. 32, § 77B. Pertaining to increased noncontributory pensions of certain laborers. Accepted August 1, 1960.

G.L. Ch. 32, § 80. Concerning pensions for disabled city firemen. Accepted March 30, 1908.

G.L. Ch. 32, § 81A. Relative to pensions of aged or disabled city firemen. Accepted February 3, 1947.

G.L. Ch. 32, § 83. Relative to pensions of disabled or aged city policemen and firemen. Accepted March 30, 1908.

G.L. Ch. 32, § 83A. Concerning pensions for aged or disabled policemen in cities. Accepted February 3, 1947.

G.L. Ch. 32, § 85I. Pertaining to retirement credits of municipal policemen and firemen. Accepted August 2, 1954.

G.L. Ch. 32, § 85J. Pertaining to pensions of policemen, firemen and their widows. Accepted January 6, 1969; rescinded May 12, 1969.

G.L. Ch. 32, § 89A. Relative to annuities to dependents of certain public employees killed, etc., in the line of duty. Accepted January 19, 1958.

G.L. Ch. 32, § 89B. Relative to annuities to dependents of certain policemen and firemen killed in the line of duty. Accepted June 19, 1963.

G.L. Ch. 32, § 89C. Pertaining to annuities to certain widows of public employees killed, etc., in line of duty. Accepted April 5, 1965.

G.L. Ch. 32, § 90C. Relative to increasing the retirement allowance of certain former employees retired on superannuation. Accepted November 17, 1969.

G.L. Ch. 32, § 90G1/2. Relative to contributions to the retirement system after age seventy. Accepted February 6, 1989.

G.L. Ch. 32, § 95A. Concerning annuities to surviving spouse, etc., of certain officials and employees. Accepted December 1, 1958.

G.L. Ch. 32, § 95-7. Concerning annuities to surviving spouse, etc., of certain officials and employees. Accepted May 24, 1953.

G.L. Ch. 32, § 103, as amended by § 3 of Ch. 456 of 1998. Providing for cost of living adjustments to noncontributory retirees made on or after July 1, 1998. Accepted April 28, 1999.

G.L. Ch. 32B, § 7A. Relative to contribution and withholding for premiums subsidiary or additional rate; payments in lieu of withholding; acceptance of section. Accepted September 18, 1972.

G.L. Ch. 32B, § 9A. Relative to political subdivision; contribution for insurance premiums of retired employees. Accepted October 16, 1972.

G.L. Ch. 32B, § 9C. Relative to death of firefighter; continuation of insurance coverage by spouse contribution by governmental unit acceptance of provisions. Accepted September 18, 1972.

G.L. Ch. 32B, §§ 9C and 9G. Pertaining to continuation of group coverage, payment of premiums surviving spouse. Accepted January 04, 1993.

G.L. Ch. 32B, § 9F. Relative to retired local employees; life, accidental death and dismemberment coverage. Accepted May 20, 1974.

G.L. Ch. 32B, § 9F. Relative to additional group life insurance and accidental death and dismemberment insurance for retired employees of the city. Accepted September 17, 1987.

G.L. Ch. 32B, § 9D1/2. Pertaining to continuation of group coverage, payment of premiums surviving spouse. Accepted November 7, 1994.

G.L. Ch. 32B, § 10. Relative to acceptance of certain sections of Chapter 32B, General Laws, concerning group general or blanket insurance for local government employees. Accepted August 5, 1957; August 8, 1962.

G.L. Ch. 32B, § 11A. Pertaining to additional insurance benefits for certain employees. Accepted August 8, 1962.

G.L. Ch. 32B, § 11B. Relative to hospital, surgical and medical insurance for elderly government retirees. Accepted August 6, 1962.

G.L. Ch. 32B, § 11D. Relative to accidental insurance for policemen and firefighters; payment of portion of premiums by municipalities. Accepted September 18, 1972.

G.L. Ch. 32B, § 11E. Relative to life and health insurance for retired teachers; appropriation of funds authorized; acceptance of section by political subdivisions. Accepted January 29, 1973.

G.L. Ch. 32B, § 18 of the Massachusetts General Laws. Relative to transferring retirees to Medicare Extension Plan. Accepted February 9, 2009.

G.L. Ch. 32B, § 19. Relative to permit expedited coalition bargaining and implementation of plan design or enrollment in the GIC. Accepted June 6, 2011.

G.L. Ch. 33, § 54. Relative to loss of pay or vacation by municipal, etc., employees in armed forces when on duty. (Present Section 59, Chapter 33.) Accepted December 15, 1952.

G.L. Ch. 39, § 23D. Authorizing city councilors and board and commission members to vote on certain matters, notwithstanding their absence during the public hearing. Accepted July 31, 2006.

G.L. Ch. 40, § 4J. Relative to the fire mutual aid group. Accepted February 28, 2011.

G.L. Ch. 40, § 6B. Relative to uniforms for policemen and firemen. Accepted October 12, 1930; December 18, 1944.

G.L. Ch. 40, § 6F. Pertaining to repair of private ways. Accepted September 1, 1953.

G.L. Ch. 40, § 6J. Relative to appropriations for stormy weather work clothes. Accepted May 3, 1971.

G.L. Ch. 40, § 8A. Relative to establishment of industrial development commission. Accepted May 25, 1958.

G.L. Ch. 40, § 8C. Relative to establishment of conservation commission. Accepted January 8, 1968.

G.L. Ch. 40, § 8D. Relative to the establishment of a historical commission. Accepted June 3, 1974.

G.L. Ch. 40, § 8G. Agreements for mutual police aid programs. Accepted June 3, 1991.

G.L. Ch. 40, § 8J. Relative to establishing a handicapped commission. Accepted September 28, 1984.

G.L. Ch. 40, § 22D. Relative to towing of violators who park in handicapped spaces on public or private property and wheelchair curb ramps. Accepted June 19, 1987.

G.L. Ch. 40, § 22F. Readjustment of fees for city services. Accepted April 7, 1992.

G.L. Ch. 40, § 32A. Concerning publication of ordinances. Accepted June 11, 1945.

G.L. Ch. 40, § 39J. Relative to water conservation, water resource management and pricing. Accepted April 17, 1986.

G.L. Ch. 40, §§ 42A—42F. Pertaining to collection of water rates. Accepted September 17, 1923.

G.L. Ch. 40, § 57. Relative to the denial, revocation or suspension of local licenses or permits for failure to pay municipal taxes or charges. Accepted March 5, 1987.

G.L. Ch. 41, § 19F. Relative to additional compensation for city clerk serving as clerk of council. Accepted September 4, 1962.

G.L. Ch. 41, § 41B. Payment of public employees by direct bank credits. Accepted November 17, 1975.

G.L. Ch. 41, §§ 70, 72, 73, 81A—81Y. Relative to municipal planning. Accepted March 27, 1950.

G.L. Ch. 41, § 91. Relative to the appointment of constables. Accepted December 3, 1979.

G.L. Ch. 41, § 98B. Relative to minimum number of police officers on foot patrol. Accepted December 19, 1968.

G.L. Ch. 41, § 100A. Relative to indemnification of municipal officers and employees for damages sustained through the operation of certain publicly owned vehicles. Accepted March 6, 1939.

G.L. Ch. 41, § 100B. Pertaining to indemnification of retired policemen and firemen for certain hospital, etc., expenses. Accepted February 14, 1955.

G.L. Ch. 41, § 100G. Relative to payment of burial expenses; fire and police. Accepted October 1, 1973.

G.L. Ch. 41, § 100G1/4. Payment of funeral and burial expenses of firefighters and police officers killed in performance of their duties. Accepted December 27, 1999.

G.L. Ch. 41, § 100I. Relative to indemnification of municipal officers; civil rights violations; damages arising from official duties. Accepted June 7, 1976. See also G.L. Ch. 258, § 13.

G.L. Ch. 41, § 108D. Concerning minimum compensation for permanent firemen. Accepted December 11, 1961.

G.L. Ch. 41, § 108E. Relative to minimum compensation for policemen. Accepted December 11, 1961.

G.L. Ch. 41, § 110A. Pertaining to closing public offices on Saturdays. Accepted May 5, 1947. (Section rewritten by Acts 1949, Ch. 172.)

G.L. Ch. 41, § 111. Relative to vacations of certain employees. Accepted November 3, 1914.

G.L. Ch. 41, § 111B. Relative to sick leave for certain city employees. Accepted April 3, 1950.

G.L. Ch. 41, § 111D. Concerning vacations for policemen and firemen. Accepted August 9, 1949.

G.L. Ch. 41, § 111G1/2. Relative to the length of annual vacations for certain employees. Accepted November 20, 1974.

G.L. Ch. 41, § 111H. Relative to overtime pay for policemen. Accepted December 27, 1954.

G.L. Ch. 41, § 112A. Pertaining to involuntary separation of veterans in the public service. Accepted April 26, 1965.

G.L. Ch. 43, § 8. Relative to adoption of certain forms of city government. Plan E accepted November 4, 1947.

G.L. Ch. 43, § 17C. Four year term of office for mayor. Approved by referendum vote November 6, 2001.

G.L. Ch. 43D. Relative to expedited permitting. Accepted April 23, 2007.

G.L. Ch. 44, § 16A. Relative to facsimile signature of mayor. Accepted March 27, 1972.

G.L. Ch. 44, § 53C. Relative to fund for payment of police officers for off-duty work details. Accepted September 18, 1972.

G.L. Ch. 44, § 53E. Pertaining to allowing departments to offset their ordinary operating costs by using receipts. Accepted June 23, 1988.

G.L. Ch. 44, § 53F1/2. Enterprise Fund. Accepted December 6, 2000.

G.L. Ch. 44, § 64. Pertaining to payment of bills incurred in excess of appropriations. Accepted May 17, 1982.

G.L. Ch. 44, § 65. Concerning vacation pay advances. Accepted December 8, 1952.

G.L. Ch. 45, § 11. Pertaining to building line and height of buildings on parkways. Accepted January 15, 1894.

G.L. Ch. 48, § 4. Relative to powers of fire officials and demolition of buildings. Accepted February 22, 1971.

G.L. Ch. 48, § 57A. Relative to additional days off, etc., for certain firemen working on holidays. Accepted February 14, 1955.

G.L. Ch. 48, § 58. Pertaining to tenure of office of chiefs of fire departments. Accepted December 11, 1917. (See Acts 1972, Ch. 551.)

G.L. Ch. 48, § 58A. Relative to hours of duty of permanent members of fire department. Accepted November 1, 1943.

G.L. Ch. 48, § 58B. Relative to hours of duty of permanent members of fire department. Accepted November 2, 1948.

G.L. Ch. 48, § 59. Pertaining to platoon system in fire departments. Accepted November 4, 1919.

G.L. Ch. 48, §§ 59B—59E. Concerning reserve force in fire department. Accepted February 1, 1931.

G.L. Ch. 49, § 5, C1.17D. Relative to tax relief from impact of revaluation on widowed and elderly. Accepted June 19, 1987.

G.L. Ch. 54, § 25A. Pertaining to display of national flag at polling places. Accepted October 1, 1930.

G.L. Ch. 54, § 103A. Relative to city and town elections. Accepted May 26, 1945; acceptance repealed April 1, 1947. (See Acts 1946, Ch. 118.)

G.L. Ch. 58, § 8 as amended by Ch. 469 of the Acts of 1985. Relative to tax abatements for certain charitable corporations. Accepted February 9, 1989.

G.L. Ch. 59 § 5, Clause 5th C. Exempting veterans organizations from property tax for up to $1,500,000 in value. Accepted May 22, 2017.

G.L. Ch. 59, § 5, Clause 17D. Real estate tax exemption. Accepted November 15, 2000.

G.L. Ch. 59, § 5, Clause 17E and 41D. Tax abatements for seniors. Accepted July 30, 2002.

G.L. Ch. 59, § 5, CL.41C. and CL.17D. Relative to tax relief from impact of revaluation on widowed and elderly. Accepted June 19, 1987.

G.L. Ch. 59 § 5, Clause 41st C½ Owner-occupied residential tax exemption for senior citizens. Accepted May 1, 2017.

G.L. Ch. 59, § 5K. Senior citizen tax work-off program. Accepted June 17, 2000.

G.L. Ch. 59, § 57C. Exemption authorizing two installments for fiscal year 2002 tax bills. Accepted January 09, 2002. (Chapter 203 Acts of 2001.)

G.L. Ch. 60, § 3C. To provide for separate form with real estate tax bills or excise tax bills to establish city of Revere scholarship fund. Accepted September 21, 1994.

G.L. Ch. 60, § 3D. Relative to the establishment of an elderly and disabled taxation fund for the purpose of defraying real estate taxes of the elderly and disabled persons of low income. Accepted October 5, 1998.

G.L. Ch. 60A, § 1. Relative to exemption of excise tax payment for a motor vehicle owned and registered by a former prisoner of war. Accepted July 27, 1983.

G.L. Ch. 64G, § 3A. Relative to imposing a local room occupancy excise tax at the rate of six percent. Accepted August 10, 2009.

G.L. Ch. 64L, § 2A. Relative to the adoption of the local meals excise. Accepted May 24, 2010.

G.L. Ch. 71, § 21. Concerning establishment of continuation schools, etc. Accepted November 4, 1919.

G.L. Ch. 71, § 40. Relative to equal pay for men and women schoolteachers. Accepted November 4, 1947. (Made mandatory by Acts 1962, Ch. 519.)

G.L. Ch. 71, §§ 82—87. Defining and clarifying certain rights and responsibilities of public secondary school students. Accepted November 17, 1975.

G.L. Ch. 74, §§ 15—17. Pertaining to schools of agriculture, horticulture, etc. Accepted November 7, 1916.

G.L. Ch. 80. Relative to betterments. Accepted November 2, 1869.

G.L. Chs. 80, 83. Relative to assessments for betterments. Accepted March 15, 1887.

G.L. Ch. 82, § 37. Pertaining to building lines. Accepted May 10, 1897; December 28, 1916.

G.L. Ch. 83, § 12. Concerning repair of private drains. Accepted November 18, 1895.

G.L. Ch. 85, § 11A. Relative to registration and regulation of bicycles. Accepted July 16, 1951.

G.L. Ch. 87. Shade trees. Accepted November 13, 2017.

G.L. Ch. 90 § 17C. Establishment of 25 MPH speed limit for all roadways inside any thickly settled and business districts. Accepted March 27, 2017.

G.L. Ch. 90, § 18A. Relative to use of ways by pedestrians. Accepted July 14, 1969.

G.L. Ch. 90, §§ 20A1/2, 20C, 20D, 20E. Relative to parking. Accepted December 14, 1981.

G.L. Ch. 90, § 20C. Pertaining to noncriminal disposition of parking violations. Accepted January 29, 1968.

G.L. Ch. 111, § 126. Relative to the construction of privy vaults. Accepted September 11, 1899.

G.L. Ch. 115, § 3. Pertaining to veterans' agents. Accepted April 5, 1943. (Made mandatory by Acts 1946, Ch. 584.) (See Acts 1936, Ch. 355.)

G.L. Ch. 121, §§ 26I to 26II. Relative to housing authorities. Accepted February 11, 1946.

G.L. Ch. 136, § 21. Concerning the regulation of games on the Lord's Day. Accepted December 14, 1920. (Section replaced, etc., by Acts 1962, Ch. 616. See now, Section 4.)

G.L. Ch. 138, § 17A. Pertaining to the conversion of existing seasonal alcoholic beverage licenses to annual all alcoholic beverage licenses. Accepted December 16, 1985.

G.L. Ch. 138, § 33A. Relative to the sale of alcoholic beverages on Sundays and legal holidays. Accepted August 29, 1974.

G.L. Ch. 139, §§ 1—3. Relative to burned or dangerous buildings. Accepted September 2, 1915. (Made applicable to all cities and towns by Acts 1966, Ch. 195.)

G.L. Ch. 140, §§ 188—190. Pertaining to licensing, etc., picnic groves. Accepted April 28, 1890.

G.L. Ch. 143, § 3. Relative to building regulations. Accepted January 22, 1900.

G.L. Ch. 143, § 3Y. Pertaining to the appointment of the inspector of buildings, building commissioner or local inspector. Accepted September 7, 1993.

G.L. Ch. 143, § 3Z. Allows for a part-time assistant building inspector to perform work within the city's boundaries in a construction field in which he or she is licensed or certified. Accepted February 27, 2006.

G.L. Ch. 144. Relative to tenement houses in cities. Accepted April 12, 1915.

G.L. Ch. 147, §§ 11—13, 13B. Provides for establishment of a reserve force in the police department. Accepted August 2, 1991.

G.L. Ch. 147, § 16A. Relative to days off for police. Accepted July 19, 1937.

G.L. Ch. 147, § 17A. Relative to extra pay or compensatory time for policemen required to work on holidays. Accepted January 3, 1955.

G.L. Ch. 147, § 17D. Concerning attendance at conventions of police association. Accepted March 16, 1964.

G.L. Ch. 147, § 32 et seq. Pertaining to licensed boxing matches. Accepted December 14, 1920.

G.L. Ch. 147, § 104. Relative to parking control officers. Accepted April 9, 1987.

G.L. Ch. 148, § 26C. Relative to smoke detectors. Accepted June 18, 1979.

G.L. Ch. 148, §§ 26E, 26G and 26H. Pertaining to smoke detectors for residential buildings; sprinkler systems for nonresidential buildings; and sprinkler systems for lodging or boarding houses. Accepted November 16, 1989.

G.L. Ch. 148 § 26I. Relative to the installation of automatic sprinklers in certain residential structures. For the purpose of the acceptance of Section 26I of Chapter 148 M.G.L., the term "substantially rehabilitated" shall mean complete rehabilitation of the structure to the equivalent of new construction. Accepted June 13, 1996.

G.L. Ch. 148, § 56. Relative to licensing of open-air parking spaces. Accepted April 29, 1931.

G.L. Ch. 149, § 31. Pertaining to hours of work of municipal employees. Accepted March 2, 1914.

G.L. Ch. 149, § 33P. Pertaining to leave of absence without loss of pay for the donation of blood. Accepted July 12, 1993.

G.L. Ch. 149, § 33A. Pertaining to workweek for municipal employees. Accepted December 6, 1948.

G.L. Ch. 152, § 69. Relative to workmen's compensation for municipal employees. Accepted November 4, 1913; March 2, 1914.

G.L. Ch. 166, § 32A. Relative to allowing wire inspectors to perform work within his/her own city, provided a different inspector perform necessary oversight. Accepted June 28, 2004.

G.L. Ch. 180, § 17A. Authorizing payroll deductions for union dues of municipal employees. Accepted February 25, 1952.

G.L. Ch. 180, § 17B. Authorizes payroll deductions for contributions to Community Chests or United Funds by municipal employees. Accepted July 15, 1957.

G.L. Ch. 180, § 17G. Relative to payroll deductions for payment of service fees to collective bargaining agencies. Accepted December 7, 1970.

G.L. Ch. 258, § 13. Relative to indemnification of municipal officers, civil rights violations, damages arising from official duties. Accepted June 7, 1976 as G.L. Ch. 41, § 100I.

G.L. Ch. 268A, § 20(b) Conflict of Interest Law (to allow city employees to work for the election commission to conduct elections). Accepted July 31, 2006.

G.L. Ch. 270, § 16. Health officers as enforcement officers. Accepted August 27, 2001.