Division 1. of Table II  


Legislative acts passed with special reference to the towns of Chelsea, North Chelsea and Revere, and the city of Revere.

Acts 1846, Ch. 127. To incorporate the town of North Chelsea. Accepted March 19, 1846.

Acts 1850, Ch. 299, as amended by Acts 1851, Ch. 336. Providing for county commissioners for Chelsea and North Chelsea (Chelsea out later). Accepted March 3, 1851. Repealed by Acts 1939, Ch. 31, §§ 1—5.

Acts 1871, Ch. 126. To provide for the renaming of North Chelsea to the town of Revere. Accepted April 3, 1871.

Acts 1875, Ch. 120. Authorizes Revere and Chelsea to construct a bridge across Chelsea Creek. No acceptance required.

Acts 1890, Ch. 77. An act to authorize the Boston, Winthrop and Shore Railroad Company to discontinue and abandon a part of its road in the town of Revere. No acceptance required.

Acts 1892, Ch. 126. Establishing cellar grade at "grade 14." Accepted April 28, 1892. (See Acts 1917, Ch. 358.)

Acts 1894, Ch. 311. Reclaiming of marsh lands between Orient Heights and Revere. No acceptance required.

Acts 1894, Ch. 483. Authorizes the commonwealth to acquire the location, in part, of the Boston, Revere Beach and Lynn Railroad and to authorize a relocation, in part, of that railroad. No acceptance required.

Acts 1895, Ch. 305. Providing for the taking of land in connection with the B.R.B. and Lynn Ry. Co., also Boston and Maine R.R. Co. No acceptance required.

Acts 1895, Ch. 488. Provides for a metropolitan water supply. Repealed by Acts 1947, Ch. 583. Now G.L. Ch. 92, § 10.

Acts 1896, Ch. 417. Authorizing the election of a board of survey. No acceptance required.

Acts 1897, Ch. 238. Confirming new location of Boston and Maine R.R. Co. and B.R.B. and Lynn Ry. Co. No acceptance required.

Acts 1900, Ch. 274. Abolishing the board of survey. (Such powers and duties are now exercised by the planning board.) Accepted November 6, 1900.

Acts 1900, Ch. 445. Relative to the completion of the parkway connecting Revere, Chelsea and Everett. No acceptance required.

Acts 1904, Ch. 457. Authorizing the town to supply itself with water. Accepted October 24, 1904.

Acts 1905, Ch. 108. Relative to the construction of a stone breakwater off the town of Revere. (See Acts 1906, Ch. 99, Acts 1907, Ch. 9, Acts 1909, Ch. 4.)

Acts 1909, Ch. 203. Relative to removal of remains of disused graveyards. No acceptance required.

Acts 1910, Ch. 646. Authorizes the Massachusetts Highway Commission to take land and construct a state highway from Revere Street to Point of Pines. No acceptance required. (See Acts 1911, Ch. 557; Acts 1912, Ch. 697; Acts 1913, Ch. 639.)

Acts 1911, Ch. 135. Providing for investigation of a parkway between Revere and Winthrop. No acceptance required. (See Acts 1912, Ch. 699, and Acts 1921, Ch. 397.)

Acts 1911, Ch. 213. Relative to the powers and authority of water commissioner to expend five thousand dollars each year. No acceptance required.

Acts 1911, Ch. 479. Authorizing Revere to use part of a burial ground for a public way (Cary Avenue). No acceptance required. (See Acts 1909, Ch. 203.)

Acts 1912, Ch. 667. Authorizing the town to reopen Belle Isle Inlet. No acceptance required.

Acts 1913, Ch. 470. Providing for appointment of a commission to apportion expenses of Suffolk County. No acceptance required. Report made to legislature 1914. Not accepted.

Acts 1914, Ch. 259. Authorizes construction of an additional metropolitan sewer to provide for the sewage of the town of Revere. No acceptance required.

Acts 1914, Ch. 466. Providing for an enclosed athletic field (Curtis Park). Accepted December 14, 1915.

Acts 1914, Ch. 687. To incorporate the city of Revere. Accepted November 3, 1914.

Acts 1916, Ch. 303. Relative to construction of sewers and drains. No acceptance required. (Acts 1900, Ch. 250 repealed.)

Acts 1916, Ch. 43. To amend Charter providing for an increase in the school committee. No acceptance required.

Acts 1916, Ch. 360. Relative to civil service extended to chief of police. Accepted December 12, 1916.

Acts 1917, Ch. 140. Providing a chief of the fire department under the tenure of office. Accepted December 11, 1917. (See Acts 1972, Ch. 551. No acceptance required.)

Acts 1917, Ch. 177. Provides compensation to the city for the use of its sewerage system by the Metropolitan Park Commission. No acceptance required.

Acts 1917, Ch. 358. Relative to cellar grade at "grade 12" above Boston City Base. Accepted October 15, 1917. (See Acts 1892, Ch. 126.)

Acts 1919, Ch. 4. Authorizes the city to pay an annuity to the widow of Clarence Bordon. Accepted June 2, 1919.

Acts 1919, Ch. 90. Provides for an annuity to the widow of James Gibbons. Accepted June 2, 1919.

Acts 1919, Ch. 173. Authorizing the city to sell certain property (water) to Saugus. No acceptance required.

Acts 1920, Ch. 190. Amendment to the building lines in cities. Minimum space between tenement houses and other buildings on the same lot—twelve feet in Revere. No acceptance required. (See G.L. Ch. 144, §§ 2—9.)

Acts 1922, Ch. 51. Authorizing the city to contract with Malden for sewer distribution and water supply. No acceptance required.

Acts 1922, Ch. 235. Authorizing the city to raise dike at Charles Fredericks Park. No acceptance required.

Acts 1922, Ch. 501. Provides for the construction of a highway in the city affording an approach to the Metropolitan Parks District. No acceptance required.

Acts 1923, Ch. 115. Providing for the city to expend five hundred thousand dollars for school purposes (high school). No acceptance required.

Acts 1924, Ch. 117. Providing assessment of poll taxes. Accepted March 26, 1924.

Acts 1924, Ch. 456. Providing for surface water and groundwater drainage in Everett, Malden and Revere. Accepted December 3, 1924.

Acts 1925, Ch. 84, as amended by Acts 1930, Ch. 42. Providing for listing of voters. No acceptance required.

Acts 1927, Ch. 22. Authorizing the town of Saugus to acquire, use and maintain land in Revere for park and playground purposes. No acceptance required.

Acts 1927, Ch. 31. Providing for an enclosed athletic field (Paul Revere Park). Accepted April 22, 1927. (See Ch. 90, Acts 1965.)

Acts 1928, Ch. 97. Providing for expenditures for municipal advertising purposes. Accepted June 25, 1928.

Acts 1928, Ch. 301. An act enlarging the district to which certain laws relative to the emission of smoke shall apply and providing for further investigation relative to the emission of smoke in such district.

Acts 1930, Chs. 420, 425. Relative to traffic on Revere Beach Parkway at Broadway Overpass (construction of overpass). No acceptance required.

Acts 1931, Ch. 186. Relative to the taking of clams and other shellfish at Revere Beach in the city. No acceptance required.

Acts 1931, Ch. 445. Authorizes the Department of Public Works to construct a certain state highway and to make other highway improvements in the city. No acceptance required. (See Acts 1932, Ch. 258; Acts 1934, Ch. 375; Acts 1935, Ch. 487.)

Acts 1931, Ch. 447. Providing for Revere and Salem turnpike lighting. Revere, Saugus and Lynn to pay one-half of expense, the other half to be paid by the commonwealth. No acceptance required.

Acts 1932, Ch. 241. Pertaining to Point of Pines Bridge. No acceptance required. (See Acts 1937, Ch. 380.)

Acts 1932, Ch. 258. Relative to the widening of Ocean Avenue. No acceptance required. (See also, Acts 1934, Ch. 375, and Acts 1935, Ch. 487.)

Acts 1932, Ch. 299. An act providing unified transportation service in certain parts of the Boston Metropolitan District.

Acts 1933, Ch. 349. Providing for the construction of the Point of Pines Bridge. No acceptance required.

Acts 1934, Ch. 71. Naming the Point of Pines Bridge "General Clarence R. Edwards." No acceptance required.

Acts 1934, Ch. 188. Providing for the powers and duties of the license commission. No acceptance required. Amends Charter of 1914. (See G.L. Ch. 140, § 1. Referendum approved Dec. 9, 1924.)

Acts 1936, Ch. 355. Placing under civil service the commissioner of soldiers' relief of the city and also the investigator in such office. Accepted December 8, 1936. (See G.L. Ch. 115, § 3.)

Acts 1936, Ch. 356. Placing under civil service the superintendent of wires. Accepted December 8, 1936.

Acts 1936, Ch. 358. Provides for the construction of a sea wall at Roughan's Point in the city. No acceptance required.

Acts 1938, Ch. 355. Relative to the listing of voters in the city. No acceptance required.

Acts 1938, Ch. 472. Pertaining to the highway and railroad bridge between the Revere Beach Parkway and North Shore Road in the city. No acceptance required.

Acts 1938, Ch. 508. Relative to public stands for the use of taxicabs. Accepted November 8, 1938. Accepted May 5, 1947.

Acts 1941, Ch. 486. Provides for the protection of the shore at Roughan's Point in the Beachmont section of the city. No acceptance required.

Acts 1943, Ch. 499. Authorizing certain payments to officers and employees who resign or are granted a leave of absence to enter the armed forces. Accepted 1943.

Acts 1945, Ch. 107. Validating a zoning ordinance of Revere. No acceptance required.

Acts 1945, Ch. 166. Relative to absentee voting by members of the armed forces. Accepted May 23, 1945.

Acts 1945, Ch. 447. Relative to granting vacation to employees after returning from service with the armed forces. Accepted February 5, 1947.

Acts 1945, Ch. 656. Providing for additional recreation facilities for children at Revere Beach. No acceptance required.

Acts 1945, Ch. 695. Providing for the establishment and maintenance by the Metropolitan District Commission of a parking area in the city. No acceptance required.

Acts 1945, Ch. 723. Relative to advice and assistance to war veterans. Acceptance November 29, 1945.

Acts 1946, Ch. 146. Abolishing certain restrictions on the granting of new licenses for the transportation of passengers by motor vehicles for hire. No acceptance required.

Acts 1946, Ch. 458. Providing for the protection of the shore in the Revere Beach Area from erosion. No acceptance required.

Acts 1946, Ch. 559. Authorizes increases in pensions payable to certain former public employees who have been retired. Accepted August 12, 1947.

Acts 1947, Ch. 544. An act providing for the creation of the Metropolitan Transit Authority and the acquisition and operation by it of the entire assets, property and franchises of the Boston Elevated Railway Company. No acceptance required for MBTA. (See Acts 1964, Ch. 563, § 20.)

Acts 1947, Ch. 553. Authorizing the city to borrow money for extraordinary repairs to the school building. No acceptance required.

Acts 1947, Ch. 564. Authorizes the establishment of nonprofit corporations to engage in providing homes for veterans. Accepted April 20, 1948.

Acts 1949, Ch. 298. Authorizing Revere to borrow money in connection with public buildings. No acceptance required.

Acts 1949, Ch. 498. Pertaining to a connecting road (Oak Island Street) between Revere Beach Reservation and North Shore Road in the city. No acceptance required.

Acts 1949, Ch. 704. Providing for the improvement of the county ditch in the city. No acceptance required.

Acts 1950, Ch. 23. Designating City Field, so-called, in the city as the George G. Sullivan Field. Accepted March 13, 1950.

Acts 1950, Ch. 820. Provides for an increase in the annual amounts of certain pensions, retirement allowances and other benefits to certain former employees. Accepted September 11, 1950.

Acts 1951, Ch. 472. Authorizing Revere to borrow money for the purpose of remodeling, reconstructing and making extraordinary repairs to public buildings. No acceptance required.

Acts 1951, Ch. 540. Pertaining to a traffic circle (to be known as Thomas A. Noone Circle) at the junction of North Shore Road and Revere Beach Boulevard in the city (Point of Pines). No acceptance required.

Acts 1951, Ch. 777. Relative to the office of dog officer. Accepted November 19, 1951.

Acts 1951, Ch. 781. Increases the pension and retirement allowances payable to certain former employees. Accepted March 24, 1952.

Acts 1952, Ch. 418. Relative to the extension of rapid transit facilities in the city of Boston and the city of Revere. No acceptance required.

Acts 1952, Ch. 424. Abolishing the board or registrars of voters and establishing a board of election commissioners and defining its powers and duties. Accepted June 16, 1952.

Acts 1952, Ch. 573. Authorizing Revere to borrow money for the purpose of remodeling, reconstructing and making extraordinary repairs to public buildings. No acceptance required.

Acts 1953, Ch. 345. Relative to the tenure of office of the city planner. Accepted May 18, 1953.

Acts 1953, Ch. 587. Relative to the construction of a footbridge at Cove Street. No acceptance required.

Acts 1953, Ch. 605. Relative to the appropriating of moneys to pay certain unpaid bills incurred by the Revere High School Athletic Association. No acceptance required.

Acts 1954, Ch. 140. Relative to the nomination of members of the city council and the school committee by preliminary elections and providing for their election by ordinary voting. Accepted at municipal election November 8, 1955.

Acts 1954, Ch. 206. Relative to the construction of a footbridge at Beaver Street. No acceptance required.

Acts 1955, Ch. 543. Relative to the providing of funds for overlay deficits and other items by Revere. No acceptance required.

Res. 1955, Ch. 149. Resolve providing for the reimbursement of property owners and abutters in the cities of Chelsea and Revere for damages caused by the dumping of sewage into the Chelsea Creek, Mill Creek, Mystic River and Chelsea River. No acceptance required.

Acts 1955, Ch. 473. Relative to the Metropolitan District Commission raising the seawall at Shaw Beach and Roughan's Point in Beachmont. No acceptance required.

Acts 1955, Ch. 574. Authorizes the Metropolitan District Commission to construct certain drainage and flood-control facilities in Stoneham, Wakefield, Melrose, Malden, Everett and Revere. No acceptance required. (See Acts 1956, Ch. 332; Acts 1957, Ch. 653; Acts 1961, Ch. 519; Acts 1963, Ch. 595; Acts 1967, Ch. 640; Acts 1968, Ch. 683; Acts 1969, Ch. 527; Acts 1970, Ch. 671; Acts 1972, Ch. 648; Acts 1975, Ch. 293.)

Acts 1956, Ch. 347. Relative to placing the incumbent of the office of assistant city planner of Revere under the civil service laws. Accepted June 4, 1956.

Acts 1956, Ch. 574. Providing funds for the reimbursement of certain property owners for damage caused by the dumping of sewage. No acceptance required.

Acts 1958, Ch. 340. Authorizes the city to increase the retirement allowance of George J. Porter. Accepted May 26, 1958.

Acts 1958, Ch. 393. Transfers the care, control and maintenance of Broadsound Avenue in the city to the Metropolitan District Commission. No acceptance required.

Acts 1959, Ch. 29. Designates the Metropolitan District Commission ice skating arena in Revere as the S/Sgt. Paul W. Cronin Memorial Arena. No acceptance required.

Acts 1960, Ch. 515. Authorizes the Metropolitan District Commission to establish a parking area in the city. No acceptance required.

Acts 1962, Ch. 138. Providing for the appointment of ten additional members to the reserve police force of Revere. No acceptance required.

Acts 1962, Ch. 703. To authorize the formation of a regional vocational school district by the cities of Chelsea, Malden, Melrose, Revere and Woburn, and the towns of North Reading, Reading, Saugus, Stoneham, Wakefield and Winchester, and authorizing the inclusion of the town of Winthrop in such district. Appointments made September 24, 1962, October 15, 1962 and December 3, 1962. (See Acts 1963, Ch. 682. Accepted November 5, 1963.)

Acts 1963, Ch. 266. Designating the Metropolitan District Commission bathhouse in the city as the William H.J. Rowan bathhouse. No acceptance required.

Acts 1963, Ch. 682. Relative to the law authorizing the formation of a regional vocational school district by the cities of Chelsea, Malden, Melrose, Revere and Woburn, and the towns of North Reading, Reading, Saugus, Stoneham, Wakefield and Winchester, and authorizing the inclusion of the town of Winthrop in such district (Northeast Metropolitan Regional Vocational School). Accepted November 5, 1963.

Acts 1963, Ch. 751. Directs the Department of Public Works to pay damages to John D. Cammarata and Fannie Cammarata for certain land taken by such Department. Accepted December 4, 1963.

Acts 1964, Ch. 115. Authorizing Revere to vote at the biennial state election in the current year on the question of adopting the "Plan B" form of city government. (Accepted November 3, 1964.)

Acts 1965, Ch. 90. Relative to the jurisdiction and control of an athletic field in Revere (Paul Revere Park). Accepted March 8, 1965. (See Acts 1954, Ch. 473. Not accepted.)

Acts 1965, Ch. 402. Providing that meetings of the city council and of all other boards and commissions in the city be open to the public with the public having the opportunity to be heard. Accepted January 4, 1966.

Acts 1964, Ch. 403. Directing the Metropolitan District Commission to construct additional water supply mains in the cities of Everett, Revere and Somerville. No acceptance required.

Acts 1965, Ch. 589. Authorizing the city of Revere to pay certain claims against such city, and to borrow money for such purpose. No acceptance required.

Acts 1965, Ch. 638. Establishing the Essex County, city of Revere and town of Winthrop mosquito control project. No acceptance required.

Acts 1965, Ch. 762. Relative to the basis for the annual assessment for the Essex County, city of Revere and town of Winthrop mosquito control project. No acceptance required.

Acts 1966, Ch. 275. Authorizing local licensing authorities to regulate further closing hours for establishments serving alcoholic beverages in Suffolk County. No acceptance required.

Acts 1966, Ch. 377. Authorizing the city of Revere to appropriate during the current year the proceeds of sales of lands acquired through tax lien foreclosure during such year for the acquisition of land for school purposes. Accepted July 5, 1966.

Acts 1967, Ch. 39. Authorizing Revere to appropriate during the current year the proceeds of sales of lands acquired through the tax lien foreclosure during such year for school purposes. Accepted March 13, 1967.

Acts 1967, Ch. 108. Establishing the Essex County, city of Revere and towns of Winthrop and North Reading mosquito control project. No acceptance required.

Acts 1967, Ch. 553. Relative to the basis for the annual assessment for the Essex County, city of Revere and towns of Winthrop and North Reading mosquito control project. No acceptance required.

Acts 1967, Ch. 570. Authorizes the city to pay a certain sum of money to Josephine Simpson, widow of the late city councilor Alvin F. Simpson. No acceptance required.

Acts 1968, Ch. 131. Authorizing Revere to appropriate during the current year the proceeds of sales of lands acquired through tax lien foreclosure during such year for the acquisition of land for school purposes. Accepted September 15, 1969.

Acts 1968, Ch. 523. Requiring the Metropolitan District Commission to grade, fence and patrol a certain parking area in the city.

Acts 1969, Ch. 663. Providing for the redivision of Revere into wards. No acceptance required.

Acts 1970, Ch. 39. An act designating the bridge on Interstate Highway I-95 over Hy-Sil Street in the city as the Martin L. Gillespie, Jr. Bridge. No acceptance required.

Acts 1970, Ch. 57. Designating the bridge over the northern portion of Copeland Circle in the city as the Walter S. Olinsky, Jr. Bridge.

Acts 1970, Ch. 59. Authorizing the city to appropriate during the current year the proceeds of sale of lands acquired through tax lien foreclosure during such year for the acquisition of land for school purposes. Accepted March 2, 1970.

Acts 1970, Ch. 679. An act relative to the basis for the annual assessment for the Essex County, city of Revere and towns of Winthrop and North Reading mosquito control project. No acceptance required.

Acts 1971, Ch. 510. Designates the northern traffic circle at the northern end of Revere Beach Boulevard as the Raymond C. Carey Memorial Traffic Circle. No acceptance required.

Acts 1971, Ch. 873. Directs the Department of Public Works to construct a culvert in the Sales Creek area in the city. No acceptance required. (See Acts 1974, Ch. 640.)

Acts 1972, Ch. 498. An act authorizing the city to appropriate money for the payment of, and to pay, certain unpaid bills. No acceptance required.

Acts 1972, Ch. 551. An act placing the office of the chief of the fire department of Revere under the civil service law. No acceptance required.

Acts 1973, Ch. 66. An act establishing a purchasing department in Revere. No acceptance required.

Acts 1973, Ch. 172. Directs the Department of Public Works to construct a certain connecting road in the city. No acceptance required.

Acts 1973, Ch. 269. An act providing that any person elected to the school committee in Revere shall serve for a term of two years. No acceptance required.

Acts 1973, Ch. 506. An act designating a certain connector road in the city as the Harry DellaRusso Road.

Acts 1973, Ch. 1106. Authorizes the city to grant an annuity to Ann Reinstein, widow of Frederick H. Reinstein. No acceptance required.

Acts 1974, Ch. 21. An act designating a certain bridge in the city as the Joseph T. Moretti Memorial Bridge.

Acts 1974. Ch. 394. Authorizes the city to pay an annuity to the widow of James F. Robertson, a former city councilor. No acceptance required.

Acts 1974, Ch. 640. Directs the Department of Public Works to design and construct the first phase of a floodcontrol and drainage improvement project for the Sales Creek drainage area in the cities of Boston and Revere. No acceptance required. (See Acts 1974, Ch. 690.)

Acts 1974, Ch. 648. An act authorizing the licensing authority in Revere to issue certain alcoholic beverages license to the Italian American War Veterans of the United States, Inc., Joseph Mantini, Post No. 17. No acceptance required.

Acts 1974, Ch. 690. An act directing the Department of Public Works to complete the design and construction of a flood-control and drainage improvement project for the Sales Creek drainage area in the cities of Boston and Revere. Accepted August 2, 1974.

Acts 1974, Ch. 820. An act providing for compensation to certain members of the fire department of Revere. Accepted December 15, 1974.

Resolves 1974, Ch. 54. Providing for an investigation and a study by the Department of Public Works relative to the construction of a certain walkway in the city. Accepted July 3, 1974.

Acts 1975, Ch. 293. An act further providing for the construction of certain drainage and flood-control facilities in the cities of Melrose, Malden, Everett and Revere and the towns or Saugus, Stoneham and Wakefield. Accepted June 6, 1975.

Acts 1975, Ch. 320. An act authorizing the mayor of Revere to appoint not more than sixty members to the reserve police force in the city. No acceptance required.

Acts 1975, Ch. 777. An act authorizing Revere to use certain park land for school purposes. No acceptance required.

Acts 1975, Ch. 841. Provides for the improvement by the Metropolitan District Commission of recreational facilities at Revere Beach.

Acts 1976, Ch. 166. Designates recreation site (Revere Beach) as the Elizabeth A. Doris Memorial Park. No acceptance required.

Acts 1977, Ch. 4. An act correcting certain real property descriptions in the law providing for improvement by the Metropolitan District Commission of recreational facilities at Revere Beach. Accepted December 23, 1977.

Acts 1977, Ch. 242. An act directing the city to grant a certain pension to Vincent A. Steriti. Accepted June 1, 1977.

Acts 1977, Ch. 365. An act relative to the rates for motor vehicle insurance. Accepted July 6, 1977.

Acts 1977, Ch. 877. An act directing the Metropolitan District Commission to convey certain parcels in the city to the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority and the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority to lease air rights over certain parcels in the city to the city. Accepted December 29, 1977.

Acts 1978, Ch. 66. An act authorizing the Revere Police Relief Association, Inc., to pay an amount of money to certain members upon their retirement. Accepted April 10, 1978.

Acts 1978, Ch. 231. An act increasing the salaries of the mayor and the city councilors of Revere. Accepted June 9, 1978.

Acts 1979, Ch. 299. An act authorizing Revere to appeal from the most recent equalized valuation established by the Commissioner of Revenue. Accepted June 22, 1979.

Acts 1979, Ch. 300. An act relative to the number of persons who may be appointed to the reserve police force in Revere. Accepted June 22, 1979.

Acts 1980, Ch. 382. An act designating a certain circle and intersection in the city as the Timothy J. Mahoney Memorial Circle.

Acts 1980, Ch. 416, Section 2. An act relative to the qualifications of certain assessors. Accepted June 4, 1981.

Acts 1981, Ch. 165. An act authorizing the city to pay a certain sum of money to Annamay DiSalvo. Accepted May 21, 1981.

Acts 1981, Ch. 351, § 275. An act directing the commissioner of the Metropolitan District Commission to expend during the fiscal year 1982 two hundred fifty thousand dollars of the sum made available in item 2440-8806 of Section 6, Chapter 798 of the Acts of 1979, for the purposes of renovating and improving the Paul W. Cronin Memorial Arena in the city. Accepted July 21, 1981.

Acts 1981, Ch. 436. An act authorizing the city to appropriate during the calendar year 1981 certain proceeds of sales of land acquired through tax lien foreclosure. Accepted October 8, 1981.

Acts 1982, Ch. 317. Authorizing the city of Revere to borrow money for the payment of unpaid bills incurred by the school department in a previous fiscal year.

Acts 1982, Ch. 438. An act authorizing Revere to pay an annuity to Theresa Conley, the widow of a former firefighter of the city. Accepted October 25, 1982.

Acts, 1982, Ch. 494. An act designating certain pavilions in the city as the Frank V. McCarthy Memorial Pavilions. Accepted November 30, 1982.

Acts, 1982, Ch. 548. An act authorizing the Division of Capital Planning and Operations to convey a certain parcel of land in the city under the control of the Metropolitan District Commission to April Realty Trust. Accepted December 16, 1982.

Acts, 1982, Ch. 653, § 8. An act providing relief from the impact of revaluation. Accepted March 26, 1984.

Acts, 1983, Ch. 185. An act establishing a traffic commission in the city of Revere. Accepted July 25, 1983.

Acts, 1984, Ch. 13. An act further defining the powers and duties of the city of Revere Traffic Commission. No acceptance required.

Acts, 1984, Ch. 145. An act relative to the compensation of the mayor, city council and school committee of the city of Revere. No acceptance required.

Acts, 1984, Ch. 248. An act authorizing the state treasurer to pay a certain amount of money to the city of Revere to satisfy an outstanding judgment. No acceptance required.

Acts, 1985, Ch. 448. An act extending the time for the revision of the precincts and wards in the city of Revere and the filing of said plan with the State Secretary.

Acts, 1985, Ch. 469. An act approving abatement of taxes to North Suffolk Community Facilities for fiscal year 1986.

Acts, 1985, Ch. 535. An Act authorizing the city of Revere to continue the employment of Sergeant John W. Brown after the age of seventy.

Acts of 1986, Ch. 73, Section 4, Providing For Additional Real Estate Tax Exemptions Under Clause 17, 17C, 17D, 22, 22A, 22B, 22C, 22D, 22E, 37, 37A, 41, 41B, 41C, 42 or 43 of Section 5 of Chapter 59 of the General Laws. Accepted November 20, 2006.

Acts, 1986, Ch. 184. An act directing the city of Revere to grant a certain pension to Russell E. Vitale. Took effect upon passage. July 8, 1986.

Acts, 1986, Ch. 213. An act clarifying the designation of the Joseph T. Moretti Memorial Bridge in the city of Revere. No acceptance required.

Acts, 1986, Ch. 227. An act designating the pumping station at Belle Isle in the city of Revere as the Alfred H. Long Pumping Station. Took effect upon passage. July 15, 1986.

Acts, 1986, Ch. 370. An act designating a certain metropolitan district commission building as the William C. Parsons Memorial Police Facility. No acceptance required.

Acts, 1986, Ch. 497. An act authorizing the city of Revere to pay the funeral and burial expenses of firefighter Louis DeSantis. Took effect upon passage. November 4, 1986.

Acts, 1986, Ch. 580. An act relative to the taking of the oath of office of the mayor, city council and school committee of the city of Revere. No acceptance required.

Acts, 1986, Ch. 597. An act authorizing the city of Revere to use certain park land for school purposes. Took effect upon passage. December 16, 1986.

Acts, 1987, Ch. 84. An act designating a certain parcel of land in the city of Revere as the Robert L. Blais Memorial Square. Took effect upon passage. May 29, 1987.

Acts, 1987, Ch. 395. An act authorizing the city of Revere to grant a certain pension to Michael J. McLaughlin. Took effect upon passage. October 13, 1987.

Acts, 1987, Ch. 601. An act authorizing the city of Revere to grant a certain pension to Richard J. James. Took effect upon passage. December 24, 1987.

Acts, 1987, Ch. 602. An act exempting certain positions in the office of the city clerk of the city from the civil service law. Took effect upon passage. December 24, 1987.

Acts, 1987, Ch. 697. An act further regulating public employees retirement in the commonwealth.

Acts, 1989, Ch. 165. An act further regulating the insurance benefits available to certain former members of the school committee of the city of Revere.

Acts, 1989, Ch. 498. An act relative to the granting of billiard licenses in the city of Revere.

Acts, 1989, Ch. 653 §§ 40 and 41. Pertaining to assessment of property between January 2 and June 30 deemed to be real property as of January 1. Pertaining to preliminary tax bills accepted February 05, 1990.

Acts, 1990, Ch. 254 § 90G 3/4. An act further regulating service beyond the age of seventy by public employees in the commonwealth.

Acts, 1990, Ch. 291. An act allowing the city to receive enhanced 911 service as defined in said act.

Acts, 1991, Ch. 494. An act relative to mitigating the effects of Internal Revenue Service Regulations concerning the Social Security coverage for part-time employees of the commonwealth and its political subdivisions.

Acts of 1991, Ch. 111. An act designating a portion of State Highway in the city of Revere in memory of Richard Stanchi. July 08, 1991.

Acts of 1991, Ch. 355. An act authorizing the city of Revere and others to borrow money to fund certain payments with respect to the RESCO incinerator and related facilities. December 12, 1991.

Acts of 1991, Ch. 497. An act authorizing the placing of certain liens on properties in the city of Revere. December 31, 1991.

Acts of 1991, Ch. 556. An act establishing a funding schedule for the city of Revere retirement system. December 30, 1991.

Acts of 1993, Ch. 207. An act relative to voting precincts in the city of Revere. Took effect upon passage. October 28, 1993.

Acts of 1994, Ch. 16. An act authorizing the city of Revere to grant a certain pension to Joseph R. Marshall. Took effect upon its passage. April 28, 1994.

Acts of 1994, Ch. 235. An act further regulating the rights for certain firefighters and police officers, accepted, November 4, 1996.

Acts of 1995, Ch. 158. An act designating a certain bridge in the cities of Chelsea and Revere as The PFC Dennis J. Sullivan Memorial Bridge. October 13, 1995.

Acts of 1996, Ch. 344. An act relative to certain voting precincts in the city of Revere. Took effect upon passage. August 09, 1996.

Acts of 1996, Ch. 351. An act authorizing and directing the division of capital planning and operations to convey a certain parcel of land in the city of Revere to the city of Revere for public safety purposes or recreational purposes. August 09, 1996.

Acts of 1996, Ch. 441. An act further regulating the licensing of motels within the city of Revere. December 20, 1996.

Acts of 1997, Ch. 17. An act providing for COLA increases for retirees, accepted, June 9, 1998.

Acts of 1997, Ch. 25. An act authorizing the city of Revere to pay a certain sum of money to Nancy Ciarlone. June 20, 1997.

Acts of 1998, Ch. 79. An act further regulating the siting of asphalt batching facilities in the cities of Chelsea, Malden, and Revere, accepted, April 19, 1998.

Acts of 1998, Ch. 194 § 288. An act relative to certain retirement benefits, accepted, June 7, 1999.

Acts of 2000, Ch. 74. An act authorizing the city of Revere to pay funeral and burial expenses of firefighter Theodore A. Ferrante, Jr., accepted, April 21, 2000.

Acts of 2001, Ch. 37. An act authorizing the city of Revere to pay a certain sum of money to Noelle Pitten and Virginia Odoardi, approved, July 6, 2001.

Acts of 2001, Ch. 102. An act providing requirements for the appointment of police chief of the city of Revere, approved, October 11, 2001.

Acts of 2002, Ch. 28. An act relative to certain school construction projects in the city of Revere. Took effect upon its passage. February 8, 2002.

Acts of 2002, Ch. 298. An act relative to voting precincts in the city of Revere. Took effect upon its passage. August 28, 2002.

Acts of 2002, Ch. 326. An act authorizing the city of Revere to pay the funeral and burial expenses of Patrolman James Hitaffer. Took effect upon its passage. September 18, 2002.

Acts of 2002, Ch. 380. An act establishing a building reserve fund in the city of Revere. Took effect upon its passage. November 26, 2002.

Acts of 2002, Ch. 434. An act relative to the retirement of certain employees of the city of Revere. Took effect upon its passage. January 1, 2003.

Acts of 2003, Ch. 164. An act relative to the issuance of certain bonds of the city of Revere. Took effect upon its passage. December 31, 2003.

Acts of 2004, Ch. 147. An act providing for filling vacancies in the office of mayor, city councilor-at-large, ward councilor and school committee member of the city of Revere. Took effect upon its passage. June 24, 2004.

Acts of 2004, Ch. 370. An act relative to the terms of certain bonds of the city of Revere to be issued to finance the construction of a public safety facility. Took effect upon its passage. October 7, 2004.

Acts of 2005, Ch. 9. An act authorizing the school department of the city of Revere to be open on certain holidays. Took effect upon its passage. March 15, 2005.

Acts of 2005, Ch. 92. An act authorizing a surcharge on vehicular rental transaction contracts in the city of Revere. Approved September 15, 2005.

Acts of 2005, Ch. 154. An act authorizing the conveyance of a certain parcel of commonwealth land to the city of Revere for public purposes. Approved November 22, 2005.

Acts of 2006, Ch. 180. An act authorizing the city of Revere to use certain park land for school purposes. Approved July 27, 2006.

Acts of 2006, Ch. 407. An act regulating the issuance of second-hand motor vehicle licenses in the city of Revere. Approved December 31, 2006.

Acts of 2008, Ch. 221. An act relative to the terms of certain bonds of the city of Revere to be Issued to finance the construction of the city of Revere new police headquarters and East Fire Station. Accepted July 31, 2008.

Acts of 2008, Ch. 319. An act authorizing the mayor to appoint an additional eight members to the reserve force of firefighters of the fire department of the city of Revere. Accepted August 20, 2008.

Acts of 2009, Ch. 81. An act eliminating the preliminary election in the city of Revere in 2009. Accepted August 26, 2009.

Acts of 2009, Ch. 128. "An act relative to the tenure of the city clerk, city collector, and city engineer of the city of Revere." Accepted Nov. 10, 2009.

Acts of 2010, Ch. 455. An act regulating the issuance of second hand motor vehicle licneses in the city of Revere. Accepted Jan. 14, 2011.

Acts of 2011, Ch. 22. An act relative to the filling of vacancies in the office of mayor of the city of Revere. Accepted May 4, 2011.

Acts of 2011, Ch. 102. An act eliminating the preliminary election in the city of Revere in 2011, Accepted September 1, 2011.

Acts of 2011, Ch. 183. An act authorizing the conveyance of certain parcels of land in the city of Revere. Accepted Nov. 13, 2011.

Acts of 2012, Ch. 17. An act relative to the city clerk of the city of Revere. Accepted Fedb. 2, 2012.

Acts of 2012, Ch. 22. An act relative to voting precints in the city of Revere. Accepted Feb. 2, 2012.

Acts of 2012, Ch. 100. An act disgnating a certain pedestrian bridge in the city of Revere as the Christina Markey nad John Markey Memorial Pedestrian Bridge and the new maintenance facility for the department of conservation and recreation located in the city of Revere as the Captain Arthur Reinstein Memorial Maintenance Facility. Accepted May 16, 2012.

Acts of 2012, Ch. 352. An act designating a certain area in the city of Revere as the Peter E. McCauley Memorial Plaza. Accepted December 12, 2012.

Acts of 2012, Ch. 353. An act designating two pavilions in the city of Revere as the Norman Gautreau Memorial Pavilions. Accepted Dec. 12, 2012.

Acts of 2013, Ch. 15. An act relative to certain parcels of land in the city of Revere. Accepted May 23, 2013.

Acts of 2013, Ch. 131. An act authorizing the city of Revere to issue bonds or notes for the payment of a certain litigation settlement. 11/14/2013

Acts of 2014, Ch. 63. An act designating a certain bridge in the city of Revere as the Rita Singer Bridge. Accepted April 8, 2014.

Acts of 2014, Ch. 171. An act establishing a district to operate a regional public safety communications and dispatch center for the city of revere and the town of Winthrop. Accepted July 18, 2014.

Acts of 2015, Ch. 23. An act authorizing the city of Revere to pay a certain sum of money to Cynthia A. Penta (Adreani). Accepted May 8, 2015.

Acts of 2016, Ch. 43. An act further regulating the regional public safety communications and dispatch center for the city of Revere and the town of Winthrop. Accepted Feb. 17, 2016.

Acts of 2016, Ch. 145. An act authorizing the transfer of certain land of the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority in the city of Revere. Accepted July 14, 2016.

Acts of 2017, Ch. 74. An act eliminating the preliminary election in the city of Revere in 2017. Accepted August 25, 2017.

Acts of 2017, Ch. 129. An act authorizing the city of revere to pay a certain sum of money to Juanita M. Haas (Brandariz). Accepted Nov.21, 2017.

Acts of 2017, Ch. 159. An act relative to placing a plaque at the Staff Sergeant Paul W. Cronin Memorial Arena in the city of Revere in honor of Roger Naples. Accepted Dec. 21, 2017.