Latest version.
  • Beginning with Supplement No. 3, this table will be replaced with the Code Comparative Table and Disposition List.

    75-124 Adds Ch. 22 to prior revision, certificate of fitness (Repealed by 83-52)
    77-5 Amends prior revision Ch. 12, Schedule III, one-way streets (T. 10 Sched. V)
    77-8 Adds §§ 21-12.1, 21-12.2 to prior revision; amends §§ 21-1, 21-7, 21-19, 21-21, 21-22, 21-23, 21-24, 21-25, 21-28, 21-28A, zoning (Repealed by 83-52)
    77-9 Amends prior revision §§ 7-25, 7-25.1, self-service gas stations, 21-12, gas station regulations, zoning (8.16, Title 17)
    77-30 Amends prior revision Ch. 12, Schedule IV, stop signs (T. 10 Sched. IV)
    77-88 Adds § 13-11.1 to prior revision, loitering (9.08)
    77-97 Amends prior revision Ch. 12, Schedule IV, stop signs (T. 10 Sched. IV)
    77-109 Amends prior revision Ch. 12, Schedule I, parking (T. 10 Sched. VIII)
    77-176 Amends prior revision Ch. 12, Schedule III, one-way streets (T. 10 Sched. V)
    77-192 (3/14) Amends prior revision Ch. 12, Schedule I, parking (T. 10 Sched. VIII)
    77-192 (7/5) Amends prior revision Ch. 12, Schedule I, parking (T. 10 Sched. VIII)
    77-201 Amends prior revision § 15A-8, Schedule A1, salaries (Repealed by 78-379-A)
    77-259 Amends prior revision Ch. 12, Schedule III, one-way streets (T. 10 Sched. V)
    77-302 Amends prior revision § 12-53, traffic (T. 10 Sched. VI)
    77-380 Rezone (Special)
    77-385 Amends prior revision § 12-53, traffic (T. 10 Sched. VI)
    77-503 Amends prior revision Ch. 12, Schedule III, one-way streets (T. 10 Sched. V)
    77-691 Adds § 12-71 to prior revision; amends § 12-34, ambulance zones (10.08, 10.32)
    77-767 Amends prior revision Ch. 12, Schedule III, one-way streets (Expired)
    77-781 Rezone (Special)
    77-782 Rezone (Special)
    77-800 Amends prior revision Ch. 12, Schedule III, one-way streets (Expired)
    77-905 Amends prior revision § 7-90, fire protection (8.32)
    78-46 Amends prior revision Ch. 12, Schedule III, one-way streets (T. 10 Sched. V)
    78-56 Amends prior revision § 1-7, general penalty (1.16)
    78-75 Amends prior revision Ch. 12, Schedule III, one-way streets (T. 10 Sched. V)
    78-76 Amends prior revision Ch. 12, Schedule III, one-way streets (T. 10 Sched. V)
    78-77 Amends prior revision § 12-99, parking (10.44)
    78-112 Amends prior revision Ch. 12, Schedules I, parking regulations, and III, one-way streets (T. 10 Scheds. V, VIII)
    78-120 Adds § 9-16 to prior revision; amends § 9-13, vendors', solicitors' licenses (5.12, Table I)
    78-138 Repeals §§ 3-2 and 3-3 from prior revision, advertising (Repealer)
    78-141 Repeals and replaces prior revision § 2-27, clerk's salary (2.15)
    78-166 Amends prior revision §§ 15-1, 15-2, police department (Repealed by 83-52)
    78-178 Amends prior revision § 12-62, parking schedule (T. 10 Sched. VIII)
    78-195 Amends prior revision § 12-88, parking (10.36, Table I)
    78-233 Amends prior revision Ch. 12, Schedules I, III, parking and one-way streets (T. 10 Scheds. V, VIII)
    78-234 Amends prior revision Ch. 12, Schedule I, parking (T. 10 Sched. VIII)
    78-266 Repeals and replaces prior revision §§ 2-103, 2-104, 2-105, 2-106, 2-107, council on elder affairs (2.84)
    78-280 Amends prior revision § 21-2, zoning (Title 17)
    78-324 Amends prior revision Ch. 12, Schedule III, one-way streets (T. 10 Sched. V)
    78-325 (5/8/78) Designates stop street (T. 10 Sched. IV)
    78-325 (7/17/78) Amends prior revision Ch. 12, Schedule I, parking (Rescinded by 78-325 of 11/20/78)
    78-325 (11/20/78) Amends prior revision Ch. 12, Schedule I; rescinds previous 78-325 (7/17/78), parking (T. 10 Scheds. VIII, X)
    78-338 Designates disabled/handicapped restricted parking (T. 10 Sched. XI)
    78-379-A Amends prior revision §§ 2-6.1, 15A-7; repeals and replaces §§ 15-15, 15A-8, salaries (2.06, Table III)
    78-379-B Amends prior revision §§ 2-3, 2-6, 2-6.1, 15A-13, 15A-13.1, 15A-16, 15A-17, compensation (2.06, Table III)
    78-491/78-410 Adds § 21-0 to prior revision; amends §§ 21-27, 21-29, 21-32, 21-33; deletes and replaces §§ 21-2, 21-5, 21-6, zoning (Repealed by 83-52)
    78-546 Amends prior revision Ch. 12, Schedule I, parking (T. 10 Sched. VIII)
    78-618 Amends prior revision § 12-62, parking schedule (T. 10 Sched. VIII)
    78-692 Adds §§ 13-29, 13-30 to prior revision, massage regulations (9.04)
    78-696 Amends prior revision Ch. 12, Schedule I, parking (T. 10 Sched. VIII)
    78-746 Amends prior revision Ch. 12, Schedule I, parking (T. 10 Sched. VIII)
    78-783 Adds § 12-70 to prior revision; amends §§ 12-1, 12-16, 12-34, 12-93, parking (10.04, 10.08, 10.32, 10.36)
    78-793 Designates stop street (T. 10 Sched. IV)
    78-850 Designates stop street (T. 10 Sched. IV)
    78-852 Designates stop streets (T. 10 Sched. IV)
    78-909 Designates stop streets (T. 10 Sched. IV)
    78-994 Adds § 12-71 to prior revision; amends §§ 12-1, 12-16, fire lanes (10.04, 10.16, 10.32)
    78-1061 Adds §§ 7-55.1, 7-73A, 7-73B to prior revision; amends §§ 7-41, 7-42, 7-50, 7-60, 7-62, flammable liquids storage (8.20)
    78-1066 Amends § 12-48, through streets (T. 10 Sched. III)
    78-1078 Designates stop streets (T. 10 Sched. IV)
    78-1453 Designates stop street (T. 10 Sched. IV)
    79-10 (8/13) Adds Art. III to prior revision Ch. 11, licenses to work with children (5.28)
    79-10 (12/3) Adds §§ 2-7A, 2-7B, 2-7C to prior revision, personnel (2.06)
    79-15 Adds § 5-1 to prior revision, building fees (15.04, Table I)
    79-17 Amends § 12-61 of prior revision, parking (10.32)
    79-21 Amends § 12-51 of prior revision, one-way streets schedule (T. 10 Sched. V)
    79-22 Designates parking restricted to disabled/handicapped (T. 10 Sched. XI)
    79-23 Designates parking restricted to disabled/handicapped (T. 10 Sched. XI)
    79-25 Designates stop street (T. 10 Sched. IV)
    79-46 (1/8/79) Establishes one-way street (Repealed by 79-46 (5/14/79))
    79-46 (5/14/79) Rescinds C.O. 79-46 of 1/8/79 (Repealer)
    79-47 Amends Ch. 89, § 9 of General Laws, stop streets (T. 10 Sched. IV)
    79-114 Amends prior revision §§ 12-62, 12-99, parking (T. 10 Scheds. VIII, XIX)
    79-115 Amends prior revision § 12-62, parking schedule (T. 10 Sched. VIII)
    79-117 Adds § 11-1A to prior revision, business licenses (5.04)
    79-118 Amends prior revision §§ 21-2, 21-5, 21-33, zoning (Repealed by 83-52)
    79-123 Amends prior revision § 12-51, one-way streets schedule (Repealed by 80-152)
    79-124 Adds § 13-2.1 to prior revision, weapons (9.20)
    79-151 Adds § 2-12.3 to prior revision, governmental meetings, records (2.03)
    79-153 Amends prior revision § 12-62 Sched. I, parking regulations (Expired)
    79-214 Designates temporary one-way streets (Expired)
    79-230 Adds § 7-25.2 to prior revision, service station regulations (8.16)
    79-232 Adds § 12-71 to prior revision; amends §§ 12-1, 12-16, fire lanes (10.04, 10.36)
    79-233 Adds § 13-18.1 to prior revision; amends § 13-18, noise (9.08)
    79-280 Amends prior revision § 21-2, zoning (Repealed by 83-52)
    79-476 Designates stop street (T. 10 Sched. IV)
    79-511 Accepts Ch. 148, § 26C of General Laws, smoke detectors (Table II Div. 2)
    79-636 Designates stop street (T. 10 Sched. IV)
    79-671 Designates temporary one-way street (Expired)
    79-707 (9/10/79) Designates stop street (Repealed by 79-707 (10/15/79))
    79-707 Designates stop street; repeals C.O. 79-707 (10/15/79)(9/10/79) (T. 10 Sched. IV)
    79-708 Designates stop street (T. 10 Sched. IV)
    79-734 Designates parking restricted to disabled/handicapped (T. 10 Sched. XI)
    79-740 Amends prior revision Ch. 12, Schedule III, one-way streets (T. 10 Sched. V)
    79-744 Designates parking restricted to disabled/handicapped (T. 10 Sched. XI)
    79-748 Amends prior revision §§ 12-99, 12-119, parking (T. 10 Sched. VIII)
    79-770 Designates stop street (T. 10 Sched. IV)
    79-772 Designates stop street (T. 10 Sched. IV)
    79-859 Accepts Ch. 41, § 91 of General Laws (Table II Div. 2)
    80-5 Amends prior revision § 12-76; rescinds Council Order 79-831, parking (Repealed by 2003-17)
    80-20 Designates stop street (T. 10 Sched. IV)
    80-41 Amends prior revision Ch. 12, Schedule I, parking (T. 10 Sched. VIII)
    80-66 Adds §§ 7-40.2, 7-40.3, 7-40.4 to prior revision, smoke detectors (Repealed by 89-386)
    80-79 Designates parking restricted to disabled/handicapped (T. 10 Sched. XI)
    80-89 Amends prior revision § 12-119, one-way street schedule (T. 10 Sched. V)
    80-143 Amends §§ 15-15, 15A-8 (Sched. A-8), salaries (Repealed by 83-262)
    80-146 Amends prior revision Ch. 12, Schedule I, parking (T. 10 Sched. VIII)
    80-151 Amends prior revision Ch. 12, Schedule I, parking (T. 10 Sched. VIII)
    80-152 Amends prior revision Ch. 12, Schedule III, one-way streets (T. 10 Sched. V)
    80-154 Designates stop streets (T. 10 Sched. IV)
    80-252 Designates stop streets (T. 10 Sched. IV)
    80-294 Amends prior revision § 2-65, purchasing (Repealed by 07-168)
    80-336 Deletes and replaces § 15A-8, Schedule A3, salaries (Repealed by 83-262)
    80-340 Amends prior revision §§ 21-1, 21-11, zoning (Repealed by 83-52)
    80-353 Amends prior revision Ch. 12, Schedule III, one-way streets (T. 10 Sched. V)
    80-362 Designates ambulance zone (T. 10 Sched. X)
    80-366 Amends prior revision § 12-31, traffic (10.12, T. 10 Sched. I)
    80-392 Designates stop streets (T. 10 Sched. IV)
    80-395 Designates stop street (T. 10 Sched. IV)
    80-448 Amends prior revision § 12-51, one-way streets schedule (T. 10 Sched. V)
    80-454 Designates stop street (T. 10 Sched. IV)
    80-485 Designates ambulance zone (T. 10 Sched. X)
    80-487 Deletes and replaces prior revision § 2-53, city physician (2.30)
    80-498 Amends prior revision § 12-119, parking schedule (T. 10 Sched. XIX)
    80-500 Designates disabled/handicapped restricted parking (T. 10 Sched. XI)
    80-508 Designates stop street (T. 10 Sched. IV)
    80-509 Designates stop street (T. 10 Sched. IV)
    80-515 Designates stop streets (T. 10 Sched. IV)
    80-564 Designates parking restricted to disabled/handicapped (T. 10 Sched. XI)
    80-566 Designates stop street (T. 10 Sched. IV)
    80-576 Designates stop streets (T. 10 Sched. IV)
    80-577 Amends prior revision § 12-119, parking schedule (T. 10 Sched. VIII)
    80-582 Designates parking restricted to disabled/handicapped (T. 10 Sched. XI)
    80-587 Amends prior revision § 12-51, one-way streets schedule (T. 10 Sched. V)
    80-614 Amends prior revision Ch. 12, Schedule III, one-way streets (T. 10 Sched. V)
    80-615 Designates stop street (T. 10 Sched. IV)
    80-616 Designates stop street (T. 10 Sched. IV)
    80-618 Designates stop street (T. 10 Sched. IV)
    80-619 Designates stop street (T. 10 Sched. IV)
    80-650 1/2 Amends prior revision § 12-51, one-way streets schedule (T. 10 Sched. V)
    80-652 Amends Schedule III of prior revision Ch. 12, one-way streets (T. 10 Sched. V)
    81-29 Amends prior revision § 7-25, flammables storage permits (8.16)
    81-34 Adds to prior revision § 15A-8 (Sched. 2), salaries (Table III)
    81-37 Adds § 2-6.2 to prior revision, personnel (2.06)
    81-40 Designates one-way street (T. 10 Sched. V)
    81-64 Amends prior revision § 12-16, parking (Repealed by C.O. 99-244)
    81-80 Designates sidewalk curb service zones (T. 10 Sched. XVI)
    81-128 Amends prior revision Ch. 12, Schedule I, parking (T. 10 Sched. VIII)
    81-135 Amends prior revision § 3-1, signs (15.08)
    81-140 Amends prior revision § 7-28, flammable liquid storage (Table I)
    81-167 Adds §§ 1-7A, 1-7B, 1-7C, 1-7D, 1-7E, 1-7F and 1-7G to prior revision, penalties and fines (1.12)
    81-170 Repeals prior revision § 12-79, parking (Repealer)
    81-182 Amends prior revision §§ 9-13, 9-14, 9-15; deletes and replaces § 9-12, transient vendors (5.12, Table I)
    81-224 Designates stop street (T. 10 Sched. IV)
    81-225 Amends prior revision Ch. 12, Schedules I and IA, and §§ 12-76, 12-82, 12-88, parking (10.36, 10.40, T. 10 Sched. I, T. 10 Sched. XVIII)
    81-237 Accepts Ch. 416, § 2 of Legislative Acts of 1980 (Table II Div. 1)
    81-283 Amends prior revision Ch. 12, Schedule III, one-way streets (T. 15 Sched. V)
    81-293 Adds Ch. 23 to prior revision, schedule of fees (Table I)
    81-293(a) Adds to prior revision Ch. 23, fees (Table I)
    81-293(b) Adds prior revision § 2-31.6, city engineer, and adds to Ch. 23, fees; amends prior revision §§ 1-7, general penalty, 4-10, animals, 7-28, fire prevention license fees, 9-2, hawkers and peddlers, 9-16, door-to-door solicitors, 11-17, cable television, 14-4, pawnbrokers, 17-12, streets, and 19-23, 19-24, sewers (1.16, 2.63, 5.12, 5.20, 5.40, 6.04, Table I)
    81-300 Amends prior revision Ch. 12, Schedule I, parking (T. 10 Sched. VIII)
    81-309 Amends prior revision § 12-71, fire lanes schedule (T. 10 Sched. XII)
    81-320 Designates stop streets (T. 10 Sched. IV)
    81-328 Adds § 13-1A to prior revision, business hours (5.52)
    81-329 Designates stop street (T. 10 Sched. IV)
    81-388 Adds prior revision §§ 5-4—5-12, house numbers (12.08)
    81-404 Adds prior revision §§ 10-9A—10-19, junkyards; amends § 13-25, abandoned vehicles (10.40)
    81-444 Adds paragraph to § 2-12 of prior revision, open meetings (2.03)
    81-533 Accepting provisions of §§ 20A 1/2, 20C, 20D and 20E, Ch. 90, General Laws (Table II Div. 2)
    82-41 Amends § 2-15 of prior revision, city council (2.12)
    82-46 Amends prior revision §§ 2-31.1, 15-15, superintendent of public works (2.63)
    82-74(a) Adds § 2-16A to prior revision, municipal budget format (2.09)
    82-112 Adds §§ 12-63, 12-64 to prior revision, resident parking (10.32, Table I)
    82-112(c) Adds paragraph to § 12-64 of prior revision, resident parking (10.32)
    82-124 Adds to and amends prior revision § 12-16, parking fines, and amends § 12-88, parking meter rates (10.36)
    82-170 Adds § 2-1.1 to the prior revision, consultants (2.03)
    82-239 Adds prior revision § 13-3.2, public drinking penalty (9.04)
    82-273 Adds (t) to prior revision § 7-28, oil storage terminals (Table I)
    82-319 Adds §§ 12-65, 12-66, 12-67, handicapped-person parking, to prior revision (10.32)
    82-376 Adds prior revision § 12-60, littering (10.16)
    82-377 Adds prior revision § 13-9A; repeals and replaces § 13-9, graffiti and vandalism (9.12)
    82-386 Adds to prior revision § 12-53, load-limited streets (T. 10 Sched. VI)
    82-195(g) Accepts Ch. 44, § 64, General Laws (Table II Div. 2)
    82-298 Accepts Ch. 32, §§ 20(C 1/2, F 1/2), General Laws (Table II Div. 2)
    82-344 Amends prior revision §§ 15-1, 15-2, police (Repealed by 83-52)
    82-390(b) Amends § 19-13 of prior revision, water meters (13.04)
    82-394 Deletes item from Sched. VIII (T. 10 Sched. VIII)
    82-395 Adds to prior revision Ch. 12 Art. IX Sched. I, parking regulations (T. 10 Sched. VIII)
    82-405 Amends § 12-80 of prior revision, overnight parking (10.32)
    83-3 (2/28/83) Zoning (Title 17, Table I)
    83-3 (5/23/83) Amends §§ 17.16.040D and 17.16.160, medical and dental clinics (17.16)
    83-7 Amends prior revision § 7-28(t), oil storage terminals (Table I)
    83-37 Amends prior revision Sched. I of Ch. 12 Art. IX, parking regulations (T. 10 Sched. VIII)
    83-51 Designates service zone (T. 10 Sched. XVI)
    83-52 Adds provisions to Ch. 12.04, streets; amends prior revision §§ 1-2, 1-4, 1-6, general provisions, 1-7A, 1-7C, 1-7D, 1-7F, violations, 2-9, officers' reports, 2-12.2, personnel, 2-12.3, city council, 2-29, engineer's department, 2-31, department of public works, 2-43, 2-44, 2-45, city auditor, 2-52, city collector, 2-63, department of public works, 2-65, 2-73, purchasing, 2-87, library, 2-92, cemetery department, 2-95, 2-98, 2-100, 2-102, parks and recreation department, 6-1, 6-2, civil defense, 7-29, 7-35, fire prevention, 7-73B, flammable liquid storage, 9-15, transient vendors, 10-11, junk and secondhand dealers, Ch. 12, vehicles and traffic, §§ 13-2.1, 13-19, misdemeanors, 13-20, trailers, 13-23, abandoned vehicles, 13-29, 13-30, misdemeanors, 15A-8, salaries, 16-2, 16-3, 16-7, shellfish, 17-8, streets, 18-1, 18-2, taxicabs, 19-4, water, 20-1, 20-2, 20-3, city sealer; moves prior revision Ch. 5 fee schedule to Table I of new revision, prior revision § 5-121.7 to Ch. 15.04, §§ 15-9—15-17 and Ch. 15A to Table III, all fees in the prior revision to
    Table I of new revision, and all special acts, general laws, special acts of interest to the city and temporary general acts to Table II of new revision; repeals and replaces prior revision §§ 2-7, injuries at work, 2-12, 2-14, council meetings, 11-4, business licenses, 11-17, cable television, 15-1, 15-4, 15-7, police; repeals prior revision §§ 19-17—19-36, sewers, and replaces with new sewer provisions; repeals prior revision Ch. 21, zoning, and replaces it with new zoning provisions of C.O. 83-3; repeals prior revision §§ 2-101, 5-1, 5-2, 5-3, 12-23, 13-7, Ch. 22 (1.04, 1.12, Title 2 note, 2.03, 2.06, 2.12, 2.21, 2.24, 2.27, 2.39, 2.42, 2.45, 2.48, 2.57, 2.60, 2.63, 3.04, 5.04, 5.12, 5.16, 5.40, 5.44, 8.04, 8.16, 8.20, 9.04, 9.20, 12.04, 12.16, 13.04, 15.04, T. 17, Tables I, II, III)
    83-83 Amends prior revision § 11-1, effect of nonpayment of excise or property taxes (Repealed by 07-168)
    83-262 Repeals and replaces §§ 15-15, 15A-8 Schedule A1 with A-1, A2 with A-2-A and A-2-B, and A3 with A-3, and 15A-17 Schedule B1 with B-1, salaries (Table III)
    83-313 Amends prior revision § 83-3, existing lots (Repealed by 83-508A)
    83-398a Amends §§ 15.12.010, 15.12.030, 15.12.040 and 15.12.050, moving of buildings (15.12)
    83-508A Adds §§ 17.08.390, 17.08.655, 17.16.251, 17.36.041 and 17.36.042; amends §§ 17.08.280, 17.16.040, 17.16.190, 17.24.010 and 17.28.020; deletes and replaces §§ 17.08.020, 17.24.030 and 17.36.040, zoning (17.08, 17.16, 17.24, 17.28, 17.36)
    83-508B Amends §§ 17.20.010, 17.20.150, 17.20.160, 17.20.170, 17.20.180 and 17.20.200, planned unit development (17.20)
    84-59A Designates parking restricted to disabled/handicapped (T. 10 Sched. XI)
    84-136 Amends § 17.24.010, table of dimensional controls (17.24)
    84-181 Amends Sched. I of Title 10, parking penalties (Repealed by C.O. 99-244)
    84-187 Amends § 5.12.020, blind person license fee exemption (5.12)
    84-192A Amends § 17.08.610, definition of professional office (17.08)
    84-192B Amends § 17.08.610, definition of professional office, and § 17.44.030, prohibited home occupations (17.08, 17.44)
    84-288 Amends § 17.24.070, swimming pool accessory buildings (17.24)
    84-364 Amends § 17.12.010, establishing the RB1 district, § 17.24.010, table of dimensional controls; rezones property (17.12, 17.24)
    84-365 Amends § 17.24.010, table of dimensional controls (17.24)
    84-372 Adds Ch. 9.24, fair housing (9.24)
    84-507 Adds Ch. 17.46, flood plain regulations (17.46)
    84-536 Rezone (Special)
    85-4 Adds footnotes to Title 2 generally, §§ 2.03.010, 2.12.020, 2.12.030, 2.12.040, 2.15.020, 2.15.050, 2.15.060 and 5.12.050; § 12.04.350(C), ice, snow removal violation; newsrack fees to Appx., Table I, items to Appx., Table II, Acts of 1984; amends §§ 2.06.120, workers' compensation, 2.84.020, 2.84.030 and 2.84.040, elder affairs council, Title 10, Scheds. XII, fire lanes and XIV, bus stops, 15.12.010, building moving permit authority, Appx., Table I, City Hall auditorium use fees, constable commission fee, Table III, Scheds. A-1 and A-2-A, compensation of employees and officials; deletes and replaces § 5.56.080, newsrack permit fees; repeals Ch. 5.32 (T. 2, 2.03, 2.06, 2.12, 2.15, 2.84, 5.12, 5.56, T. 10 Scheds. XII and XIV, 12.04, 15.12, Appx. Tables I, II and III)
    85-4A Adds §§ 17.08.605, definition of private and nonprofit school, 17.08.905, definition of wholesale and product distribution activities, 17.16.300, retail sales and services in the RC1 district, 17.16.310, non-fast food establishments, in RC and RC1 districts; amends §§ 17.12.010, RB1 district establishment, 17.16.040, use table, 17.20.090, certified mail notification, 17.24.010, table of dimensional controls, 17.28.020, parking area dedication, 17.52.060, variance extension and T. 17 generally, adding RB1 district; deletes and replaces §§ 17.16.260, accessory uses, 17.24.030, existing lots, and 17.24.070, buildings in yard areas (T.17, 17.08, 17.12, 17.16, 17.20, 17.24, 17.28, 17.52)
    85-4B Adds § 17.08.875, definition of training school for profit (17.08)
    85-165 Amends § 2.06.170, part-time employee benefits (2.06)
    85-250 Adds § 17.16.190(H), sale of ice cream and frozen desserts (17.16)
    85-447 Amends §§ 2.06.110, 2.06.130, 2.06.160, 2.60.150, personnel, and appendix Division 1 of Table III, subsection G and supplementary footnote, longevity compensation; repeals and replaces Division 1 of Table III, Schedules H—L, salaries (2.06, 2.60, Appx. Div. 1, Table III)
    85-518 Amends 2.06.170, holidays and vacations (2.06)
    85-638 Accepts GL Ch. 138, Sec. 17A, conversion of alcoholic beverage licenses (Appx. Div. 2, Table II)
    85-656 Amends §§ 17.08.040, 17.08.320, 17.08.810, 17.08.910, 17.12.010, 17.12.030, 17.24.010, 17.24.030, 17.24.070, 17.24.130, 17.24.150, 17.28.050, 17.28.110, 17.32.010, 17.32.050, 17.46.030; repeals and replaces § 17.28.030; repeals § 17.24.060, zoning (17.08, 17.12, 17.24, 17.28, 17.32, 17.46)
    86-23 Amends §§ 13.04.130, 13.08.590, 13.08.600, 13.08.605, 13.08.610 and 13.08.615, footnotes in Chs. 13.04 and 13.08 and references to Metropolitan District Commission throughout Title 13; repeals and replaces §§ 13.08.580 and 13.08.585 (13.04, 13.08)
    86-70 Amends §§ 10.08.040, 10.48.110 and 12.04.030, regulating activities and conduct of candidates and political committees (10.08, 10.48, 12.04)
    86-96 Adds § 2.60.160; amends § 2.51.060, required reports of police and fire departments (2.51)
    86-99 Amends § 5.44.110, taxicabs (5.44)
    86-118 Amends auctioneer's annual permit and special permit (Table I, fee schedule)
    87-32 Amends § 17.20.190, zoning (17.20)
    87-136B Amends § 17.28.020, zoning (17.28)
    87-307 Amends Sched. I of Title 10, parking penalties (Repealed by C.O. 99-244)
    87-340 Amends §§ 17.20.200 and 17.28.020, zoning (17.20, 17.28)
    87-621 Adds § 2.06.165; amends §§ 2.06.110, 2.06.160, 2.60.150 and subsection G of Division 1 of appendix Table III, salaries; repeals and replaces Schedules A-1, A-2-A, A-2-B, A-2-C, A-3 and A-4 of Division 1 of Table III (2.06, Appx. Div. 1, Table III)
    87-661 Adds § 17.32.060; amends §§ 17.08.700, 17.08.920, 17.08.930, 17.08.940, 17.12.010, 17.16.040, 17.16.070, 17.16.080, 17.16.130, 17.16.140, 17.16.180, 17.16.190, 17.16.210, 17.16.230, 17.16.250, 17.20.010, 17.24.010 and 17.24.120, zoning (17.08, 17.12, 17.16, 17.20, 17.24, 17.32)
    88-18 Amends § 17.16.240, zoning (17.16)
    88-19 Adds §§ 6.04.120—6.04.180, pit bulls (Repealed by 01-119C)
    88-20 Adds §§ 17.08.607 and 17.16.175; amends 17.16.030, zoning (17.08, 17.16)
    88-21 Amends § 17.16.160, zoning (17.16)
    88-49 Adds §§ 17.08.245, 17.08.571 and 17.16.320; amends §§ 17.16.030, 17.16.040, 17.20.200, 17.28.020 and 17.28.020(footnotes); repeals and replaces §§ 17.08.240 and 17.28.070 (17.08, 17.16, 17.20, 17.28)
    88-154 Repeals and replaces § 9.20.010, weapons (9.20)
    88-220A2 Adds § 8.04.011, regulates use and maintenance of dumpsters (8.04)
    88-272A Amends § 9.04.040, public drinking (9.04)
    88-308 Accepts Sec. 53E of Ch. 44, offsets ordinary operating costs of parking clerk's office (Not codified)
    88-310 Adds § 13.04.121, water (13.04)
    88-362 Adds § 17.24.170, zoning (17.04)
    88-530 Adds § 17.08.901 and 17.16.250; amends §§ 17.16.270, 17.24.010 and 17.32.040, zoning (17.08, 17.16, 17.24, 17.32)
    89-33A Amends § 17.16.110, zoning (17.16)
    89-38 Accepts Ch. 469, Acts of 1985 (Appx. Div. 1 Table II)
    89-68 Adds § 17.28.071, zoning (17.28)
    89-79 Accepts Sec. 90G 1/2 and 6(1) of Ch. 32 ten year eligibility for ordinary income and contributions after age 70 (Not codified)
    89-386 Accepts G.L. §§ 26E, 26G and 26H of Ch. 148, smoke detectors and automatic sprinklers; repeals Ch. 8.24 (Appx. Div. 2, Table II)
    90-37A Repeals and replaces § 17.24.040, zoning (17.24)
    90-37B Repeals and replaces § 17.16.060(A), zoning (17.16)
    90-37C Amends § 17.24.010, zoning (17.24)
    90-37D Amends §§ 17.16.040, 17.20.150, 17.20.160 and 17.20.180, zoning (17.16, 17.20)
    90-37E Amends § 17.24.010, zoning (17.24)
    90-37F Amends § 17.24.010, zoning (17.24)
    90-37G Amends § 17.08.300, zoning (17.08)
    90-37H Amends § 17.24.010, zoning (17.24)
    90-47 Accepts §§ 40 and 41 of Ch. 653, Acts of 1989 (Appx. Div. 1, Table II)
    90-62 Repeals and replaces § 2.60.100, special police (2.60)
    90-81 Adds § 12.04.055, dumpsters (12.04)
    90-105A Amends § 13.04.130, water (13.04)
    90-142 Amends Sched. I of Title 10, parking penalties (Repealed by C.O. 99-244)
    90-220A Accepts G.L. §§ 61A and 61B, Ch. 31, eligibility for appointment for police officer or firefighter (Appx. Div. 2, Table II)
    90-221 Adds § 8.16.220, fire prevention (8.16)
    90-224 Adds § 8.04.025, offenses generally (8.04)
    90-234 Amends § 17.16.090, zoning (17.16)
    90-237 Adds Chs. 17.17 and 17.22, §§ 17.16.320 [17.16.325]—17.16.350; amends §§ 17.16.040, 17.16.080, 17.16.100, 17.16.130, 17.16.180, 17.16.190, 17.16.250 and 17.24.010; rezone; zoning (17.16, 17.17, 17.22, 17.24)
    90-238 Amends § 17.60.090, zoning (17.60)
    90-280 Repeals and replaces §§ 8.08.010 and 8.08.020, sanitary fitness of rental units (8.08)
    90-300 Amends § 9.08.060(A), noise (9.08)
    90-436 Accepts G.L. § 22D of Ch. 32 and Ch. 697 of the Acts of 1987 (Appx. Div. 1, Table I and Div. 2, Table II)
    91-23 Adds §§ 17.08.165, 17.08.263, 17.08.264, 17.08.572, 17.08.602, 17.16.365, 17.16.370, 17.16.380, 17.16.390, 17.16.400, 17.16.410 and Ch. 17.47; amends §§ 17.08.183, 17.16.040, 17.16.210, 17.24.010, 17.28.020; repeals and replaces § 17.08.320, zoning (17.08, 17.16, 17.24, 17.28, 17.47)
    91-27 Adds § 2.06.180, personnel (2.06)
    91-28 Repeals and replaces § 9.12.020(C), offenses against property (9.12)
    91-62 Adds §§ 17.16.420—17.16.450; amends §§ 17.16.040, 17.16.251, 17.16.390, 17.16.400 and 17.24.010, zoning (17.16, 17.24)
    91-88 Amends §§ 17.17.030, 17.48.070 and 17.48.100; repeals and replaces §§ 17.28.040 and 17.28.050, zoning (17.17, 17.28, 17.48)
    91-152 Accepts Ch. 291 of the Acts of 1990, enhanced 911 service (Appx. Div. 1, Table II)
    91-155 Adds § 8.04.026, recyclables (Repealed by 93-120)
    91-219 Accepts G.L. § 8G, Ch. 40, mutual police aid programs (Appx. Div. 2, Table II)
    91-242 Accepts Ch. 254, § 90(G)¾, Acts of 1990 (Appx. Div. 1, Table II)
    91-247 Adds § 6.04.031, animals (6.04)
    91-253 Adds §§ 17.08.735, 17.16.252 and 17.36.043; amends § 17.16.040, zoning (17.08, 17.16, 17.36)
    91-285 Accepts G.L. §§ 11, 12, 13 and 13B of Ch. 147, police department reserve force (Appx. Div. 2, Table II)
    91-285A Adds subsection C to §§ 2.51.010 and 2.60.010, intermittent police and fire force (2.51, 2.60)
    92-5 Repeals and replaces § 17.17.030, zoning (17.17)
    92-145 Accepts G.L. § 22F of Ch. 40, readjustment of fees for city services (Appx. Div. 2, Table II)
    92-176 Amends Table I, §§ A—R of fire prevention license fees (Appx. Table I)
    92-213 Adds subsection (4) to § 8.04.026, garbage, rubbish and refuse (Repealed by 93-120)
    92-248A Amends § 2.21.010, city treasurer (2.21)
    92-248B Amends § 1, Div. 1 of Table III, salaries (Appx. Div. 1, Table III)
    92-291 Amends § 17.12.020, zoning (17.12)
    92-324 Adds § 9.04.050, offenses against public decency (9.04)
    93-1A Accepts G.L., §§ 9C and 9G of Ch. 32B (Appx. Div. 2, Table II)
    93-30 Adds § 17.08.195; amends §§ 17.16.040, 17.24.010, 17.24.020, 17.28.020, 17.40.030; repeals and replaces §§ 17.08.400 and 17.16.080, zoning (17.08, 17.16, 17.24, 17.28)
    93-86 Accepts Ch. 494, Acts of 1991; social security coverage (Appx. Div. 1, Table II)
    93-120 Repeals and replaces § 8.04.026, recyclables (8.04)
    93-122 Amends Table I, § R, registration fee (Appx. Table I)
    93-236 Adds subsection D to § 5.12.050, transient vendors (5.12)
    93-378 Accepts G.L. § 330 of Ch. 149 (Appx. Div. 2, Table II)
    93-379 Repeals and replaces § 2.06.130, vacation benefits (2.06)
    93-439 Repeals and replaces Table III, §§ H—L, compensation schedules (Appx. Table III)
    93-439A Amends Table III, Div. 1, § H, Sched. A-1 (Repealed by 98-174)
    93-483 Accepts G.L. § 3Y of Ch. 143 (Appx. Div. 2, Table II)
    93-504 Adds §§ 17.08.065—17.08.069, 17.16.045; amends § 17.16.040, zoning (17.16)
    94-115 Adds §§ 5.12.070—5.12.110; repeals and replaces § 5.12.060, transient vendors (5.12)
    94-160 Adds Ch. 9.28, human rights commission (9.28)
    94-194 Adds § 12.04.035, use, maintenance and encroachment generally (12.04)
    94-215 Adds Ch. 8.36, tobacco vending machines (Repealed by 97-317)
    94-215A Adds language to § 8.36.020, tobacco vending machines (Repealed by 97-317)
    94-247 Adds Ch. 1.17, general requirements regarding applications for certain authorizations and permits (1.17)
    94-331 Adds new § to Ch. 12.04; repeals §§ 12.04.080—12.04.220, use, maintenance and encroachment generally (12.04)
    94-335 Amends § 17.16.040, zoning (17.16)
    94-347 Repeals and replaces § 17.24.030, zoning (17.24)
    94-402 Amends § 2.60.010, police department (2.60)
    94-419 Accepts G.L. § 3C of Ch. 60, mailing of separate city scholarship fund form with tax bills and motor vehicle excise tax bills (Appx. Div. 2, Table II)
    94-481A Accepts M.G.L. § 9D½ of Ch. 32B, continuation of group coverage, payment of premiums to surviving spouse (Appx. Div. 2, Table II)
    95-3 Amends § 17.16.045(E), zoning (Repealed by 95-122)
    95-82A Adds language to § 2.12.050, city council (2.12)
    95-110 Adds §§ 8.36.050—8.36.080, tobacco vending machines (Repealed by 97-317)
    95-122 Repeals and replaces §§ 17.08.065 [17.08.062—17.08.068], and 17.16.045; repeals §§ 17.08.066—17.08.069, zoning (17.08, 17.16)
    95-261 Repeals and replaces § 2.84.020(B), council on elder affairs (2.84)
    95-264 Adds language to § 2.24.100, city auditor (2.24)
    95-267 Amends § 17.28.071, zoning (17.28)
    95-384 Amends Table III, Div. 1 §§ H, J, K, L, N and O, salaries (Appx. Div. 1, Table III)
    95-449 Adds language to § 2.06.170, personnel (2.06)
    95-515 Amends § 2.60.010, police department (2.60)
    96-17 Adds §§ 17.08.281, 17.08.315, 17.08.656, 17.08.657, 17.24.025, 17.32.005, 17.32.025, 17.32.070, 17.48.080(C) and (D); amends §§ 17.08.530, 17.12.010, 17.12.020, 17.16.040, 17.16.150, 17.24.010 and 17.24.020; repeals and replaces §§ 17.16.030, 17.32.010 and 17.32.020 and Ch. 17.40; repeals § 17.24.140, zoning (17.08, 17.12, 17.16, 17.24, 17.32, 17.40, 17.48)
    96-141 Adds § 5.12.120 [5.12.130]; amends § 5.12.060(C); repeals and replaces § 5.12.120, transient vendors (5.12)
    96-144 Accepts G.L. § 26I of Ch. 148, installation of automatic sprinklers in certain residential structures (Appx. Div. 2, Table II)
    96-176 Accepts G.L. § 20(6) of Ch. 6, compensation for retirement board members (Appx. Div. 2, Table II)
    96-225 Amends Table III, Div. 1 § I, salaries (Repealed by 98-174)
    96-233 Accepts G.L. § 1 of Ch. 32, as amended by Ch. 71, creditable retirement service time for active service in the armed forces (Appx. Div. 2, Table II)
    96-266 Amends § 10.44.050, tow-away regulations (10.44)
    96-321 Accepts Ch. 235, Acts of 1994 (Appx. Div. 4, Table II)
    96-344 Adds § 8.04.070, offenses generally (8.04)
    97-105 Amends §§ 17.12.010, 17.12.020 (maps), 17.16.040, 17.16.045, 17.16.060, 17.16.070—17.16.140, 17.16.170, 17.16.175, 17.16.180—17.16.210, 17.16.230—17.16.250, 17.16.251, 17.16.252, 17.16.270, 17.16.300—17.16.320, 17.16.365, 17.16.370—17.16.450, 17.16.456, 17.20.010, 17.20.160, 17.24.010, 17.24.120, 17.28.020, 17.28.050, 17.28.071, 17.32.060, 17.36.041—17.36.043, 17.40.040 and 17.47.040, zoning (17.12, 17.16, 17.20, 17.24, 17.28, 17.32, 17.36, 17.40, 17.47)
    97-284 Adds Ch. 15.16, Revere residents construction employment (15.16)
    97-317 Repeals and replaces Ch. 8.36, sale of tobacco products (8.36)
    97-358 Adds §§ 2.66.020—2.66.050, purchasing department (2.66)
    97-467 Amends §§ 17.16.040 and 17.24.010, zoning (17.16, 17.24)
    97-544 Adds § 8.04.035, abandoned shopping carts (8.04)
    98-45 Amends §§ 2.06.160 and 2.06.165, personnel (2.06)
    98-55 Adds §§ 2.09.030, 2.12.110 and 2.75.030, supplemental appropriation requests (2.09, 2.12, 2.75)
    98-106 Adds § 2.09.040, mayor (2.09)
    98-140 Adds §§ 9.04.060—9.04.180, body piercing (9.04)
    98-174 Amends Table III, Div. 1, § J; repeals and replaces Table III, Div. 1, §§ H, I, N, O, salaries (Appx. Div. 1, Table III)
    98-174A Amends Table III, Div. 1, §§ H, I, salaries (Appx. Div. 1, Table III)
    98-186 Amends § 2.24.100, city auditor (2.24)
    98-262 Accepts Ch. 17, Acts of 1997 (Appx. Div. 2, Table II)
    98-293A Amends § 17.12.010, zoning (17.12)
    98-293A Amends § 17.24.010, zoning (17.24)
    98-293A Amends §§ 17.16.260, 17.24.010, 17.24.170 and 17.47.010, zoning (17.16, 17.24, 17.47)
    98-353 Adds § 6.04.190, dogs (6.04)
    98-413 Adds § 8.04.024, offenses generally (8.04)
    98-433 Accepts G.L. Ch. 60 § 3D, defraying real estate taxes of elderly and disabled persons of low income (Appx. Div. 2, Table II)
    99-21 Accepts G.L. Ch. 32 § 103, cost of living adjustments (Appx. Div. 2, Table II)
    99-92 Adds § 17.08.145; amends § 17.16.040; repeals and replaces § 17.16.410, zoning (17.08, 17.16)
    99-171 Adds § 15.16.035, contractor responsibility (15.16)
    99-244 Repeals and replaces Sched. I of Title 10, parking penalties (Title 10, Sched. I)
    99-312 Amends § 2.03.020, officers and employees (2.03)
    99-421 Accepts G.L. Ch. 41 § 100G 1/4, funeral and burial expenses of firefighters and police officers (Appx. Div. 2, Table II)
    00-165 Amends § 17.16.110, towers and telecommunications facilities (17.16)
    00-316A Adds Ch. 2.88, senior citizen property tax work-off abatement program (2.88)
    00-544 Adds §§ 1.12.080, 1.12.090, 8.04.021—8.04.023A, violations and enforcement; amends § 1.12.060 (1.12, 8.04)
    00-549 (Appx. Div. 1, Table III)
    00-574 Adds §§ 17.46.001, 17.46.070—17.46.090; amends §§ 17.46.040, 17.46.050, floodplain district (17.46)
    00-603 Adds § 2.06.090; amends § 2.06.160, Table III, Div. 1, §§ G, H, I, J salaries and benefits (2.06, Appx. Div. 1, Table III)
    00-604 Amends § 2.06.130, employee vacation (2.06)
    01-17B Amends § 2.60.010, police department (2.60)
    01-35 Amends § 2.06.130, benefits (2.06)
    01-41 Adds §§ 8.36.110—8.36.160, underage tobacco use (8.36)
    01-43 Adds §§ 9.04.190—9.04.250, mercury thermometers (9.04)
    01-76 Adds §§ 17.08.085, 17.08.651, 17.08.701, 17.08.702, 17.08.865, 17.22.191—17.22.195; amends Chs. 17.16, 17.20, 17.22, 17.24, 17.28, 17.36, 17.47, §§ 17.12.010, 17.16.040, 17.24.010, 17.22.010, 17.22.030, 17.22.050, 17.22.090, 17.22.120, 17.22.130, 17.22.190, 17.22.200, 17.28.020, 17.28.210, 17.56.020; repeals and replaces § 17.08.700, zoning (17.08, 17.12, 17.16, 17.20, 17.22, 17.24, 17.28, 17.36, 17.47, 17.56)
    01-76A Adds §§ 17.08.105, 17.08.107, 17.08.285, 17.16.048; amends § 17.16.040, zoning (17.08, 17.16)
    01-81A Amends § 2.81.020, Revere public library (2.81)
    01-93 Amends § 17.16.040, table of uses (17.16)
    01-119C Adds § 6.04.181; repeals and replaces §§ 6.04.120—6.04.180, animal control (6.04)
    01-176 Amends § 1.08.010, city seal (1.08)
    01-237 Amends § 1.12.080, enforcing officers (1.12)
    01-259 Amends § 17.16.040; repeals § 17.16.050, zoning (17.16)
    01-261 Amends §§ 17.16.040, 17.24.010, 17.24.020, zoning (17.16, 17.24)
    01-299 Amends § 2.06.190, salaries (2.06)
    01-398 Repeals §§ 2.15.070, 2.60.060, 2.60.090, 2.60.120—2.60.160, 2.87.060, 5.40.010, 10.48.110 (Repealer)
    01-405 Amends § 1.12.080, enforcement (1.12)
    01-494 Repeals and replaces §§ 12.16.050, 12.16.060, streets and sidewalks (12.16)
    01-489 Amends §§ 17.16.040, 17.16.190, 17.16.260, 17.16.350; adds § 17.28.145, zoning (17.16, 17.28)
    01-597 Accepts Ch. 73, § 4, Acts of 1986
    01-616 Accepts Ch. 203, § 19, Acts of 2001, fiscal year 2002
    02-14 Accepts Ch. 116, § 1, Acts of 2002, early retirement
    02-41 Amends §§ 2.06.010—2.06.020 and 2.06.060, residency (2.06)
    02-138 Amends §§ 12.12.050 and 12.12.060, public notice requirements (12.12)
    02-147 Amends § 17.24.010, dimensional controls (17.24)
    02-353 Amends §§ 17.12.020 and 17.46.010, zoning (17.12, 17.46)
    02-390 Adds § 9.08.180; amends § 9.08.060, noise disturbances (9.08)
    02-437 Accepts Ch. 73, § 4, Acts of 1986
    02-569 Adds § 17.16.205; amends § 17.16.040, kennel (17.16)
    03-3 Adds Ch. 5.45, liveries and limousines (5.45)
    03-75A Adds §§ 17.08.375, 17.08.505 and 17.08.845; amends §§ 17.08.210, 17.08.656, 17.16.040, 17.16.060, 17.16.190, 17.16.320 and 17.24.030; repeals and replaces § 17.16.020, zoning (17.08, 17.16, 17.24)
    03-157 Repeals and replaces Schedule I, parking penalties (Schedule I)
    03-244 Amends §§ 5.28.020—5.28.040; adds § 5.28.050, child-related business (5.28)
    03-298 Adds §§ 17.08.275 and 17.16.085; amends §§ 17.12.010—17.12.020, 17.16.040 and 17.16.080, family day care home (17.08, 17.12, 17.16)
    03-311 Adds §§ 12.04.231—12.04.233, utility poles (12.04)
    03-314 Amends subsection R of Table 1 of the appendix (Table I)
    03-564A Adds Ch. 3.01, stabilization fund (3.01)
    03-649 Accepts Ch. 73, § 4, Acts of 1986, real estate tax abatements
    03-650 Accepts Ch. 46, § 116, Acts of 2003, early retirement incentive program
    04-03 Amends [adds] § 17.52.020A, zoning (Temporary moratorium)
    04-14 Adds §§ 17.08.153—17.08.155; amends §§ 17.16.040 and 17.28.020; repeals § 17.16.325, zoning (17.08, 17.16, 17.28)
    04-47 Adds §§ 3.04.130—3.04.150; amends § 3.04.010; repeals and replaces §§ 3.04.100—3.04.120; repeals § 3.04.040, purchasing (3.04)
    04-50A Adds Ch. 2.20, director of finance (2.20)
    04-123 Adds § 8.04.027; amends §§ 8.04.025 and 8.04.026, offenses generally (8.04)
    04-170 Adds § 9.16.020, offenses by or against minors (9.16)
    04-171 Adds Ch. 5.57, commercial burglar alarm (5.57)
    04-204 Adds §§ 8.28.015, 8.28.080 and 8.28.090; amends §§ 8.28.010 and 8.28.060; repeals and replaces §§ 8.28.030, 8.28.040 and 8.28.070, explosives (8.28)
    04-260 Adds § 8.04.023B; amends §§ 1.12.080 and 9.12.020, graffiti provisions (1.12, 8.04, 9.12)
    04-339 Repeals interim zoning amendment (Repealer)
    04-339A Adds §§ 17.24.031 and 17.24.032; amends § 17.24.030, zoning (17.24)
    04-490 Adds Ch. 2.40, department of municipal inspections (2.40)
    04-449 Amends § 17.16.040, zoning (17.16)
    04-632 Amends § 2.60.010, police department (2.60)
    04-633A Amends § 17.16.020, zoning (17.16)
    04-753 Adds Ch. 13.10, stormwater management; amends § 1.12.080, regulations of municipal officers, commissions, boards and departments (1.12, 13.10)
    05-07 Adds §§ 9.16.020 [9.16.025]—9.16.050, offenses by or against minors (9.16)
    05-58 Adds § 17.16.50 [17.16.050]; amends § 17.16.040, zoning (17.16)
    05-95 Repeals and replaces § 9.08.010, offenses against the public peace (9.08)
    05-119 Adds § 9.08.190, offenses against the public peace (9.08)
    05-254C Amends revised compensation ordinances (Appx. Div. 1, Table III)
    05-342 Amends §§ 12.04.350 and 12.04.370, use, maintenance and encroachment generally (12.04)
    05-527A Adds § 5.28.060, child-related businesses (5.28)
    05-656 Adds Ch. 3.02, vehicular rental transaction surcharge (3.02)
    06-39 Adds 8.04.22A [8.04.022A]; amends § 1.12.080; repeals and replaces § 15.04.150, noncriminal disposition provisions (1.12, 8.04, 15.04)
    06-40 Repeals and replaces § 17.24.070, zoning (17.24)
    06-41 Adds § 17.16.041; amends §§ 17.16.040, 17.24.030 and 17.28.020 (17.16, 17.24, 17.28)
    06-145 Adds §§ 15.04.035 and 15.04.155, building code (15.04)
    06-248A Amends §§ 17.08.065 and 17.16.045, zoning (17.08, 17.16)
    06-263 Amends § 17.08.240, zoning (17.08)
    06-294 Repeals and replaces § 5.16.180, junk and secondhand dealers (5.16)
    06-295A Amends compensation Schedule A-2-A, salaries (Appx. Div. 1, Table III)
    06-297 Amends § 17.16.040, zoning (Temporary moratorium)
    06-363 Amends § 5.28.060, child-related businesses (5.28)
    06-411 Amends § 6.04.020, animals (6.04)
    06-437 Adds § 17.52.015, zoning (17.52)
    06-610 Adds § 9.12.070, offenses against property (9.12)
    07-19 Amends § 17.40.030, zoning (17.40)
    07-22 Adds Ch. 8.05, regulation of vacant buildings (8.05)
    07-23 Adds Ch. 13.05, cross-control and backflow prevention (13.05)
    07-24 Adds Ch. 15.17, living wage (15.17)
    07-52 Amends § 17.24.030, zoning (17.24)
    07-52A Amends § 17.24.030, zoning (17.24)
    07-52A-1 Amends § 17.24.030, zoning (17.24)
    07-52A-2 Amends § 17.24.030, zoning (17.24)
    07-52A-3 Amends § 17.24.030, zoning (17.24)
    07-54 Amends §§ 3.04.110 and 3.04.120, purchasing (3.04)
    07-77 Repeals and replaces Ch. 5.48, shellfish harvesting (5.48)
    07-77A Shellfish management plan for moderately contaminated shellfish areas (5.50)
    07-168 Adds § 5.04.100; repeals § 3.04.020, licenses generally (5.04)


    Beginning with Supplement No. 3, this table will be replaced with the Code Comparative Table and Disposition List.