Schedule IV of Title 10 - ISOLATED STOP SIGNS  

Latest version.
  • Location
    Abruzzi St. Southbound traffic at Hutchinson St.
    Adams St. Southerly traffic at Cooledge St.
    Adams St. Southerly traffic at Constitution Ave.
    Adams St. Northerly traffic at Constitution Ave.
    Adams St. Northerly traffic at Cooledge St.
    Adams St. Northeast and southwestbound traffic at Proctor Ave.
    Alger Rd. Eastbound traffic at Garfield Ave.
    Alice St. Westbound traffic at Glendale St.
    Allston St. Southbound traffic at Park Ave.
    Amasa St. Southbound traffic at Mountain Ave.
    Arlington Avenue Northbound at Centennial Avenue
    Arnold St. Eastbound traffic at Dale St.
    Arnold St. Westbound traffic at Dale St.
    Asti Ave.
    Atlantic Ave. Northeastbound traffic at Endicott Ave.
    Atlantic Ave. Northerly traffic at Dolphin Ave.
    Atwood St. At the intersection of Atwood and Shurtleff Sts.
    Augustus St. Four-way stop at Grover St.
    Barrett St. Southbound traffic at Park Ave.
    Beach St. Northeastbound and southwestbound traffic at Winthrop Ave.
    Bellingham Ave. Westerly traffic at Atlantic Ave.
    Blake St. Eastbound traffic at Garfield Ave.
    Blake St. Westbound traffic at Garfield Ave.
    Blake St. Southbound at Garfield Ave.
    Bradstreet Ave. Northeasterly bound traffic at the intersection of Bellingham Ave., Crest Ave. and Atlantic Ave.
    Breed St. Southeastbound traffic at Revere St.
    Bridge St. Eastbound traffic at Glendale St.
    Bryant St. Northerly traffic at Revere St.
    Cambridge St. Southbound traffic at Park Ave.
    Campbell Ave. Westbound traffic at Walnut Ave.
    Campbell Ave. Southeastbound traffic at Centennial Ave.
    Carlson Ave. Southbound traffic at Fenley Street
    Carlson Ave. Northbound traffic at Malden Street
    Cary Ave. Eastbound at Mountain Ave.
    Cary Ave. Northerly traffic from Beach St. at Trevalley Rd.
    Cary Ave. Southerly traffic at East Mountain Ave.
    Cary Ave. Southerly traffic at Trevalley Rd.
    Case Drive Southbound traffic at Oakwood Ave.
    Centennial Ave. Eastbound at North Shore Road
    Charger St. Northbound traffic at Grover St.
    Charger St. Northeastbound and southwestbound traffic at Rumney Rd.
    Clark Rd. southbound at Eliot Rd.
    Conant St. Southbound traffic at Fenley Street
    Conant St. Northbound traffic at Malden Street
    Conant St. Northeastbound and southwestbound traffic at Rumney Rd.
    Constitution Ave. Eastbound traffic at Cooledge St.
    Cove St. Eastbound at Garfield Ave.
    Crescent Ave. Eastbound at Summer St.
    Crescent Ave. Eastbound traffic at Winthrop Ave.
    Crescent Ave. Northwestbound traffic at Winthrop Ave.
    Crescent Ave. Northwestbound traffic at Bennington St.
    Crest Ave. Westerly traffic at Bellingham Ave.
    Crest Ave. Eastbound traffic at Cross St.
    Crest Ave. Westbound traffic at Sales St.
    Cross St. Northbound and southbound traffic at Crest Ave.
    Curtis Rd. Northbound traffic at Wolcott Rd.
    Curtis Rd. Northwestbound and southeastbound traffic at Eliot Rd.
    Cushman Ave. Eastbound traffic at Newhall St.
    Cushman Ave. Westbound traffic at Newhall St.
    Dale St. 100 Dale St.
    Dale St. Eastbound traffic at Park Ave.
    Dana St. Westbound traffic at Garfield Ave.
    Dawes St. Northeastbound traffic at Rumney Rd.
    Dedham St. Southbound traffic at Park Ave.
    Dehon St. Westerly traffic at Nahant St.
    Dehon St. Eastbound at North Shore Rd.
    Dehon St. Westbound at North Shore Rd.
    Derby Rd. Southwestbound traffic at Malden St.
    Dix St. Southwestbound traffic at Garfield Ave.
    Dunn Rd. Eastbound traffic at Sagamore St.
    Eastern Ave. Westbound traffic at School St.
    Eliot Rd. Eastbound at Curtis Rd.
    Eliot Rd. Westbound at Curtis Rd.
    Eliot Rd. Westbound at Clark Rd.
    Eliot Rd. Eastbound and westbound traffic at Garfield Ave.
    Elm St. Southerly traffic at Library St.
    Elm St. Northerly traffic at Library St
    Emanuel St. Southbound traffic at Hutchinson St.
    Endicott Ave. Southeastbound traffic at Winthrop Ave.
    Endicott Ave Westbound traffic at State Rd.
    Ensign St. Southbound traffic at Fenley Street
    Ensign St. Northbound traffic at Malden Street
    Essex St. Southbound traffic at Park Ave.
    Eustis St. Eastbound traffic at Harris St.
    Eustis St. Northbound traffic at Beach St.
    Fernwood Ave. Eastbound traffic at Broadway
    Fenno St. Eastbound and Westbound traffic at Borden St.
    Fenno St. Eastbound traffic at Page St.
    Fenno St. Westbound traffic at Page St.
    Fitzhenry Square Southeastbound traffic at Centennial Ave.
    Florence Ave. Northbound at Centennial Ave.
    Floyd St. Northbound at Revere St.
    Floyd St. Westerly traffic at Revere St.
    Foster St. Northbound traffic at Park Ave.
    Franklin Ave. Eastbound/Westbound at Walnut Ave.
    Furlong Dr. Westbound at Lee Burbank Highway
    Franklin Ave. Westbound traffic at Hichborn St.
    Frye St. Westbound traffic at Bosson St.
    Furness St. Southbound traffic at Park Ave.
    Gage Ave. Eastbound and westbound traffic at Graves Rd.
    Genesee St. Southbound traffic at Park Ave.
    Gladys St. Westbound traffic at Glendale St.
    Gore Rd. Northeastbound and southwestbound traffic at Rumney Rd.
    Graves Rd. Northeastbound and southwestbound traffic at Rumney Rd.
    Griffin St. Southbound traffic at Oakwood Ave.
    Grover St. Eastbound traffic at Charger St.
    Hancock St. Northerly traffic at Mountain Ave
    Hancock St. Southbound traffic at Park Ave.
    Harris St. Northbound and southbound traffic at Beach St.
    Hichborn St. Southbound at Franklin Ave.
    Highland St. Northbound at Shirley Ave.
    Haskell Ave. Southeasterly traffic at Washington Ave.
    Homer St. Southerly traffic at Ridge Rd.
    Hutchinson St. Eastbound traffic at Revere St.
    Hutchinson St. Eastbound traffic at Pomona St.
    Irving St. Southbound traffic at Park Ave.
    James St. at Arlington Ave.
    Janvrin Ave. Eastbound at Mountain Ave.
    Janvrin Ave. Northerly traffic from Beach St. at Trevalley Rd.
    Jarvis St. Southbound traffic at Park Ave.
    Joey Rd. Southerly traffic at Sargeant St.
    John Ave. Westbound traffic at Mills Ave.
    John Mooney Rd. Northbound traffic at Beach St.
    John Mooney Rd. Southbound traffic at Beach St.
    Jones Rd. Northeastbound and southwestbound traffic at Dolphin Ave.
    Keayne St. Eastbound and westbound traffic at Grover St.
    Kilburn St. Southbound traffic at Park Ave.
    Kingman Ave. Southbound traffic at Fenley Street
    Kingman Ave. Northbound traffic at Malden Street
    Lambert St. Southbound traffic at Park Ave.
    Lantern Rd. Southwestbound traffic at Malden St.
    Lantern Rd. Northeastbound and southwestbound traffic at Rumney Rd.
    Larkin St. Northeastbound and southwestbound traffic at Rumney Rd.
    Lee St. Southerly traffic at Ambrose St.
    Library St. Easterly traffic at Elm St.
    Library St. Westerly traffic at Elm St.
    Lincoln St. Eastbound at Burbank St.
    Lincoln St. Westbound traffic at Amasa St.
    Madison St. Southbound traffic at Park Ave.
    Malden St. Eastbound traffic at Washington Ave.
    Malden St. Westbound traffic at Washington Ave.
    Marshall St. Northeastbound and southwestbound traffic at Grover St.
    Marshall St. Northerly traffic at Squire Rd.
    Marshall St. Westbound traffic at Salem St.
    MBTA Easement at Fire Station Dr. Southbound traffic at Park Ave.
    McCoba St. Southerly traffic at Squire Rd.
    McCoba St. Northerly traffic at Ward St.
    McLeavy St. Southbound traffic at Park Ave.
    Milano Ave. North bound traffic at Roland Rd.
    Milano Ave. South bound traffic at Roland Rd.
    Milano Ave. End of street at Tuscano Ave.
    Moretti St. Southbound traffic at Oakwood Ave.
    Mountain Ave. Eastbound at School St.
    Mountain Ave. Eastbound traffic at School St.
    Mountain Ave. Northwestbound traffic at Washington Ave.
    Neponset St. Easterly traffic at Sagamore St.
    Neponset St. Westerly traffic at Sagamore St.
    Newbury St. Southbound traffic at Park Ave.
    Newman St. Northeastbound and southwestbound traffic at Rumney Rd.
    North Ave. Southbound traffic at Fenley St.
    North Ave. Northbound traffic at Malden St.
    Oak Island St. Westbound traffic at Glendale St.
    Olive St. Eastbound traffic at Page St.
    Orvis Rd. Eastbound and westbound traffic at Rumney Rd.
    Orvis Rd. Southwestbound traffic at Grover St.
    Orvis Rd. Northeastbound traffic at Grover St.
    Oxford St. Southbound traffic at Park Ave.
    Page St. Northbound traffic at Fenno St.
    Page St. Southbound traffic at Olive St.
    Park Ave. Southbound traffic on Kilburn St.
    Philomena Dr. Eastbound traffic at Philomena Dr.
    Pitcairn St. Eastbound and westbound traffic at Graves Rd.
    Pleasant St. Southeastbound traffic at Beach St.
    Pomona St. Southbound at Ambrose St.
    Pomona St. Southbound at Revere St.
    Proctor Ave. Northbound at Burbank St.
    Putnam St. At Tapley Ave.
    Railroad St. Easterly traffic at Lee Burbank Highway
    Reservoir Ave. Eastbound traffic at South Irving St.
    Reservoir Ave. Southeast corner westerly at Dale St.
    Reservoir Ave. Westbound traffic at T. Carroll Way
    Reservoir Ave. Eastbound traffic at T. Carrol Way
    Reservoir Ave. Westbound traffic at South Irving St.
    Roland Rd. Top of street
    Roland Rd. West bound traffic at Milano Ave.
    Rumney Rd. Northwestbound and southeastbound traffic at Patriot Pkwy.
    Rumney Rd. Westbound traffic at Charger St.
    Sargent St. Westbound traffic at Washington Ave.
    School St. Northeastbound traffic at Broadway
    School St. At the intersection of East Mountain Ave.
    Sewall St. Southeastbound and northwestbound traffic at Elm St.
    Shirley Ave. Eastbound traffic at Orr Sq.
    South Ave. Southbound traffic at Fenley Street
    South Ave. Northbound traffic at Malden Street
    South Cambridge St. Northbound at Vane St. to Park Ave.
    South Cambridge St. Northbound traffic at Park Ave.
    South Furness St. Northbound traffic at Park Ave.
    South Genessee St. Northbound traffic at Park Ave.
    South Hancock St. Northbound traffic at Park Ave.
    South Irving St. Northbound traffic at Park Ave.
    South Irving St. and Vane St. Northerly at Reservoir Ave.
    Standish Rd. westbound at Eliot Rd.
    Stark Ave. Northeastbound and southwestbound traffic at Rumney Rd.
    Steeple St. Southwestbound traffic at Malden St.
    Steeple St. Northeastbound and southwestbound traffic at Rumney Rd.
    Stevens St. Southerly traffic at Grover St.
    Stowers St. Northerly traffic at Revere St.
    Suffolk Ave. Eastbound traffic at Ridge Rd.
    Suffolk Ave. Eastbound traffic at Tudor St.
    Summer St. Northbound and southbound traffic at Bradstreet Ave.
    Summer St. Northeastbound and southwestbound traffic at Crescent Ave.
    Summer St. Northbound and southbound traffic at Winthrop Ave.
    Summer St. Westbound at Summer St.
    Sumner St. Northbound at Shirley Ave.
    Summit Ave. northbound traffic at Franklin Ave.
    T. Carrol Way Northbound traffic on Reservoir
    Taft St. Westbound traffic at Wilson St.
    Tapley Ave. Westerly traffic at School St.
    Tapley Ave. At Putnam St.
    Tapley Ave. At top of street
    Tedford Ave. Southbound traffic at Oakwood Ave.
    Temple St. Southbound traffic at Revere St.
    Thomas Carroll Way Southbound traffic at Prospect Ave.
    Thornton St. Northeastbound and southwestbound traffic at Shirley Ave.
    True St. Northwestbound traffic at School St.
    Tuscano Ave. Westerly at #55 Tuscano Ave.
    Union St. Southbound traffic at Hutchinson St.
    Vane St. Northbound at Dale St.
    Vera St. Westbound traffic at Glendale St.
    Vinal Street Westbound traffic at Victoria St.
    Waite St. Westbound at Revere St.
    Waitt Park Westbound traffic at Salem St.
    Walnut Ave. Northbound traffic at Beach St.
    Walnut Ave. Southbound traffic at Beach St.
    Walnut Ave. Northerly traffic at Shirley Ave.
    Walnut Ave. Northbound traffic at Kimball Ave.
    Ward St. Easterly traffic at Broadway
    Ward St. Easterly traffic at McCoba St.
    Ward St. Westerly traffic at McCoba St./BJ's Wholesale Club driveway
    Warren St. Northwestbound traffic at South Cambridge St.
    Warren St. Northwestbound traffic at South Cambridge St.
    Washington Ave. Northbound traffic at Malden St.
    Washington Ave. Southbound traffic at Malden St.
    Washington Ave. Northwestbound traffic at Park Ave.
    Washington Ave. Southbound traffic at Park Ave.
    Washington St. Easterly and westerly traffic at McKinley St.
    Waterview Ave. Westerly traffic from Leverett Ave. and easterly traffic from Bellingham Ave.
    Wave Ave. Northerly traffic at Dolphin Ave.
    Wave Ave. Easterly traffic at Dolphin Ave.
    Waverly Ave. Northbound traffic at Centennial Ave.
    Webster St. Northeast traffic at Crescent Ave.
    Webster St. Southwest traffic at Crescent Ave.
    Wilson St. Southbound traffic at Taft St.
    Wolcott Rd. Eastbound traffic at Garfield Ave.
    Wolcott Rd. Westbound traffic at Garfield Ave.
    Yeamans St. Westerly traffic at Park Ave.


    (T.C.R. 2006-19 § 1; T.C.R. 2006-05 § 1; T.C.R. 2005-34 § 1; T.C.R. 2005-33 § 1; T.C.R. 2005-32 § 1; T.C.R. 2005-31 § 1; T.C.R. 2005-30 § 1; T.C.R. 2005-06 § 1; T.C.R. 2004-23 § 1; T.C.R. 2003-21 § 1; T.C.R. 2002-22 § 1; T.C.R. 2002-14 § 1; T.C.R. 2002-13 § 1; T.C.R. 2002-12 § 1; T.C.R. 2002-4 § 1; T.C.R. 2001-10 § 1; T.C.R. 2001-4 § 1; T.C.R. 2001-16 § 1; T.C.R. 2000-5 §§ 1, 2; T.C.R. 98-10 §§ 1, 2; T.C.R. 97-19 §§ 1, 2; T.C.R. 97-11 §§ 1, 2; T.C.R. 97-7 §§ 1, 2; T.C.R. 96-6 §§ 1, 2; T.C.R. 96-5 §§ 1, 2; T.C.R. 96-4 §§ 1, 2; T.C.R. 96-3 §§ 1, 2; T.C.R. 94-1 §§ 1, 2; T.C.R. 87-2 §§ 1, 2; T.C.R. 84-19; T.C.R. 84-18; T.C.R. 84-14; T.C.R. 84-13; T.C.R. 84-7; C.O. 83-52 § 48 (part): C.O. 81-329; C.O. 81-320; C.O. 80-615; C.O. 80-515; C.O. 80-509; C.O. 80-508; C.O. 80-454; C.O. 80-392; C.O. 80-252; C.O. 80-154; C.O. 8-20; C.O. 79-772; C.O. 79-770; C.O. 79-708; C.O. 79-707 (10/15/79); C.O. 79-636; C.O. 79-476; C.O. 79-47; C.O. 79-25; C.O. 78-1078; C.O. 78-909; C.O. 78-852; C.O. 78-850; C.O. 78-793; C.O. 78-325 (5/8/78); C.O. 77-97; C.O. 77-30; prior revision Ch. 12 Art. IX Sched. IV)

(T.C.R. 2007-07, § 1, 6-28-2007; T.C.R. 2007-08, § 1, 9-20-2007; T.C.R. 2007-09, § 1, 9-20-2007; T.C.R. 2008-02, 4-24-2008; T.C.R. 2008-19, § 1, 8-28-2008; T.C.R. 2009-04, 3-26-2009; T.C.R. 2009-08, 5-14-2009; T.C.R. 2010-10, 10-14-10; T.C.R. 2011-01, 1-27-11; T.C.R. 2011-05, 1-27-11; T.C.R. 2013-01, 1-31-2013; T.C.R. 2013-02, 1-31-2013; T.C.R. 2013-03, 1-31-2013; T.C.R. 2014-01, 3-27-2014; T.C.R. 2014-02, 3-27-2014; T.C.R. 2014-11, 8-21-2014; T.C.R. 2014-16, 10-16-2014; T.C.R. 2017-19, 5-18-2017; T.C.R. 2017-29, 5-18-2017; Ord. No. 2017-30, 5-18-2017; T.C.R. 2017-64, 6-22-2017)