Schedule V of Title 10 - ONE-WAY STREETS  

Latest version.
  • Location
    A St. northerly Fernwood Ave. Mountain Ave.
    Alden Ave. easterly Lynnway Rice Ave.
    Alger St. easterly entire length
    Alice St. easterly Glendale St. N. Shore Rd.
    Allston St. southerly Mountain Ave. Park Ave.
    Ambrose St. westerly Pomona St. Broadway
    Atlantic Ave. easterly State Rd. Jct. of Bradstreet Ave.
    Bateman Ave. easterly Rice Ave. Rice Ave.
    Bay Rd. southerly Lawrence Rd. Revere St.
    Beach Rd. westerly Pomona St. Broadway
    Beachland Ave. westerly Sachem St. N. Shore Rd.
    Bellingham Ave. westerly Bateman Rd. Atlantic Ave.
    Bickford Ave. westerly Rice Ave. Lynnway
    Blake St. (7:30 a.m.—3:30 p.m., Mon.—Fri.) westerly Garfield Ave. North Shore Rd.
    Blaney St. westerly Proctor Ave. Constitution Ave.
    Bradstreet Ave. easterly Summer St. Endicott Ave.
    Butler St. westerly Harris St. Norman St.
    C St. northerly Cummings Ave. Elmwood Ave.
    Cambridge St. southerly Mountain Ave. Park Ave.
    Campbell Ave. southerly Centennial Ave. Winthrop Ave.
    Carleton St. southerly Folsom St. Revere St.
    Cary Ave. northerly Beach St. Trevalley Rd.
    Cary Ave. northbound Beach St. Mountain Ave.
    Centennial Ave. southwesterly N. Shore Rd. entire length
    southwesterly Orr Square Dehon St.
    easterly N. Shore Rd. Dehon St.
    Chamberlain Ave. westerly Rice Ave. Lynnway
    Charger St. northeasterly Malden St. Squire Rd.
    Cheever St. southeasterly Broadway Hyde St.
    Conant St. southwesterly Squire Rd. Malden St.
    Conant St. westerly Proctor Ave. Constitution Ave.
    Constitution Ave. easterly westerly intersection of Cooledge St. easterly intersection of Cooledge St.
    Cooledge St. westerly easterly intersection of Constitution Ave. westerly intersection of Constitution Ave.
    Cottage St. northerly Everard Ave. Crescent Ave.
    Crescent Ave. westerly Cummings Sq. Bennington Sq.
    Crest Ave. easterly Bateman Rd. Washington St.
    Crest Ave. westerly Sales St. corner of Bellingham and Atlantic Ave.
    Dedham St. southerly Mountain Ave. Park Ave.
    Dehon St. westerly Centennial Ave. N. Shore Rd.
    Delano Ave. easterly Lynnway Rice Ave.
    Derby Rd. southwesterly Squire Rd. Malden St.
    Dolphin Ave. southeasterly Atlantic Ave. Jones Rd.
    Eustis St. easterly Beach St. Harris St.
    Everard Ave. easterly Bennington St. Belle Isle Ave.
    Everard St. easterly Bennington St. Cottage Street
    Fernwood Ave. westerly #15 Fernwood Ave. Allston St.
    Florence Ave. northerly James St. Centennial Ave.
    Foster St. westerly Broadway Allston St.
    Fowler Ave. easterly Rice Ave. Rice Ave.
    Franklin Pl. northerly Franklin Ave. Walnut Ave.
    Garfield Ave. northeasterly Dana St. Orr Sq.
    Garfield Ave. northerly entire length
    Goodwin Ave. easterly Lynnway Rice Ave.
    Gordon Rd. southerly Sargent St. Glover Dr.
    Haddon St. southerly Winthrop Ave. Vinal St.
    Hall St. westerly Mill St. Eaton Ave.
    Harrington St. westerly Lowe St. Pl. Beach St.
    Harrington Ave. westerly Rice Ave. Lynnway
    Harris St. (between the hours of 7:00 a.m.—10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m.—7:00 p.m.) northerly Beach St. American Legion Hwy.
    Harris St. northerly Beach St. Intersection of Harris St. and unnamed way running from Harris across the Am. Leg. Hwy. to John Mooney Rd.
    Hayes Ave. southerly River Ave. John Ave.
    Hichborn St. southerly Shirley Ave. Franklin Ave.
    Highland St. northerly Franklin Ave. Shirley Ave.
    Hyde St. northbound Beach St. Broadway
    Irving St. southerly Mountain Ave. Park Ave.
    Kilburn St. southerly Mountain Ave. Park Ave.
    Kimball Ave. westbound Beach St. N. Shore Rd.
    Lancaster Ave. easterly Lynnway Rice Ave.
    Larkin St. northeasterly Malden St. Squire Rd.
    Lawrence Rd. easterly Bay Rd. Sears St.
    Lechmere St. northerly 270 ft. from Squire Rd. Ward St.
    Leverett Ave. easterly Broadsound Ave. Winthrop Pkwy.
    Malden St. southeasterly Tuckerman St. Broadway
    Nahant Ave. southbound Beach St. Shirley Ave.
    Newell St. northerly Squire Rd. Ward St.
    Newman St. northeasterly Malden St. Squire Rd.
    Norman St. southwesterly Butler St. Library St.
    Orvis Rd. northeasterly Malden St. Squire Rd.
    Oxford Park (east side) northerly Revere St. Folsom St.
    Oxford Park (west side) southerly Folsom St. Revere St.
    Page St. southerly Olive St. Broadway
    Payson St. southbound East Mountain Ave. Beach St.
    Pitcairn St. easterly Graves Rd. Broadway
    Pleasant St. southbound Broadway Beach St.
    Railroad St. westerly Wharf St. Revere Beach Pkwy.
    Revere St. westerly Broadway Malden St.
    Rice Ave easterly Lynnway Whitin Ave.
    Rumney Rd. northwesterly Broadway Malden St.
    Sagamore St. northerly Beachland Ave. Revere St.
    Sagamore St. (between the hours of 7:30 a.m.—8:30 a.m. and 2:00 p.m.—3:00 p.m. during the school year) northerly Revere St.
    School St. southerly Tapley Ave. True St.
    School St. northbound Beach St. Broadway
    Shirley Ave. easterly Beach St. Orr Sq.
    Shirley Ave. easterly Orr Sq. Revere Beach Blvd.
    Shurtleff St. southerly Revere St. Atwood St.
    Sigourney St. northeasterly Malden St. Squire Rd.
    Sigourney St. northwesterly Grover St. Malden St.
    Smith St. northerly Mountain Ave. Proctor Ave.
    Sprague St. westerly Beach St. Broadway
    Sprague St. northbound Beach St. Winthrop Ave.
    Steeple St. northerly Malden St. Rumney Rd.
    Stowers St. northerly Revere St. Breed St.
    Sumner St. northerly Franklin Ave. Shirley Ave.
    Taft St. westerly Vinal St. Broadway
    Temple St. southerly a point 25 ft. from Hasting St. Hasting St.
    Thornton St. northerly Franklin Ave. Shirley Ave.
    Thornton St. southbound Beach St. Shirley Ave.
    Tuckerman St. (between the hours of 7:30 a.m.—9:00 a.m. and 1:30 p.m.—3:00 p.m. during the school year) northerly High St. Malden St.
    Tuttle St. southerly Breed St. Revere St.
    Victoria St. northerly Vinal St. Winthrop Ave.
    Vinal St. easterly Broadway Mill St.
    Wadsworth Ave. easterly Rice Ave. Rice Ave.
    Walden St. northbound Shirley Ave. Beach St.
    Walnut St. northbound Shirley Ave. Beach St.
    Walnut Pl. easterly Sumner St. Walnut Ave.
    Warren St. northwesterly Yeaman St. S. Cambridge St.
    Wave Ave. easterly Atlantic Ave. Dolphin Ave.
    Waverly St. southerly Centennial Ave. N. Shore Rd.
    Wentworth Rd. southerly Randall Rd. Sargent St.
    Whitin Ave. easterly Lynnway Rice Ave.
    Wilson St. southbound Beach St. Revere Beach Pkwy.
    Winthrop Ave. easterly Donnelly Sq. Cummings Sq.
    Winthrop Ave. easterly Crescent Ave. Winthrop Pkwy.
    Witherbee Ave. easterly Rice Ave. Rice Ave.
    Wolcott Rd. easterly entire length
    Yeamans St. westerly Broadway Park Ave.


    (T.C.R. 2007-01 § 1; T.C.R. 2006-20 § 1; T.C.R. 2006-16 § 1; T.C.R. 2006-06 § 1; T.C.R. 2006-04 § 1; T.C.R. 2006-03 § 1; T.C.R. 2006-02 § 1; T.C.R. 2005-28 § 1; T.C.R. 2004-60 § 1; T.C.R. 2004-59 § 1; T.C.R. 2004-58 § 1; T.C.R. 2004-54 § 1; T.C.R. 2004-53 (dated 10/21/04) § 1; T.C.R. 2002-17 § 1; T.C.R. 2002-11 § 1; T.C.R. 2002-10 § 1; T.C.R. 2001-9 § 1; T.C.R. 2001-8 § 1; T.C.R. 2001-5 § 1; T.C.R. 2000-21 § 1; T.C.R. 2000-18 § 1; T.C.R. 2000-08 § 1; T.C.R. 2000-7 § 1; T.C.R. 2000-6 §§ 1, 2; T.C.R. 99-1; T.C.R. 99-1; T.C.R. 98-14 §§ 1, 2; T.C.R. 98-8 §§ 1, 2; T.C.R. 98-6 §§ 1, 2; T.C.R. 97-18 §§ 1, 2; T.C.R. 96-2B §§ 1, 2; T.C.R. 96-2A §§ 1, 2; T.C.R. 96-2 §§ 1, 2; T.C.R. 93-4 §§ 1, 2; T.C.R. 93-A §§ 1, 2; T.C.R. 90-3 §§ 1, 2; T.C.R. 87-3 §§ 1, 2; T.C.R. 87-1 §§ 1, 2; T.C.R. 86-4; T.C.R. 85-10; T.C.R. 84-26; T.C.R. 83-6; C.O. 83-52 § 48 (part): C.O. 81-40; C.O. 80-652; C.O. 80-650 1/2; C.O. 80-587; C.O. 80-448; C.O. 80-353; C.O. 80-152; C.O. 79-740; C.O. 79-21; C.O. 78-324; C.O. 78-112 (part); C.O. 78-76; C.O. 78-75; C.O. 77-503; C.O. 77-259; C.O. 77-176; C.O. 77-5; prior revision Ch. 12 Art. IX Sched. III)

(T.C.R. 2008-17, § 1, 8-28-2008; T.C.R. 2008-18, § 1, 8-28-2008; T.C.R. 2008-22, § 1, 10-30-08; T.C.R. 2009-05, 3-36-2009; T.C.R. 2010-11, 10-14-2010; T.C.R. 2011-03, 1-27-2011; T.C.R. 2016-04, 1-2-2016; T.C.R. 2016-05, 1-2-2016; T.C.R. 2017-38, 6-22-2017)