Schedule I of Title 10 - PARKING PENALTIES  

Latest version.
  • GROUP A FINE—$15.00 EACH
    04 Parking within a loading zone
    05 Parking at a taxi stand
    06 Parking over 1 ft. from curb
    11 Parking to obstruct a driveway
    36 Parking within two designated parking spaces
    21 Parking so as to obstruct snow plowing
    10 Parking as not to leave 10 ft. unobstructedlane
    GROUP B FINE—$20.00 EACH
    01 Parking meter violation
    02 Parking meter overtime (over 2 hrs)
    03 Parking overtime (other than meter)
    13 Parking on a sidewalk
    15 Parking within a posted area
    33 Parking within permit parking area (no sticker or placard visable)
    34 Parking without valid registration or missing registration plate
    35 Parking without a valid certificate of inspection or inspection certificate does not match registration
    GROUP C FINE—$25.00 EACH
    08 Parking as to obstruct traffic
    09 Parking double
    12 Parking on a rotary or traffic island
    18 Parking on a crosswalk
    20 Parking in or within 20 ft. of an intersection
    GROUP D FINE—$50.00 EACH
    17 Overnight parking of Commercial vehicles, RV's, and other plate or vehicle types as defined by R.R.O. 10.32.210.
    23 Parking to obstruct street sweeping or catch basin cleaning
    24 Parking within a fire station zone
    27 Parking within 10 ft. of fire hydrent
    26 Parking in or so as to obstruct fire lane
    28 Parking within an ambulance zone
    Parking of any bus, taxicab, hackney, pupil or livery vehicle upon any street other than at a taxi stand.
    GROUP E FINE—$100.00 EACH
    29 Parking in a handicapped person parking area (no-plate or placard visible)
    30 Parking at a handicapped person sidewalk ramp
    14 Parking in a bus stop
    32 Other  _____


    If the violation is not paid within twenty-one days, but before the parking clerk reports to the Registrar of Motor Vehicles, as provided for by Chapter 90, Section 20A½ of the General Laws, the fines enumerated in this schedule shall be increased by an additional ten dollars and shall become payable at the new rate.

    If the violation remains unpaid on or after the date that the parking clerk reports to the Registrar of Motor Vehicles, as provided by Chapter 90, Section 20A½ of the General Laws, the fines enumerated in this schedule shall be further increased by twenty dollars, plus an additional twenty dollar payment for the Registry of Motor Vehicles and the violation shall become payable at the new rate.

    (C.O.03-157 § 1)

(Schedule approved in accordance with the provisions of Title 10, Chapter 10.09, § 10.04.060, C.O. 09-40d, March 2009; T.C.R. 2013-14, 6-27-2013; T.C.R. 2017-26, 5-18-2017; T.C.R. 2017-27, 5-18-2017; 2017-33, 5-18-2017)