§ 10.12.030. Required to effect certain regulations.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Sections 10.08.030 and 10.08.040, and Sections 10.32.020, 10.32.150, 10.32.170 and 10.32.180 relating to parking, and Sections 10.12.070 and 10.20.020 concerning turning, shall be effective only during such time as a sufficient number of official signs are erected and maintained in each block designating the provisions of such sections and located so as to be easily visible to approaching drivers.


    Sections relating to one-way streets shall be effective only during such time as a sufficient number of official signs are erected and maintained at each of the exits for each one-way street, so that at least one sign will be closely visible for a distance of at least seventy-five feet to drivers approaching such an exit.

(C.O.83-52 § 48 (part): prior revision § 12-30)