§ 10.16.130. Depositing rubbish.*  

Latest version.
  • Whoever throws or drops glass or metal cans or rubbish of any kind on a public way, or on or near a bathing beach or on a public way, sidewalk or reservation in the immediate neighborhood of a bathing beach either afoot or from a motor vehicle, shall be punished by a fine of one hundred dollars.

    (C.O.83-52 § 48 (part): C.O. 82-376: prior revision § 12-60)

    *  As to dumps and accumulations of litter, see § 8.04.010 et seq. of this revision. As to throwing glass, tacks, nails, etc., in streets, etc., see § 9.12.040. As to throwing, sweeping, etc., rubbish, filth, etc., on sidewalk, etc., see § 9.12.050.