§ 10.24.040. Hazardous materials transport vehicles—Transportation routes.

Latest version.
  • The use and operation of hazardous material transport vehicles, as defined by U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway, Administration, Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations, 49 CFR, Parts 350, 383, 387 and 390-397, on certain streets of the city, as described in Schedule VIA of this title, is prohibited unless there is no practicable alternative, as determined by the traffic commission and/or said hazardous material transport vehicle is making a delivery on said restricted streets as evidenced by a bona fide manifest.

    Transport vehicles, which contain hazardous materials, shall be operated only over routes prescribed by the traffic commission, which do not go through or near heavily populated areas, places where crowds are assembled or tunnels, narrow streets or alleys. Operating convenience is not a basis for determining whether it is practicable to operate a hazardous materials transport vehicle in accordance with this section. This section does not apply to radioactive materials.

    The provisions of this section shall be enforceable against violators only during such times as a sufficient number of official traffic signs are erected at each restricted street.

    The fine for violation of the provision of this section shall be three hundred dollars for each offense and shall be enforceable pursuant to this section and/or Chapter 90, Section 18, M.G.L.

(T.C.R. 99-02A, § 2, 1999)