§ 10.32.110. Ambulance zones.  

Latest version.
  • It is unlawful to obstruct or park a vehicle blocking an ambulance zone. Any object or vehicle blocking or parked so as to obstruct any ambulance zone, private way or municipal parking are in violation of this section, may be removed or towed by the city at the expense of the owner of the obstruction and without liability of the city. The cost of marking of ambulance zones and the posting and erecting of signs prohibiting parking on private property shall be the responsibility of the owner; the fire lanes and signs shall be authorized by the chief of police, and it shall be his or her duty to place and maintain all the official traffic signs, signals, markings and safety zones required under this section. Areas designated as ambulance zones are listed in Schedule X of this title.

(C.O.83-52 § 48 (part): prior revision § 12-68)