§ 10.32.160. Buses and taxis away from stops or stands.  

Latest version.
  • It is unlawful for the operator of any bus, taxicab, hackney, pupil or livery vehicle to park upon any street in any district at any place other than at a bus, taxicab, hackney, pupil or livery stand, at any time. The owner or lessee of any bus, taxicab, hackney, pupil or livery shall be allowed to park overnight between the hours of six p.m. and six a.m. within the municipal parking lot, the north lot or any other parking lot allowed by the parking clerk, provided such owner or lessee secures a parking sticker for such overnight parking. The fee and conditions for such parking sticker shall be determined by the parking clerk. The penalty for violation of the provisions of this section shall be the penalty established for parking a bus, taxicab, hackney, pupil or livery vehicle away from a taxi stand as provided for by Schedule I of Title 10. The failure to pay the foregoing violation by a person or company licensed by the city pursuant to Sections 5.44.040 and 5.44.060 shall be grounds for the Registry of Motor Vehicles to deny renewal of said license. Vehicles licensed by the Revere Police Department shall be exempt between eight a.m. and five p.m


    The owner or lessee of any bus, taxicab, hackney, pupil or livery shall be allowed to park in metered parking spaces, provided such owner or lessee pays the parking meter and does not violate the time limit restrictions of the metered parking space.


    The owner or lessee of any bus, taxicab, hackney, pupil or livery shall be allowed to park in parking spaces designated as "15 minute parking" or "30 minute parking", provided such owner or lessee does not violate the time limit restrictions of parking spaces designated as such.

    (T.C.R. 2005-20 § 1)

(T.C.R. 2013-15, 6-27-2013; T.C.R. 2014-10, 5-1-2014)