§ 10.32.230. Repair of vehicles on public ways.  

Latest version.
  • No person or company, licensed pursuant to Section 13 of Chapter 148 M.G.L., shall leave, place, deposit, park or cause to be left, placed, deposited or parked in or upon any street, alley, public or private way or public place within the city any vehicle which is under mechanical or auto body repair or parked while awaiting or having completed said repair.

    No person or company shall engage in the mechanical or auto body repair of a motor vehicle in or upon any street, alley, public or private way or public place within the city.

    The penalty for violation of the provisions of this section shall be the penalty established for parking within a posted area as provided for by Schedule I of Title 10.

(T.C.R. 2003-06 § 1 (part))