§ 10.40.050. Removal—Notice.

Latest version.
  • Any abandoned motor vehicle found on public or private property, and left there more than seventy-two hours may be removed by the city pursuant to the appropriate provisions of the Vehicle and Traffic Law of the commonwealth, or any additions, amendments or substitutions thereto, provided that proper notice is first given to the owner of the abandoned vehicle forty-eight hours prior to the removal of the vehicle. If notice cannot be personally served upon the owner, a notice shall be deemed sufficient if mailed to his or her last known address by depositing the same in a post office box maintained by the United States Government and addressed to the last known residence of the owner. Notice shall be deemed complete ninety-six hours after it has been so deposited in a post office box.

    (C.O.81-404 § 2: prior revision § 13-25 (part))

(Ord. No. 09-404, § 2, 3-9-09)