§ 10.44.030. Tow-away zones—Removal of vehicles.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    No person shall stand or park or allow, permit or suffer any vehicle registered in his or her name to stand or park in any of the following places:


    Upon any way in such a manner as to impede the removal or plowing of snow or ice except vehicles parked in accordance with approved regulations governing all-night parking;


    Upon any sidewalk, except as listed in Schedule VII of this title;


    Upon any crosswalk;


    Upon any way within twenty feet of an intersecting way except alleys;


    Upon a way within ten feet of a fire hydrant;


    On the roadway side of any vehicle stopped or parked at the edge or curb of the way;


    In front of a public or private driveway;


    Upon any way where the parking of a vehicle will not leave a clear and unobstructed lane at least ten feet wide for passing traffic;


    Upon any way where the location of the vehicle will interfere with the performance of city public works services including street sweeping and catch basin cleaning;


    Upon any way after proper notification to remove the vehicle to facilitate street sweeping, as listed in Schedule XXI of this title, and catchbasin cleaning;


    Upon any way posted as a tow-away zone as listed in Schedule XXII of this title.


    Upon any major thru-way designated by the traffic commission and posted in accordance with schedule XXA.


    Upon any way designated by the traffic commission and posted according with Schedule XXIV to facilitate snow removal.


    Buses, taxicabs, hackney, pupil or livery vehicles parked upon any way in accordance with Section 10.32.160 of the Revised Ordinances of the City of Revere. Vehicles licensed by the Revere Police Department shall be exempt between eight a.m. and five p.m.


    Vehicles found in violation of the provisions of this section, except those specifically exempt by law, shall be removed to a convenient place under the direction of an officer of the police department, and the owner of the vehicle so removed or towed away shall be liable to the cost of such removal and storage, if any, as set forth in Section 10.44.070. The owner of any vehicle removed or towed away under the provisions of this section shall also be subject to the penalties provided in Section 10.04.060.

    (T.C.R. 2005-19 § 1: T.C.R. 84-3; C.O. 83-52 § 48 (part): C.O. 80-574; prior revision § 12-98)

(T.C.R. 2007-10, § 3, 9-20-2007; T.C.R. 2013-15, 6-27-2013; T.C.R. 2017-16, 2-16-17)