§ 10.48.030. Crossing ways—Traffic-signaled locations.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    At a traffic-control signal location where pedestrian indications are provided but which are shown only upon actuation by means of a pedestrian push button, no pedestrian shall cross a roadway unless or until the pedestrian control signal push button has been actuated and then cross only on the proper pedestrian signal indication. At traffic-control signal locations where no pedestrian indication is provided, pedestrians shall cross only on the green indication. If necessary, the green indication shall be actuated by the pedestrian by means of a push button.


    At a traffic-control signal location, pedestrians shall yield the right-of-way to vehicles of a funeral or other procession or authorized emergency vehicle while in the performance of emergency duties regardless of the signal indication given, and they shall not attempt to cross the roadway until such vehicles or procession has passed, at which time pedestrians shall then cross the roadway only as provided in the regulations set forth in this chapter.

(C.O.83-52 § 48 (part): prior revision § 12-106)