§ 12.04.020. Street names.* **  

Latest version.
  • The several streets and squares in the city shall retain the names by which they are known, and all streets, ways or squares hereafter to be laid out shall be named by the city council. The city council may change the name of any street, square or way in the city; provided, that before such change, the city council shall appoint a time and place for hearing all persons interested therein, and give notice of such hearing and of its intention to change such name, by publication of the same in at least one newspaper published in the city. It shall cause signposts to be erected designating the names of streets and private ways leading from accepted streets.

    (Prior revision § 17-2)

    *  As to house and building numbering, see Ch. 15.12 of this revision.

    **  Also see G.L. Ch. 85, §§ 3—3B.