§ 12.04.050. Leaving materials—Permit required.*  

Latest version.
  • No person, other than one employed directly or indirectly by this city, or by the commonwealth, and while in the performance of necessary public duties, shall at any time place or leave in any sidewalk, street or highway any article, material or merchandise, unless a permit issued by the chief of police in the case of city ways or by the department of public works of the commonwealth in the case of state highways, authorizing the use of the sidewalk, street or highway, has been granted and is in effect, except as may be necessary for the reasonable and expeditious loading or unloading of any such article, material, merchandise, cart or vehicle; provided, however, that such property shall never be left so as to obstruct the free passage of pedestrian or vehicular travel. This section shall not apply to persons who have permits issued by the city public works department or its agents.

    (C.O.83-52 § 51; prior revision § 17-5)

    *  As to permit fees, see Table I of this revision.