§ 12.04.350. Snow and ice removal—Sidewalks and footways.*  

Latest version.
  • A.

    The tenant, occupant and, in case there is no tenant or occupant, the owner, agent or person having care of any building or lot of land bordering on any highway, street, lane, court, square or public place within any commercial zoning district in the city where there is any footway or sidewalk duly established, shall cause all the snow to be removed from such footway or sidewalk in front of such premises within twenty-four hours of the time it ceased to fall. The foregoing shall also apply to snow which falls from buildings.

    In any declared snow emergency, the DPW superintendent and the director of inspectional services, shall have discretion to expand the requirements of this section to any other zoning district of the city, including residential districts.


    Whenever any sidewalk or footway abutting on any building or lot of land shall be encumbered with ice, the occupant, owner, agent or person having charge of such building or lot shall remove the ice therefrom, or so cover it that it shall be safe and convenient for travel.


    No person shall throw or place or permit to be thrown or placed, any snow or ice on any footway or sidewalk duly established, or on any sidewalk or street except as directed by the superintendent of public works or his or her designees. No snow or ice shall be removed from private property and deposited on any footway or sidewalk duly established or on any sidewalk, public way or street to which the public has access.


    Whoever violates this section shall be punished by a fine of twenty-five dollars for the first offense, and fifty dollars for the second offense and one hundred dollars for the third and subsequent offense.

    (C.O.05-342 §§ 1, 2, 4; C.O. 85-4 § 32; prior revision § 17-20)

    *  See note following Section 12.04.360 below.