§ 12.08.050. Display on post, rod or mailbox.  

Latest version.
  • Notwithstanding anything contained in Section 12.08.040 to the contrary, the requirements of this chapter are satisfied if the owner, occupant or lessee provides the Arabic numbers, as required by Section 12.08.040, upon a post, rod or other type of fixture of substantial nature or a mailbox at or near the road frontage with the same number affixed thereon and so located upon the same, so that the number may be conspicuous and visible from the street upon which the building fronts. When the provisions of this section have been complied with, the owner, occupant or lessee of the house or building shall not be otherwise obligated to affix Arabic numbers to the house or building and shall be permitted, at his or her option, to utilize cursive numbers or no numbers at all upon the house or building.

(C.O.81-388 (part): prior revision § 5-8)