§ 13.04.070. Shutoff for nonpayment.*  

Latest version.
  • If bills for water, meter or service pipe or materials and labor furnished are not paid within forty days after notice from the city collector that the same are at his or her office, ready for payment, the water may be shut off from the premises which are supplied and shall not be turned on again until all bills are paid, and, in addition thereto, fees for the expense of shutting off and for letting on the water. This rule shall apply to all premises supplied with water, whether they are occupied at the time of such shutting off by the persons who owned or occupied the premises at the time the bills accrued or by other persons.

    (C.O.83-52 § 75 (part); prior revision § 19-7 (part))

    *  As to city fees, see Table I of this revision.