§ 13.08.435. Licensing and bonding of installers.  

Latest version.
  • No person shall construct, repair or alter any building sewer, or make any connection into any public sewer or Massachusetts Water Resources Authority District, Massachusetts Water Resources Authority Sewerage System sewer unless such person is duly licensed by the city council as a sewer layer. Such person so licensed shall, before performing any work by virtue of such license, execute a satisfactory bond to the city in a sum of not less than ten thousand dollars. The bond is to contain conditions that the sewer layer comply with the ordinances of the city, and the terms and conditions of the permit under which, in each case, work is performed, and that the sewer layer will indemnify and hold harmless the city from all damages or costs to which the city may be put by reason of injuries resulting from failure to comply with the terms and conditions of the permit.

(C.O.86-23 § 8 (part); C.O. 83-52 § 60 (Art. II § 15))