§ 13.08.535. Pretreatment facilities.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    If the department of public works permits the pretreatment or equalization of wastewater flows, a facility required to pretreat wastewater to a level acceptable to the department of public works and the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority District, Massachusetts Water Resources Authority Sewerage System shall be provided and maintained at the user's expense. Prior to construction of the pretreatment facility, the user shall forward to the department of public works, in triplicate, a description together with detailed plans and calculations showing the proposed facility and operating procedures.


    Any subsequent changes in an approved facility or method of operation shall be reported to the department of public works, and shall be approved by the department of public works and the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority District, Massachusetts Water Resources Authority Sewerage System before modification of the facility.


    Any user to whom federal or state pretreatment standards are applicable shall be in compliance with such standards within the time required by the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority District, Massachusetts Water Resources Authority Sewerage System;


    The superintendent of public works, the city engineer, the health inspector, the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority District, Massachusetts Water Resources Authority Sewerage System or the authorized representative thereof, may inspect the pretreatment facility at all reasonable times to ascertain whether this chapter is being met.


    Such facilities shall be subject to periodic inspection by the superintendent of public works, the city engineer, the health inspector and Massachusetts Water Resources Authority District, Massachusetts Water Resources Authority Sewerage System personnel or the authorized representatives thereof.

(C.O.86-23 § 8 (part); C.O. 83-52 § 60 (Art. III § 8 (part))