§ 13.08.570. Accidental discharges.  

Latest version.
  • Each user shall provide protection from any discharges, including accidental discharges, in violation of state and federal regulations.


    Users shall notify the department of public works and the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority District, Massachusetts Water Resources Authority Sewerage System immediately upon discharging wastes in violation of the city, Massachusetts Water Resources Authority District, Massachusetts Water Resources Authority Sewerage System, state and/or federal regulations, in order for countermeasures to be taken by the department of public works and the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority District, Massachusetts Water Resources Authority Sewerage System to minimize damage to the sewerage system and its receiving waters.


    This notification shall be followed within fifteen days of the date of occurrence by a detailed written statement to the department of public works and the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority District, Massachusetts Water Resources Authority Sewerage System describing the causes of the accidental discharge and the measures being taken to prevent future occurrences. Such notification will not relieve users of liability for any expense, loss or damage to the public or to the Metropolitan Sewerage System, or for any fines imposed by the regulating agencies.


    Users shall inform their employees of the existence of these accidental discharge regulations and at least one copy shall be permanently posted on the user's bulletin board. A notice shall be furnished and permanently posted advising employees whom to call in case of accidental discharges.

(C.O.86-23 § 8 (part); C.O. 83-52 § 60 (Art. III § 15))