§ 15.08.010. Outdoor advertising devices—Prohibited locations.  

Latest version.
  • No person shall erect, display or maintain a billboard, sign or other outdoor advertising device, except those exempted by Sections 30 and 32 of Chapter 93 of the General Laws:


    Within one hundred feet of any public way;


    Within three hundred feet of any public park, playground or other public grounds, if within view of any portion of the same;


    Nearer than one hundred feet to any other billboard, sign or other advertising device, unless such billboards, signs or other advertising devices are placed back to back;


    On any location at the corner of any public ways and within a radius of one hundred fifty feet from the point where the centerlines of such ways intersect;


    Nearer than one hundred feet to any public way, if within view of any portion of the same, if such billboard, sign or other advertising device exceeds a length of eight feet or a height of four feet;


    Nearer than three hundred feet to any public way, if within view of the same, if such billboard, sign or other advertising device exceeds a length of twenty-five feet or a height of twelve feet;


    In any event, no such billboard, sign or other advertising device shall exceed a length of fifty feet or a height of twelve feet; except, that the council may permit the erection of billboards, signs or other advertising devices which do not exceed forty feet in length and fifteen feet in height if not nearer than three hundred feet to the boundary of any public way;


    No billboard, sign or other advertising device shall be erected, displayed or maintained in any block in which one-half of the buildings on both sides of the street are used exclusively for residential purposes; except, that this provision shall not apply if the written consent of the owners of a majority of the frontage on both sides of the street in such a block is first obtained and is filed with the state outdoor advertising authority, together with the application for a permit for such billboard, sign or other advertising device.


    Any billboard and mounting structure with noted cuts, flaking, peeling or other noted physical defects shall be repaired within five business days upon notice to the owner of said billboard by the department of inspectional services. If the billboard and or mounting structure are not repaired within five business days after notice from the department of inspection services a penalty fine of one hundred dollars shall be assessed against the owner of said billboard which shall be collected in accordance with the provisions of Section 21D of Chapter 40 of the General Laws. If the owner of the billboard does not make the requested repairs upon receipt of a second notice the maximum penalty fine of three hundred dollars shall be assessed as provided for by the provisions of Section 21 of Chapter 40 of the General Laws and shall be collected in accordance with the provisions of Section 21D of Chapter 40 of the General Laws. If the owner of the billboard fails to make the necessary repairs within thirty days of the date of the second notice the city council shall schedule a public hearing to show cause why the permit, license and or the special permit authorizing the billboard shall not be revoked forthwith.

    (C.O.81-135 § 1; prior revision § 3-1 (part), (a)—(h))

(C.O. 07-200, § 1. 7-30-2007)