§ 15.12.030. Notice to public service corporations.  

Latest version.
  • In all cases where a permit has been granted for the moving of a building as provided in this chapter, the moving of which will necessitate the temporary interruption of electric, telephone or cable television services by any corporation authorized to maintain the same in the city, the person or corporation applying to move said building shall, before any such building is moved from its location, notify such corporation of the granting of the permit. Prior to the moving of the building, the person or corporation moving the building shall be required to give notice by certified mail, return receipt requested, at least ten days in advance of the move to all persons whose telephone, electric or cable television service will be temporarily interrupted advising said persons of the date, time and duration of the interruption. Notice shall also be given to the police chief and fire chief.

(C.O.83-398a §§ 2, 3; prior revision § 17-30)