§ 15.17.020. General definitions.  

Latest version.
  • As used in this section, unless the context indicates otherwise, the following words shall have the following meanings:


    "City" means the city of Revere, its departments, offices, agencies, subdivisions, or officials thereof.


    "City administrator" means the mayor, or the person designated by the mayor, who shall be responsible for the overall implementation and enforcement of this chapter.


    "City contract" means any agreement between the city and any other person to provide services to the city or its residents. City contract includes any grant, including but not limited to community development block grant (CDBG) funds, awarded to a person in order for it to provide specific services to the city or its residents. City contract does not include agreements primarily for the purchase or lease of goods or property for the city; nor agreements for the provision of professional services such as legal services, banking services, architectural services or computer services.


    "Contractor" means any person that has entered into a city contract.


    "Subcontract" means any contractual relationship under which a person assists a contractor in performing a city contract, or accepts or transfers any right or responsibility set forth in a city contract.


    "Subcontractor" means any person that has entered into a subcontract.


    "Covered employer" means any entity fitting the definitions set forth in Section 15.17.040.


    "Employee" means any person who performs work on a full-time, part-time, temporary or seasonal basis, including employees, temporary workers, contracted workers, contingent workers and persons made available to work through services of a temporary services, staffing or employment agency or similar entity.


    "Covered employee" means any individual fitting the definitions set forth in Section 15.17.050. The only individuals who otherwise meet the standard of "covered employee" who are automatically exempted from the living wage are individuals in a youth or senior program or those working in the part-time assistance program at the Revere public library. See definition of youth, senior and library programs under Section 15.17.080 below.


    "Designee" means a city department or agency or other party designated by the city administrator to assist with the implementation, monitoring and enforcement of this chapter.


    "Health care expenditure" means any amount paid by a covered employer to a covered employee or to another party for the benefit of one or more covered employees for the purpose of providing health care services or reimbursing the cost of such services for its covered employees and/or the families of its covered employees.


    "Maximum health care expenditure credit" means one dollar and twenty-five cents per hour upon implementation of this chapter. Starting January 1, 2008, and each year thereafter, this amount shall be upwardly adjusted in proportion to the increase, if any, for the period of the preceding September over the level as of September of the immediately preceding year in the "Consumer Price Index—All Urban Consumers" or its successor index as published by the U.S. Department of Labor or its successor agency.


    "Living wage" means a wage equal to the levels established in Section 15.17.060.


    "Person" means any individual, partnership, corporation, limited liability company, sole proprietorship, association, joint adventure, estate, trust and any other entity, group or combination acting as a unit, and the individuals constituting such group or unit.

(C.O.07-24 § 1 (part))