§ 15.17.080. Exemptions.  

Latest version.
  • Notwithstanding any other provisions in this chapter, the following exemptions shall apply:


    The following will be granted an automatic exemption from the requirements of this chapter:


    Any city, state or federally funded program which employs youth, as defined by city, state or federal guidelines, or as part of a school to work program or in other seasonal or related part-time program, including:


    A bona fide training program,


    An after school or summer or youth employment program, or


    A bona fide work-study program, internship, fellowship, or other similar program;


    Any city, state or federally funded senior program which employs individuals sixty-five years of age or older in a community service employment program or other subsidized employment or training program;


    The part-time assistance program at the Revere public library which employs part-time individuals for the purpose of supporting the full-time staff and ensuring that there is adequate personnel to meet state-mandated hours of operation.


    For any city contract, the city council may grant a partial or complete exemption from the requirements of this chapter for:


    A not-for-profit organization providing human services pursuant to city contracts that demonstrates that it cannot reasonably afford to pay the living wage and provide health care to its covered employees based on payment rates under the city contract and other resources available to it;


    A specific exception where the mayor represents that payment of the living wage by a covered employer will (a) substantially curtail the services provided by the covered employer, (b) have an adverse impact on the city, or (c) is not in the best interests of the city.


    The requirements of this chapter may be waived by the written terms of a bona fide collective bargaining agreement, provided that this chapter is expressly referenced in the agreement, and that the agreement sets forth in clear and unambiguous terms the desire of all parties to waive some or all of the requirements of this chapter. Unilateral implementation of the terms and conditions of employment by either party to a collective bargaining relationship shall not constitute a waiver of any of the requirements of this chapter.

(C.O.07-24 § 1 (part))