§ 17.08.375. Hospital or general hospital.  

Latest version.
  • "Hospital" or "general hospital" means an institution that: (1) provides intensive supervision and/or medically supervised treatment to patients who are generally not ambulatory; (2) offers facilities and beds for use beyond twenty-four hours by individuals requiring diagnosis, treatment or care for illness, injury, deformity, infirmity, abnormality, disease or pregnancy; (3) offers facilities for emergency medical treatment of trauma and urgent medical conditions; and/or (4) regularly makes available at least clinical laboratory services, diagnostic x-ray services, and treatment facilities for surgery or obstetrical care or other definitive medical treatment of similar extent. This use may include offices for medical and dental personnel, central service facilities such as pharmacies and medical supply facilities or medical laboratories. This definition does not include a substance abuse treatment center.

    Substance abuse treatment centers shall be located no closer than three hundred feet from residential uses, schools, buildings/structures used for religious purposes and public parks. ;hnlexis: (C.O. 03-75A § 5)