§ 17.16.020. Religious, educational, governmental and municipal uses.  

Latest version.
  • The use regulations of this title shall not prohibit the use of land, buildings or structures for religious purposes or for educational purposes on land owned or leased by a religious sect or denomination or by a nonprofit educational corporation, nor shall this title prohibit such use for educational purposes, historical purposes, public safety purposes, purposes arising from the general conduct of government, or for parks and recreational purposes on land owned or leased by the city, the commonwealth or any of its agencies, subdivisions or bodies politic. Nor shall this title prohibit the use of land, buildings or structures owned or leased and regularly occupied as its principal location by a religious sect or denomination, or by a nonprofit educational corporation, for a "flea market" as defined in Section 17.08.285 or bazaar where the profits of such flea market or bazaar shall be retained by said sect, denomination or corporation for its financial support and in furtherance of its religious or educational purposes, provided however, that said flea market or bazaar is conducted no more than once per week and no later than five p.m., on any day, and that parking is provided upon the land owned or leased by said sect, denomination or corporation. Nothing herein shall exempt said sect, denomination or corporation from licensing regulations pertaining to or arising from said use.

(C.O.04-633A § 1: C.O. 03-75A § 3)