§ 17.16.045. Adult entertainment establishments, adult bookstore, adult video store, adult motion picture theatre and advertisement signs or devices.  

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  • A.

    Adult Entertainment Establishment and Businesses Promoting Adult Uses within the City of Revere. Based upon the experience of other communities, particularly the evident problems which existed in those portions of the city of Boston bordering and included within the so-called "Combat Zone," the city council of the city of Revere finds that the proliferation of "adult entertainment establishments" (as said term is herein defined) will have an adverse on the community by, among other impacts, limiting economic development and reducing residential property values. Furthermore, the city council finds that adult entertainment establishments, if situated near school, parks, houses of worship, nursery schools, day care centers, kindergartens or playgrounds would have an adverse impact on the youth of this city.


    General Limitation. Notwithstanding any term or condition within the Table of Uses within this revision, or any other provision of this revision, no adult entertainment establishments, adult bookstore, adult video store, adult motion picture theater and advertising signs or devices may be: (1) erected, constructed, placed, altered, converted or otherwise changed in any district other than the TED district; or (2) erected, constructed, placed, altered, converted or otherwise changed without the issuance of a special permit issued by the city council; or (3) erected, constructed, placed, altered or converted if it is within three hundred feet of the line of any lot which itself contains either an adult entertainment establishment, adult bookstore, adult video store, adult motion picture theater or adult advertising signs or devices.


    Special Permit Considerations for Adult Entertainment Establishments and Adult Motion Picture Theaters. A special permit may be granted for any adult entertainment establishment or adult motion picture theater if the following conditions are fully satisfied:


    Adult entertainment establishments and adult motion picture theaters may not be located less than one thousand feet from the nearest lot line of: each other; public or private nursery schools; public or private day care centers; public or private kindergartens; public or private elementary schools; public or private secondary schools; playgrounds and houses of worship.


    A ten-foot wide landscaped strip shall be provided along the property line fronting a public or private way.


    A material condition to every special permit issued with respect to any adult entertainment establishment and adult movie theater shall that such establishment or theater must cease its business operations between the hours of one a.m. and ten a.m. each day.


    No adult entertainment establishment or adult motion picture theater may have visible from outside the establishment or theater any flashing lights.


    No adult entertainment establishment or adult motion picture theater shall be eligible to apply for a special permit requesting a freestanding accessory sign.


    Each applicant for a special permit to operate an adult entertainment establishment of adult motion picture must provide on a plan submitted with its application adequate parking on the same lot said establishment or theater in the following ratio: one parking space for every 1.25 person allowed for the establishment's seating capacity.


    Special Permit Consideration for Adult Bookstores and Adult Video Stores. A special permit may be granted for any adult bookstores or adult video stores (collectively said bookstores and video stores hereinafter referred to as "adult merchandise establishments") if each of the following conditions are fully satisfied:


    Adult merchandise establishments may not be located less than one thousand feet from the nearest lot line of: each other; public or private nursery schools; public or private elementary schools; public or private secondary schools; playgrounds and houses of worship.


    A ten-foot wide landscaped strip shall be provided along the property line fronting a public or private way.


    A material condition to every special permit issued with respect to any adult merchandise establishment shall that such establishment or theater must cease its business operations between the hours of eleven p.m. and nine a.m. each day.


    No adult merchandise establishment may have visible from outside the establishment or theater any flashing flights.


    No adult merchandise establishment shall be eligible to apply for a special permit requesting a freestanding accessory sign.


    Special Permit Consideration for Adult Use Advertisement Signs. A special permit may be granted for any adult use advertisement signs if each of the following conditions are fully satisfied:


    Adult use advertisement signs may not be located less than one thousand feet from the nearest lot line of: each other; public or private nursery schools; public or private-day care centers; public or private secondary schools; playgrounds and houses of worship.


    Adult use advertisement signs may only be located on a building in which there is operating either an adult merchandise establishment, adult entertainment establishment or adult movie theater pursuant to a special permit issued by the city council.


    The highest point on any adult use advertisement sign may be no higher than twenty-four feet above ground level.


    No adult use advertisement sign may contain any moving, flashing or animated lights, or visible moving or movable parts.


    Construction—Conflicts. In the event that the applicable provision of the zoning ordinances set forth in this revision imposes greater dimensional or setback requirements than do the provisions of Sections 17.16.045 et seq., the greater requirements of the zoning ordinances shall apply. No structure shall contain both an adult merchandise establishment and either an adult entertainment establishment or adult movie theater.

(C.O.06-248A §§ 1—15; C.O. 97-105 § 4; C.O. 95-122 § 2)