§ 17.16.080. Day nursery.  

Latest version.
  • A day nursery may be allowed in the RA, RA1, RB, RB1, RC, RC1, RC2, RC3, NB, GB, GBI, HB, TED, CB, LI, IP, PDD1 and PDD2 districts in conformance with the following criteria:


    A day nursery shall comply in all respects with the standards for licensure and approval in accordance with Regulation 102 CMF 7.00 of the Office for Children.


    A day nursery located in a residential district shall have outdoor play areas which are fenced on all sides and include screening where such areas abut a residential use. Minimum screening for outdoor play areas which abut a residential use shall include an appropriate landscaping screen and/or stockade fencing.

    A day nursery located in commercial or industrial districts which have outdoor play areas, shall provide fencing and screening on all sides. Screening areas shall include a five foot landscaped buffer zone where such play areas abut a commercial or industrial district or use.


    If the nursery is located within a residential district, there shall be no parking allowed within the front yard. If the day nursery is located in a residential structure and/or district, the facility must provide one off-street parking space per two hundred gross square feet of nursery space in addition to the residential requirements.


    If the day nursery is located in a commercial structure and/or district, the facility will be required to provide one off-street parking space per two hundred gross square feet of nursery space in addition to the commercial parking requirements.


    There shall be no swimming pools allowed on the premises where a day nursery is conducted.

(C.O.03-298 § 1; C.O. 97-105 § 7; C.O. 93-30 § 3)