§ 17.16.190. Fast-food/take-out/drive-in restaurant.  

Latest version.
  • A fast-food/take-out/drive-in restaurant erected, constructed, placed, altered, converted or otherwise changed may be allowed by right in the HB district and only by special permit in the GB and the CB, PDD1, TED and PDD2 districts by the city council in conformance with the dimensional and parking-control requirements of this title, except as specifically changed by this section:


    A fast-food/take-out/drive-in restaurant must occur as a freestanding use, or in conjunction with other commercial activities.


    The minimum parcel size shall be ten thousand square feet.


    One off-street parking space shall be provided for every one hundred fifty square feet of building space.


    Any drive-up windows associated with the fast-food/take-out/drive-in restaurant shall be so designed as to have a stacking capacity of at least ten cars (two hundred feet), without intruding onto the onsite parking circulation lanes.


    Landscape and screening plans shall be proposed by a landscape architect.


    Lights shall be provided and all lights shall be shielded from streets and adjoining properties.


    Tenants or users of the spaces shall be limited to residences abutting or within two hundred feet of the lot. H. The above criteria shall not be required for the sale of ice cream and frozen desserts wherein the sale of ice cream and frozen desserts are not the primary use of the building.


    In the PDD1 district, a fast-food/take-out/drive-in restaurant shall be allowed by right where the use is incident or accessory to a principal commercial use.

(C.O.03-75A § P; C.O. 01-489 § 4 (part); C.O. 01-489 § 4; C.O. 97-105 § 17; C.O. 90-237 § 12; C.O. 87-661 § 7; C.O. 85-250 § 1; C.O. 83-508A § 12; C.O. 83-3 § 17-5(R))