§ 17.16.252. Standing accessory multiuse signs.  

Latest version.
  • Standing signs, which are accessory and allow for other nonaccessory signage, may be erected, constructed, placed, altered, converted or otherwise structurally changed only by special permit in the HB, TED, LI and IP districts by the city council in conformance with the regulations set forth in Section 17.36.043 of this title, except as specifically changed by this section as follows:


    At the time of the public hearing the applicant shall provide written information to the council indicating that the city building inspector has reviewed the construction drawings and has, in writing, approved the drawings as to their conformance with all construction and safety standards as may be required by the city and the commonwealth.


    The accessory sign area must not exceed ninety square feet; each nonaccessory sign must not have a sign area which exceeds forty square feet. In no instance shall the area of a nonaccessory sign exceed the area of the accessory sign.


    The nonaccessory sign must be advertising signs for businesses within the adjacent HB, TED, LI or IP district, which are within a radius of six hundred and fifty feet from the lot in which the sign is to be placed. The location of the multiuse standing accessory sign shall only be allowed on a lot adjacent to the common roadway servicing such businesses to be advertised. Also, no more than one nonaccessory sign shall be permitted per business location.


    The maximum height of any standing multiuse sign shall not exceed thirty-five feet; and have clearance from the ground of ten feet.


    No portion of the standing multiuse sign shall be within five feet of a public walkway, ten feet of a public way or twenty feet of any residential structure.


    No sign, whether accessory or nonaccessory shall be illuminated beyond eleven p.m. where such sign abuts a residential area.


    No sign, whether accessory or nonaccessory, shall contain any moving, flashing or animated lights or visible moving or movable parts.


    There shall be appropriate landscaping provided at the base of the sign.


    That the installation of such signs adjacent to state highways comply with state and federal regulations.

(C.O.97-105 § 24; C.O. 91-253 § 1)