§ 17.17.020. Applicability.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    The building inspector shall not issue a building permit unless and until a site plan review has been completed by the site plan review committee (SPRC), and no building permit may be issued unless in conformance with an approved site plan, except as provided in subsection B of this section and Section 17.17.040(E).


    Site plan review is required for all uses allowed as of right or special permit and listed in Section 17.16.040, Table of Uses, and for all extensions of nonconforming uses. No building permit shall be issued in any case where a building is to be erected or externally enlarged and no area for parking, loading or vehicular service shall be established or substantially changed except in conformity with a site plan bearing an endorsement of approval by the site plan review committee. Site plan approval shall not be required in any case where a building is to be externally changed for the purpose of closing an entrance or creating a new entrance thereto and for other extension(s) to a building which in total shall not exceed one thousand square feet of gross floor area.

(C.O.90-237 § 1 (part))