§ 17.17.060. Materials for review—As may be required (for multifamily, com-mercial and industrial projects only).  

Latest version.
  • The applicant shall submit one or more of the following additional materials as may be required by the site plan review committee:


    Surface water pollution: a report on the impact of stormwater runoff on adjacent and downstream surface water bodies, subsurface groundwater and the water table.


    Soils: the potential dangers of erosion and sedimentation caused by the operation and maintenance of the proposed development.


    General environmental impact: a report on the relationship of the proposed development to the major botanical, geological and hydrological resources of the site, and compatibility of the proposed development with adjacent or surrounding land uses and neighborhoods. The applicant shall submit such material as may be required regarding design features intended to integrate the proposed new development into the existing landscape and environment, to enhance aesthetic assets, and to screen objectionable features from neighbors. If applicable, a shadow study and an assessment report pursuant to Chapter 21E of the MGL.


    Traffic impact: a report on existing traffic volume, composition, peak hour levels, and existing street capacities, estimated average daily traffic generation, composition peak hour levels, and directional flows resulting from the proposed development, proposed methods to mitigate the estimated traffic impact, and the methodology and sources used to derive existing data and estimations.


    A plan for the control of erosion and sedimentation caused by the proposed construction.


    Water and sewerage: a report on the impact of the water and sewer system.

(Ord. 90-237 § 1 (part))