§ 17.20.130. Final plan contents.  

Latest version.
  • The application for a special permit and a site plan review shall be accompanied by the original copy of the final plan and six copies, and any other data to be submitted, and shall contain the following data:


    It shall be drawn at a scale of one inch equals forty feet, unless another scale is requested and found suitable by the engineering department;


    A professional engineer, registered architect or registered landscape architect shall prepare the site plan;


    The plan shall be stamped by the registered land surveyor who performed the boundary survey and who shall certify the accuracy of the location of the buildings, setbacks and all other required dimensions, elevations and measurements and shall be signed under the penalties of perjury;


    A utilities and drainage plan shall be prepared by a professional engineer;


    The scale, date and north arrow shall be shown;


    Lot number, dimensions of lot in feet, size of lot in square feet, and width of abutting streets and ways;


    Easements within the lot and abutting thereon;


    The location of existing or proposed buildings on the lot shall be prepared by a registered architect to include the total square footage and dimensions of all buildings, all building elevations and floor plans, and perspective renderings. Further, the depiction of materials and colors to be used shall be required;


    The location of existing wetlands, water bodies, wells, one-hundred-year floodplain elevation and other natural features requested by the planning board;


    The distance of existing and proposed buildings from the lot lines and the distance between buildings on the same lot;


    Percent of building lot coverage;


    Average finished grade of each building (see definition);


    The elevation above average finished grade of the floor and ceiling of the lowest floor of each building;


    Existing and proposed topographical lines at two-foot intervals;


    The use designation of each building or part there of, and of each section of open ground, plaza or usable roof space;


    Numbering of parking spaces;


    Height of all buildings, above average finished grade of abutting streets;


    A landscape plan to include the total square feet of all landscape and recreation areas, and depiction of material to be used, and the quantity, size and species of plantings;


    Deed or other recorded instrument that shows the applicant to be the owner under option of the land to be designated as a PUD;


    The applicant shall provide, for subsections G, I, J, K, L, O and P of this section, graphic and/or narrative descriptions of the differences, if any, that would occur if the site were not to be developed with a special permit under this chapter.

(C.O.83-3 § 17-5(X)(7))