§ 17.20.200. Off-street parking.

Latest version.
  • A.

    In all PUD projects, adequate off-street parking shall be provided for all vehicles normally visiting the property at any one time. The parking may be ground level, underground or in a garage structure. Parking shall be provided at the following rates, unless otherwise permitted by the council, for the different types of use within the PUD project on land in the same ownership or on a separate parcel, provided that the parking space is within one hundred feet of the building's principal entrance which fronts on a public right-of-way. The determination of the distance from the principal entrance of the building to the potential parking lot shall be the responsibility of the building inspector who shall apply the one-hundred-foot criteria in a straight-line method. An agreement shall be recorded dedicating the parcel to parking use for the reasonable life of the building:

    Minimum Spaces

    Apartments, condominiums 2 spaces per unit
    All commercial and business activities 1 space per 1,200 sq. ft. of floor space or fraction thereof
    Theaters, restaurants or places of public assembly 1 space for every 4 seats



    The design standards for off-street parking shall be eight and one-half feet by seventeen feet for angle parking and seven and one-half by twenty feet for parallel parking.


    The off-street loading requirements for all uses located in a PUD shall comply with this title, or as otherwise approved by the council.

(C.O.88-49 § 17(B); C.O. § 87-340 § 2; C.O. 87-136B § 2; C.O. 83-508B § 6; C.O. 83-3 § 17-5(X)(11))