§ 17.22.060. Preliminary plan—Contents.  

Latest version.
  • The contents of a preliminary plan for a planned unit development shall be:


    PDD1 boundaries, north arrow, date, scale, legend and title ("Preliminary Plan: Planned Development District 1"), the name or names of applicants and engineer or designer;


    Names of all abutters, land uses and approximate location and width of all adjacent streets;


    Show the existing and proposed lines of streets, ways, easements and of any public areas within or next to the PDD1;


    The approximate boundary lines of existing and proposed lots with approximate areas and dimensions;


    Indicate the proposed system of drainage, including adjacent, existing natural waterways and the topography of the land;


    Show the existing and proposed buildings, significant structures and proposed open space on the project site, and to include adjacent buildings and their actual use;


    An analysis of the natural features of the site, including wetlands, floodplains, slopes over ten percent, soil conditions and other features requested by the project review board or required by the regulations of the board;


    A description of the neighborhood in which the tract lies, including utilities and other public facilities and the general impact of the proposed PDD1 upon them;


    A summary of environmental concerns relating to the PUD.

(C.O.90-237 § 18 (part))