§ 17.23.050. Dimensional regulations.  

Latest version.
  • Where a person or entity has elected to comply with the provisions of this section, the dimensional regulations set forth below apply to any project within the OROD in place of the dimensional regulations applicable in the underlying district as set forth in Chapter 17.24 of this title. For purposes of determining whether the proposal satisfies these requirements, the entire area of the OROD shall be considered one lot, irrespective of the individual lots or parcels comprising that area. Where a proposed building is located partially within the city of Revere and partially within the city of Malden, the following dimensional requirements shall only apply to that portion of a proposed building located in the city of Revere. No portion of land within another municipality may be used to satisfy dimensional requirements applicable in Revere. Contiguous land located outside of the OROD, but owned or controlled by an entity (or related entity) owning land within the OROD, may be used to satisfy the dimensional requirements of Section 17.23.050.


    Minimum Distance Between Buildings: thirty feet, twenty feet of which may not be encumbered by a structure.


    Maximum Height: Twelve feet per story, except eighteen feet for any story used for retail or restaurants. Parapets less than five feet high, chimneys, flag poles, ventilators, water tanks, antennas, penthouses, solar panels, wind generators and associated towers, and other projections used for or intended to be used exclusively for utility services or access to the roof may exceed the height limitations of this chapter by not more than twenty feet. For purposes of calculating the maximum height of buildings in the OROD, height shall be measured by reference to the National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 (NGVD 29). The maximum height shall be as follows:

    8-story residential building Elevation 190 (NGVD 29)
    10-story residential building Elevation 210 (NGVD 29)
    Non-residential building (Subdistrict C) Elevation 190 (NGVD 29)
    Non-residential building (Subdistrict B) Elevation 235 (NGVD 29)



    Maximum Number of Stories: Eight stories for residential use, up to ten stories with a special permit. Twelve stories for hotel and office uses, except eight stories in subdistrict C. Parking garages located under a building shall be excluded from the calculation of stories.


    Minimum Building Setback from Property Boundary Lines: Thirty feet.


    Minimum Building Setback from Streets or Ways, Public or Private: Twenty feet.


    Breedens Lane Buffer: Notwithstanding anything in this chapter to the contrary, except for installation of additional landscaping, an undisturbed buffer area at least one hundred feet in width shall be maintained along that portion of Breedens Lane that abuts land in the OROD. There shall be no access or egress from Breedens Lane to any portion of the OROD.


    Minimum Usable Open Space: The minimum open space within the OROD shall be two hundred square feet per dwelling unit. In addition, the total amount of open space within the OROD must be ten percent of the land area of the OROD. Usable Open Space shall consist of areas for active or passive recreational use. Open spaces may be provided on the roof or within a building and may include, but not be limited to, sauna and whirlpool baths; physical exercise rooms; handball, paddleball, and/or squash courts; tennis courts; basketball courts; swimming pools; lawns or greens; walks; benches; and other active or passive recreational facilities. A maximum of twenty-five percent of the Useable Open Space may be provided through indoor facilities. For purposes of calculating Usable Open Space, all of the land within the OROD shall be considered one lot. Compliance with the foregoing shall be subject to review and approval under Section 17.23.060.


    Maximum Lot Coverage, Principal and Accessory Buildings (Percentage of the Property): Fifty percent for principal buildings and twenty percent for accessory buildings, not including parking areas or structures.


    Frontage: The minimum lot frontage requirement within the OROD shall be seventy feet along a street line. Streets shall include public or private ways approved and endorsed by the Revere Planning Board or private internal access drives. Where frontage is provided by an internal access drive such access drive shall contain a paved width from curb to curb of at least twenty-four feet and otherwise satisfy the site plan review criteria set forth in Chapter 17.17 of this title. Where parking is allowed on the access drive, the paved width shall be increased nine feet for each side of the access drive used for parallel parking and eighteen feet for each side of the access drive used for head-in parking. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the main access boulevard that provides access from Salem Street to Route One shall require approval by the planning board under the Subdivision Control Law.


    Density: Except by special permit from the city council, the floor area ratio, as defined in Section 17.08.300 of this title, shall not exceed 3.0. For purposes of calculating the floor area ratio, all of the land within the OROD shall be considered one lot. Parking structures shall be excluded from the calculation of floor area ratio.


    Retail Use Limitation: Notwithstanding anything in this chapter to the contrary, (i) the total amount of retail space housed in the first or second floor of all residential buildings may not exceed forty thousand gross square feet in the aggregate; (ii) the total amount of retail space in stand-alone retail buildings within the OROD may not exceed ninety thousand gross square feet in the aggregate; and (iii) no stand-alone building for retail use shall have a building footprint in excess of thirty thousand gross square feet. In addition, no individual tenant or occupant of a stand-alone building used for retail uses shall occupy more than fifteen thousand gross square feet, except that a supermarket may have up to thirty thousand gross square feet. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the maximum amount of area devoted to retail uses set forth herein shall be reduced proportionately (on a one-to-one basis) upon the issuance of a building permit by the city of Malden that authorizes retail uses on land within the city of Malden that is (a) contiguous to land within the OROD, (b) located in a similar overlay district, and (c) subject to the Land Reclamation Agreement. By way of example, if a building permit is issued for twenty thousand gross square feet of stand alone retail use on such contiguous land within the city of Malden, then only seventy thousand gross square feet of stand alone retail use will thereafter be allowed within the OROD in Revere.

(C.O. 09-466, § 1, 12-14-2009)