§ 17.23.070. Parking.  

Latest version.
  • In place of the parking requirements set forth elsewhere in this ordinance, any project within the OROD may comply with the following requirements. Where a proposed building is located partially within the city of Revere and partially within the city of Malden, the following dimensional parking requirements shall only apply to that portion of a proposed building located in the city of Revere. No portion of land within another municipality may be used to satisfy dimensional requirements applicable in Revere.


    A project shall provide two parking spaces per unit for each building proposed for residential use. Parking for a residential use shall be provided within eight hundred feet of the building to be put to this residential use.


    A project shall provide one parking space per room for any hotel use.


    A project shall provide four and one-half parking spaces per thousand square feet of retail sales or retail service use.


    A project shall provide one parking space per four seats for restaurant uses.


    For all other uses, the parking and loading requirements shall be as set forth in the Table of Off-Street Parking and Loading Regulations set forth in Chapter 17.28 of this title.


    The loading requirements for any project within the OROD may be reduced pursuant to site plan review upon a finding by the SPRC that the required number of loading spaces exceeds the likely need for loading spaces with respect to a specific use.


    Off-street parking and loading facilities shall comply with the dimensions for parking spaces and loading spaces and the minimum widths for parking aisles and access and egress driveways required pursuant to Chapter 17.28 of this title, unless deviations from these requirements are requested, substantiated, and approved through the site plan review process. In addition, off-street parking and loading facilities shall provide adequate lighting and screening as required by the SPRC pursuant to site plan review.

(C.O. 09-466, § 1, 12-14-2009)