§ 17.24.020. Multiple use buildings and lots.  

Latest version.
  • For the purpose of interpreting the intensity regulations with regard to multiple use buildings, the most stringent controls of the uses of the lot shall prevail.

    All principal uses shall be conducted within a single building per zoning lot unless multiple buildings are authorized pursuant to Section 17.24.025.* Separate principal uses may be allowed in separate principal buildings on parcels of land that are owned in common only after a subdivision plan is approved and recorded or a Form A Plan is endorsed and recorded. Where there exists more than one principal building on a zoning lot, as of the date of this amendment, then that land may be subdivided, not in conformity with this title, but to the least degree of nonconformity, in the opinion of the planning board, and with an absolute minimum frontage of ten feet for one or two family homes and twenty-five feet for all other uses. Except as authorized by G.L. c. 41, § 81L, no land in common ownership with existing buildings may be subdivided with no frontage and access only by a right-of-way.

    (C.O.01-261 § 2, 2001; C.O. 96-17 § 45; C.O. 93-30 § 4; C.O. 83-3 § 17-6(B)(1))

    *  Except that more than one principal building may be allowed in the HB district on parcels containing at least five acres. All dimensional requirements of the HB district shall otherwise apply.