§ 17.24.070. Driveways and parking within yards.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Parking within the front yard in the RA, RA1, RB, RB1, RC, RC3, NB and GB districts for single-family, two-family, duplex, and townhouse uses shall conform to the following requirements:


    Where a garage under the principal structure exists, one parking space shall be allowed within the garage driveway in front of each garage. No other part of the front yard located directly within the front of the structure shall be utilized for parking under this situation for single-family, two-family, and duplex uses.


    No more than two parking spaces shall be allowed in tandem for single-family, two-family, duplex, and townhouse uses.


    There shall be no parking allowed within the rear yard for single-family, two-family, and duplex uses.


    At least forty percent of the front yard shall be landscaped. The front yard for the purpose of complying with the forty percent landscaping requirement shall be the area along the full frontage of the property including the side yards to a point even with the front of the house as shown on the diagram below:


    This subsection should only apply to front yard improvements made as of the date of this revision change or thereafter.



    There shall be no parking within the front yard in the RC, RC3, NB, and GB districts for apartment uses.


    Tandem parking is prohibited for apartment uses in all districts.


    A maximum of six spaces shall be allowed for drop off only in the front yard within the RC1 district. A stone or decorative wall not to exceed four and one-half feet in height may be constructed within the front yard in the RC1 district and a six-foot wide landscaped area must be maintained between any such wall and property line.


    There shall be no driveways allowed within twenty feet of the point of curvature of an intersection within any district.


    Required off-street parking spaces for single-family, two-family, duplex and townhouse uses shall be provided on the actual developed lot and there shall be no easements provided on other lots to meet the parking requirement.


    Driveways shall be permitted within the front, side and rear yards of the RC1 and RC2 districts. Permitted driveways shall include driveways elevated to maintain level grade (at lot entry) and supported by columns, walls, or other structural members. Parking in garages below grade under the front yards, below grade under the side and rear yards, and partially below grade under the side and rear yards shall be permitted within the RC1 and RC2 districts.

(C.O.06-40 § 1)