§ 17.24.150. Intersection visibility setback.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    In all residential districts at the intersection of two or more streets, no hedge, fence, wall, sign, accessory building or other solid object (other than a single post or tree) which is higher than three feet above curb level, nor any other obstruction to vision, shall be permitted in the triangular area formed by the intersecting street lines and a line adjoining each intersection line twenty feet distant from the intersection along the street line.


    In residential districts where a lot line is also the boundary between two driveways, no fence, wall or similar barrier shall be more than three feet high for the first fifteen feet of the fence, measured from the front lot line of the property with the driveway in question.


    This section shall apply only to streets under the jurisdiction of the city, and not to streets under the jurisdiction of the Metropolitan District Commission or the Massachusetts Department of Public Works.

(C.O.85-656 § 11; C.O. 83-3 § 17-9(D))