§ 17.28.020. Table of parking and loading requirements.

Latest version.
  • Use Minimum Parking
    Spaces (A)
    Minimum Loading
    Minimum Loading
    Dwelling, single-family 2 0 0
    Dwelling, two-family 4 0 0
    Dwelling, apartment 2.0/unit (C)(D)(E) 0 0
    Dwelling, duplex 2.0 0 0
    Dwelling, townhouse 2 0 0
    Lodginghouse, roominghouse 1/rentable room 0 0
    Planned unit development 2.0/unit (C) 0 0
    Institutional and utility uses:
    Religious facility 1 per 5 seats 0 0
    Public or private lodge or club 1 per 100 gross square of nursery area feet (GSF) 0 1
    Day nursery 1 per 200 GSF of nursery area 0 0
    General hospital 1 per bed (B) 2
    Nursing or convalescent home 1 per 2 beds 1 1
    Public, private or nonprofit school 1.5/1,000 GSF 0 1
    Public library or museum 1/250 GSF 0 1
    Post office 1/200 SF of space open to the public NA NA
    Office or laboratory uses:
    General office use or building 1/400 GSF for general office uses greater than 20,000 GSF. 1/500 GSF for general office uses 20,000 GSF and less. 0 1
    Laboratory/research facility 1/500 GSF (B) 1
    Business uses and consumer services:
    Banks and financial institution 1/200 GSF 0 1
    Gaming facility 0.75/gaming position 2 N/A
    Training school for profit 1/200 GSF 0 1
    Funeral home 1/250 GSF 0 1
    Car wash 1/no. of employees on largest shift; not less than 4 0 0
    Special garage 1/500 GSF 0 1
    Automobile sales:
    Class I 1/250 SF of gross retail area (B) 1
    Class II 1/250 SF of gross retail area (B) 1
    Office and storage 1/250 GSF of gross retail area (B) 1
    Class III 1/250 GSF of gross retail area (B) 1
    Retail greenhouse 1/250 GSF 0 1
    Motel or hotel .75/rentable unit 0 1
    Medical or dental office 1/200 GSF 0 1
    Professional office 1/400 for professional office uses greater than 20,000 GSF. 1/500 for professional office uses 20,000 GSF and less 0 1
    Recreation, gainful business 1/150 GSF 0 1
    Fast-food service 1/150 GSF 0 1
    Restaurant (non-fast-food) 1/4 seats 0 1
    General retail sales and service 1/200 GSF 0 0
    Theater or meeting hall 1/4 seats 0 1
    Stadium and arena 1/4 seats 2 2
    Health club 1/150 GSF NA NA
    Convention center 1/4 2 2
    Industrial uses:
    Building construction and contracting storage yard or facility 1/1,000 GSF (B) 1
    General manufacture and repair 1/1,000 GSF (B) 1
    Marina, recreational .75/boat (B) 1
    Marina with repair facilities 1/1,000 GSF of repair facility, in addition to rec. marina standards (B) 1
    Warehouse 1/2,500 GSF (B) 1
    Wholesale and product distribution activities 1/2,500 GSF (B) 1



    (A)  In the CB district, commercial parking requirements established by this table shall not apply. In the CB district, parking requirements shall be one space for every one thousand two hundred square feet of commercial space. This requirement shall apply to new construction only.
    Parking requirements associated with developments in the RC, RC1, RC2, NB, CB, GB, HB, IP, LI and TED districts shall be in accordance with the provisions set forth in this title. However, parking lots separate from the lot accommodating the principal use in the RC, RC1, GB, NB, CB, HB, IP and TED districts, but in common ownership, shall be allowed, provided that the lots are within one hundred feet of the building's principal entrance which fronts on a public right-of-way. Parking lots separate from the lot accommodating the principal use in the RC2 district, shall be allowed, provided that the lots are within three hundred feet of the building's principal entrance which fronts on a public right-of-way. The determination of the distance from the principal entrance of the building to the potential parking lot shall be the responsibility of the building inspector, who shall apply the distance criteria in a straight line method. An agreement shall be recorded dedicating the parcel to parking use for the reasonable life of the building.

    (B)  See Section 17.28.190.

    (C)  For dwelling apartments and planned unit developments, .25 spaces per unit out of the required per unit parking ration shall be designated for visitor and handicapped parking.

    (D)  In the GB, RC1 and RC2 districts off-street parking requirements shall be 1.5 spaces per one bedroom unit, 1.75 spaces per two bedroom unit, and 2 spaces per unit for three or more bedrooms. Also, see Section 17.24.080 Parking in the front yard.

    (E)  In the RC2 district, off-street parking requirements shall be 1.5 spaces per one-bedroom unit, 1.75 spaces per two-bedroom unit and 2 spaces per unit for three or more bedrooms. However, these requirements may be further reduced, by special permit from the city council, to 1.25 spaces per one-bedroom unit and 1.5 spaces per two-bedroom unit for developments within the Wonderland transit-oriented development district, which is bounded by Chester Avenue to the south, Ocean Avenue to the east, Revere Street to the north and MBTA railroad right-of-way to the west.


    GSF = gross square feet

    NA = not applicable

    SF = square feet

(C.O.06-41 §§ 4—6; C.O. 04-14 § 4; C.O. 01-76 § 43, 44, 45, 46; C.O. 97-105 § 42; C.O. 93-30 § 6; C.O. 91-23 § 3; C.O. 88-49 §§ 8, 17(c), 1988; C.O. 87-340 § 1; C.O. 87-136B § 2; C.O. 83-508A § 4; C.O. 85-4A § 16(M); C.O. 83-3 § 17-7(B); C.O. 10-37, § 3, 3-22-2010; C.O. 13-279/CZ-13-06, § 9, 12-9-2013)