§ 17.28.050. Driveways.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    In the RA, RA1, RB, RB1, RC and RC3 districts, driveways shall be a minimum of nine feet in width for one-way traffic and twenty feet in width for two-way traffic.


    In the NB, GB and CB districts, driveways shall be a minimum of twelve feet in width for one-way traffic and twenty-two feet in width for two-way traffic.


    In the RC1 and RC2 districts, driveways shall be a minimum of twelve feet in width for one-way traffic and twenty-four feet in width for two-way traffic.


    In the HB, IP, TED, PDD1 and PDD2 districts driveways shall be a minimum of fifteen feet for one-way traffic and thirty feet for two-way traffic.


    All curb cuts for driveways within the RC, RC1, RC2, RC3, NB, GB, CB, HB, IP, LI, TED, PDD1 and PDD2 districts and for any apartment or commercial uses within the RA, RA1, RB or RB1 districts shall be finished with granite curb butts with a minimum radius of fifteen feet.


    For the purpose of this section, single and two-family uses in any district shall have a minimum driveway of nine feet in width and a maximum of twenty feet in width.

(C.O.97-105 § 43; C.O. 91-88 § 3 (part))