§ 17.36.042. Requirement for standing accessory sign.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Standing signs that are allowed as of right or special permit shall be affixed to the ground, and in no instance shall they be allowed on or on top of a building. Further, standing signs that are allowed by right or special permit may only be located on the lot or lots where the business use advertised by the standing accessory sign is located; and in all instances, the standing accessory sign shall be placed at the furthest point away from any directly abutting residential lots, consistent with all other regulations required by this title. Residential lots across the street from the area in question shall not be construed as an abutting residential lot.


    Standing accessory signs shall conform to the following dimensional criteria. (See Section 17.16.251 for the dimensional controls relating to standing accessory signs allowed by special permit in the residential RC, RC1, RC2 and NB districts):


    All portions of a standing accessory sign shall be at least five feet from any public walkway, and where none exists, at least ten feet from any public roadway.


    The topmost height of any accessory sign in the general business and central business districts shall not exceed thirty feet, and shall have a clearance from ground level of at least nine feet.


    The area of the standing accessory sign, whether permitted as of right or special permit shall not exceed twenty-five percent of the area of a building wall where an attached accessory sign would be or is placed.


    In cases where this is unclear, the twenty-five-percent area shall be determined by the facade that bears the legal address of the building in question.


    Standing accessory signs are allowed in addition to attached accessory signs providing that they can meet all the criteria set forth in this title.

(C.O.97-105 § 48; C.O. 83-508A § 2 (part))