§ 17.36.060. Accessory signs in business and industrial districts.  

Latest version.
  • Accessory signs in all business and industrial districts shall comply with the following requirements:


    Attached signs:


    The sign shall be firmly affixed to a building.


    The sign shall not project beyond the face of any wall of the building, or above the top of the wall to which it is attached or be located on the roof of any building.


    The sign shall not project more than twelve inches, in the case of a sign parallel with the wall, or five feet in the case of a sign projecting perpendicular from the wall, from the face of the wall to which is attached.


    Perpendicular signs shall have a clearance from ground level of at least nine feet.


    Size: The area of the sign or signs shall not exceed fifteen percent of the area of the wall on which the sign is located.


    Number: There shall be not more than two exterior signs for each business establishment except that if there is more than one public entrance to any such business establishment, there may be one additional secondary sign for each such entrance; provided, that the aggregate area of all such secondary signs shall not exceed six square feet.


    Building directories: In addition to the sign or signs provided for elsewhere in this section, one directory of the business establishments occupying a building may be affixed to the exterior wall of the building at each public entrance to the building. Such directory shall not exceed an area determined on the basis of one square foot for each establishment occupying the building.

(C.O.83-3 § 17-8(F))