§ 17.52.030. Petitions.  

Latest version.
  • All petitions or appeals for variances shall be filed by the petitioner with the city clerk, who shall forthwith transmit a copy thereof to the board of appeals. Petitions shall specify, as appropriate:


    The grounds of the appeal, the specific subsections of this title or the specific decision from which the appeal is made, applied under or to be varied;


    The land, buildings or parts thereof for which the variance is sought, and the duration of time for which it is to apply, whether in terms of a stated number of years, the life of the existing building or otherwise; and


    Shall be accompanied by such data, plans and specifications as are required by this title or by the board of appeals for the purpose of a clear understanding by the board of the issues, situations or facts of the case.

(C.O.83-3 § 17-3(C)(1)(part))