§ 1.04.030. Continuation of existing ordinances—General repeal.  

Latest version.
  • So far as the provisions of these Revised Ordinances are the same in effect as those of the Revised Ordinances of the City of Revere, 1972, and of other previously existing ordinances, they shall be construed as a continuation of such ordinances; but, subject to such limitations and the provisions of the next section, all other ordinances of the city of a general and permanent nature in force on the moment of the taking effect of these Revised Ordinances are hereby repealed; but this repeal shall not apply to nor affect any ordinance adopted before these Revised Ordinances accepting or adopting the provisions of any statute of the commonwealth; nor shall such repeal affect any ordinance or resolution promising or guaranteeing the payment of money for the city or authorizing the issuance of any bonds of the city or any evidence of the city's indebtedness, or any contract or obligation assumed by the city; nor shall the repeal affect the administrative ordinances or resolutions of the city council not in conflict or inconsistent with the provisions of this revision; nor shall it affect ordinances relative to the zoning map; nor shall if affect any right or franchise conferred by any ordinance or resolution of the city council to any person.

(C.O.83-52 § 2; prior revision § 1-2)